100 Audio Daily Biblical Declaration to Supercharge for 360 degrees of Healing Deliverance and Restoration in all Facet of your LIFE!

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100 Audio Daily Biblical Declaration to Supercharge for 360 degrees of Healing Deliverance and Restoration in all Facet of your LIFE!

Healing, Deliverances and Restoration 360 degrees miracle audio message

100 Audio Daily Biblical Declaration to Supercharge for 360 degrees of Healing Deliverance and Restoration in all Facet of your LIFE!
Healing is the children’s bread

100 Audio Daily Biblical Declaration to Supercharge for 360 degrees of Healing Deliverance and Restoration in all Facet of your LIFE!- Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, following the above message, please find attached the audio version. Is there anyone sick, unwell or troubled by lives storms? I urge you to listen to this audio message to build up faith by constant confession from your heart.

It will build up your spirit daily to be able position to receive all that God has already made available for you and to you in His word. For the stubborn cases like COVID 19, Cancers or need for a creative miracle, I will suggests you run this for 21 days. Be attentive to changes and celebrate little successes. This will allow the power of God already in and around you to rise to the circumstances or situation to bring a miraculous turn around. As your spirit ignites with God’s, miracles happen.

We know there will be a turn around because God has promised us so.

For those who are in location where you cannot reach them, be the point of contact for them and see the miraculous happen for them also. They do not need to understanding English. All they need is to hear the proclamations! This will work for unbelievers as well. So that they know that there is a God who rules and reins in the affairs of men and needs them to submit their lives to Him which is the greatest miracle of all.

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All that I can do, you can do for yourself and others. Only if you can allow your spirit to rise up to take the children’s bread freely in faith in the name of Jesus Christ.

You will testify to the glory of the most high God – the healer, the deliverer and the restorer. Be hungry for it and be angry with the creator of destruction.

I am exercising the agreement I had with God in the secret place.

And please testify as miracles happen to solidify your turnaround because God needs your praises and worship and our encouragement because we are standing on these words which must come BACK with testimonies for His glory because our God is looking for vessels that He can show Himself mighty through and we have made ourselves available. This will also encourage others who have weak spirit to become stronger as they wait on Him for the miraculous in Jesus name, amen.

We excited about the stubborn cases doctors have given up on.

Doctors in the house, also share with your patients that are willing while you do your thing, allow God to do His thing.

Remember, in the darkest hours of our lives, that is when the atmosphere for miracle is ripe if we can connect with Him through His word. We are just willing and available vessels for the masters use. Same brethren of a, mighty, mighty God!

I am led by the Spirit of God to do this. In full obedience, I am yielded to doing this. So, in full obedience, you must connect through the attached audio declaration media content for wholeness in Jesus name, greatest physician, yesterday, today and forever, amen.

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360 audio declaration

To listen via podcast, follow this link: https://anchor.fm/otakada.org/episodes/Enough-is-Enough-to-CAPTIVITY-of-the-devil–Welcome-to-FREEDOM-in-Christ-Jesus—Activation-part-3-er5bu4

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Amb Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe

Otakada Cyber Church ministries Inc

Originally posted on February 27, 2021 @ 2:48 pm

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