#prayer #fasting #continentOceania #intercession #makedisciples #inheritance #disciples #nations #country
February 9th of February 2022
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Title: Prayer and Fasting for the Continent of Oceania – Wednesday, 9th of February 2022
Hello Friends, we set aside every Wednesday to intercede in prayer and fasting for the continent of Oceania.
Jesus said in “Luke 18:1
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
18 Also [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not to [a]turn coward (faint, lose heart, and give up)
For those of you in the group who are from that beautiful continent, we want to make the Oceania group as interactive as possible.
So, If you have any contribution to make in specific prayer focus areas for the continent, kindly make them available or you can message privately.
Today, we are praying with some specific scriptures focusing on five (5) core areas and continue to expound on these five as follows:
*1) The Earth is the Lords*
Affirming the the earth and indeed Oceania inclusive is the Lord and the fullness there off, the world and those who dwell in it, establishing it upon the waters using Psalm 24:1-10.
Why is this important? When you are confident of the owner of a thing, and His capacity to perform in wonderous way beyond our wildest imagination, then our faith or our trust in Him goes way up to solicit His intervention in five spheres with Oceania, namely – in the individual lives, in Families, in Communities, in Churches, in the states, government, country or nation as a whole asking for God’s kingdom or ways of doing things, accepting that we have failed when we try to run things ourselves without His involvement and asking for His ways of doing things that will illicit His glory and blessings.
So, Father, thank you for this beautiful continent, full of beautiful people. Thank You for establishing the continent of Oceania according to the pattern as set forth in heaven. We ask that it be established on earth according to your design in heaven in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
*2) Earth as in inheritance and the people for a possession unto our God*
God has called us to ask of Him and He will give us the nations as an inherence for Him and the people for a possession for Him. This is according to Psalm 2:1-12.
God can do nothing on earth, except in response to heartfelt prayers to God by God’s people – People who have sworn their allegiance and life to Him.
God said that the earth realm He has given to the sons of men. This includes both sexes. Both male and female. You can get that account in Psalm 115:16 and Jesus came to confirm that when He took the authority over the earth realm from Satan and handed over to us in Matthew 28:18 because Adam gave the lease over the earth to Satan when he disobeyed God.
Understand that whoever you submit to becomes your master.
In Christ, and Christ alone (John 14:6;Acts 4:12-14) we have regained that authority and the responsibility is on us to exercise that authority – Bringing heaven’s plans and purposes to bear fruit on earth. In this case Oceania.
Father, we ask of You to give us the continent of Oceania as an inheritance unto You and the people for a possession unto You so that when we exercise authority in Christ, we can change destinies in the individuals, in families, in the Communities, in the churches, in the government all across the continent of Oceania by wresting the authority out of the hands of the realm of wickedness, the prince of the power of the air, ruled by Satan and his dark kingdom.
Thank You Father, for giving us this continent and we take authority over the airwaves, over media, over the seas, over the bottom of the seas, over the realm of weather, over the wealth of deep and we establish this in righteous for Your righteous cause so that when fruits begin to abide, all glory will be Yours and Yours alone in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
*3) Every Knee will bow unto God*
As long as You live, Lord, You said every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You, oh God, are God over all flesh according to Isaiah 45:18-24.
We declare to every knee to bow to Your Lordship in the entire continent of Oceania in the mighty name of Jesus Christ because that is the essence of life, because that is the realm where Your plans, Your purpose and Your pursuits flourishes in the lives of Your people.
Thank for causing this to happen even now in Jesus’ name, amen
*4) Then the end will come*
This world will not end until every soul, hears the good news of the kingdom, Oceania inclusive as written elaborately in Matthew 24: 1-14.
Father, we declare that every corner of Oceania will hear the good news of the kingdom.. the good news that You first loved us and demonstrated that love through the supreme sacrifice of your Son – Jesus Christ, and called us back into and unto You like it was was before the fall in the garden. Because no forgiveness happens without the shedding of blood- Hebrews 9:22.
Thank You for sending Your Son, in the likeness of man to fulfill and pay in full, once and for all eternity, for everyone, who will accept Your Son and that supreme sacrifice, the only way to come back to You because You Lord cannot behold sin.
Thank You for the covering which the blood of Your Son has provided for us to access Your presence, boldly to find help in time of need to fulfill that need in our soul to connect back to You in a loving, agape relationship. Hebrews 4:16
We speak over the continent of Oceania, that the message of the kingdom will find expression in every corner of this beautiful continent in the name of Jesus Christ and lives shall be converted into and unto You across the five realms we are interceding for in Jesus name, amen
*5)Make disciples*
Finally, Father, we are commanded to go make disciples of all nations as confirmed in Matthew 28:16-20. And as we do this, believers we cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, cause COVID 19 and any virus for that matter to die to their root. Speak to storms both of life and of the elements of the earth to become still according to Mark 16:15-20 and confirm that You, Jesus will be with us to the very end. We decree and declare that disciple making is flourishing all across Oceania in the name of Jesus Christ, across-the-board – Individuals, Families, Communities, Churches and institutions both private and public in the name of Jesus Christ, we command that everything that has gone south, or bad or decaying, (Romans 8:19) we command to come back to life now in Jesus name, amen.
We Declare that righteousness reigns and rules over the continent of Oceania and around the world in Jesus name, amen
*_P.S – If you have personal prayer needs, please share either here or through private chat._*
Share wide so that others can join in the sessions!
SHALOM to you all
Ambassador Oreojo Monday OGBE
*God’s Eagle Ministries,*.. _where we are seeding the nations with God’s word and God is Transforming lives through His timeless truth!_
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