#AcceptingOthers #loveForOthers #transformation #love #acceptance #Attitude #joy #happiness #humility #selfishness #WhatWillJesusDo? #JesusChrist #commitment #student #otakada.org #OtakadaNo.12,275
3rdof June 2018 Link to blog: http://www.otakada.org/accepting-others-in-love-could-transform-the-world-around-us or https://shop.otakada.org/accepting-others-in-love-could-transform-the-world-around-us![]()
Title – Accepting Others In Love Could Transform The World Around Us – What Will Jesus Do?
Scriptures for Discovery: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves” (Romans 12:10)
“Accept Others Just As Christ Accepted You” Romans 15:7
1Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? 2 Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. 4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.
5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Philippians 2:1-5
Questions: What truth are you learning from above scriptures? What commitments can you make to obey? Who would you share these with this week? Download Study in Arabic and Chinese here
True Stories: Read and watch video on how Paul (A), Miss Connie (B) display acceptance to their students with lasting impacts! And See Partnership Opportunities with Otakada.org (C)
A) Paul Tournier was a brilliant thinker and writer, and an influential Christian therapist during his time.
Doctors from around the world traveled to his home in Switzerland to learn from him. He wrote, “It is a little embarrassing for students to come over and study my ‘techniques.’ They always go away disappointed, because all I do is accept people.”
B)Miss Connie help Jazal Discovers True Peace and Identity
“Everything that we did and everything that we believed built on that foundation of knowing who we are as Muslims.”
Jazal grew up in a family who demanded strict adherence to the Koran and Islamic faith. For her, it was the only way to earn her parents’ love.
“I believed staying true to Islam was something that my parents and I would bond over. So, if I did as they requested for me to do, like going to the mosque with them and participating in Ramadan fasting, it would bring us closer.”
But none of those things brought Jazal’s family closer together. In fact, her parents fought constantly.
“Sometimes I would wake up and I would have to leave the house with my mom in the middle of the night. I could go to bed thinking everything is fine and wake up the next morning and it was disaster.”
As for Jazal, her prayers to Allah offered little comfort.
“Allah seemed just really distant from me and didn’t really feel as though I was being listened to. I felt more of like I was going through the motions, not really feeling anything in return from God, any love or support or hope. I wanted that peace that people keep talking about that Islam represents and I didn’t ever feel that.”
When Jazal was a senior in high school, her father ended the marriage and her mother started a new family.
‘“After I went through all that with my family, I just kind of felt like I wasn’t worthy of any affection or love. And so, I looked for it from my parents and didn’t get it. And it kind of was a reminder, ‘Hey, Jazal, you’re not that –you’re not that great. If you were great your family wouldn’t have left you behind.’ The thought of the future, even the thought of tomorrow, the very next day, would just bring me into a panic because I just never knew what was going to happen.”’
During college, she started working part-time at a private school. By then, Jazal’s anxiety was triggering debilitating panic attacks.
“Imagine you see a car about to hit you that’s not slowing down or trying to stop. It was just like that but all the time. I thought that I was going to die. My heart rate would just increase. I would start sweating and just, I felt darkness. Like a dark cloud over my head.”
During those times, it wasn’t Allah that gave Jazal comfort; it was the school’s administrator, Connie, who was a Christian.
‘“Whenever I would have panic attacks at work, she would pray with me. I would feel a lot of peace, and I never felt that way when I finished praying my Islamic prayers. I was like, ‘What is Miss Connie doing–what does she have that I don’t have? Whatever it is, I want it.”’
Connie invited her to church, but what Jazal saw and heard there wasn’t what she expected.
‘“During that service, I learned about atonement, how Jesus died for our sins. As a Muslim, I didn’t really even understand why Jesus had died. It was just kinda like, ‘Hmm, maybe this is true.’ It gave me something extra to think about. Parts of the Koran were already wrong about what Christians believed, so it wasn’t representing Christianity in its truth, so it just kind of made me question a lot, a lot more.”’
Jazal wrestled with her doubts. A few days later, she had the worst panic attack she’d ever experienced
‘“I was like, “Maybe I should try what Miss Connie did. Maybe I should try praying. So, I started off, you know, praying like she did. I tried to model her prayer and say some of the words that I remembered her saying. When I did that, I remember seeing this huge flash of light in front of my face and it was kind of like when you close your eyes and you look at the sun, that orangey glow, seeing that flash of light and feeling an overwhelming huge wave of just peace and love. And I fell immediately asleep and sleep was the last thing on my mind.”’
When she woke up the next morning, Jazal opened a Bible she had received as a gift and began reading it front to back.
“What I found in there was just so much peace. In Isaiah forty-nine, it mentions how God is so loving that even if a mother forgets about their child or abandons their child, that God will never abandon you and that your name is written on his hand. And I very much identified with that, and knowing that God loved me and cared about me in that way, that was something unique to me that I’d never had any sort of inkling about. So, God really showed up, when I needed him the most.”
Over the next few weeks, Jazal studied and compared sources until she was convinced that Jesus is the son of God.
‘“I really came to the knowledge of, ok, Jesus claimed to be God, and if this is true what are the implications of that? The resurrection is not just mentioned in the Bible, the crucifixion isn’t just mentioned in the Bible. There’s historical accounts outside of the bible. That really resonated with me. And knowing that there is history behind it tells me that there’s truth in that. I just said, ‘God, I accept that you are who you say you are. I accept that you’re Jesus and I accept that you are God. And I am sorry for the things that I’ve done that have hurt your heart. I’m just so glad that you’ve brought me to the knowledge of who you are. And I accept you as my God.’ And that was the day that, you know, after that, never again panic in any sort of way. Never again.”’
Today, Jazal shares her new faith with confidence.
“I want everything that I do and I say to represent him, and that gives me such an amazing purpose in life. Because I’m God’s representative here. I get to be his hands and feet and show other people what God’s like and just like Miss Connie showed me, the love of Jesus through her actions and through her prayers with me, I can now do that for other people.”
Jazal also says knowing God cares for her has changed everything.
“Instead of me being fearful for tomorrow, I embrace it and I am running into it. I can no longer think that I’m worthless because if my name is written on God’s hand, as Isaiah forty-nine mentions, then that means that he cares immensely about me, and he’s always thinking about me, and so I need to always think about him.”
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Emmanuel’s Story – Believers Weapons and Now What Next? 8,9 of 9
Matthew 13:25-30 New King James Version (NKJV)
25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”
Emmanuel Amos Eni’s story of deliverance from the power of darkness 8,9 of 9 – Believers Weapons and Now What Next?
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The Believer’s Weapons
« Finally brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil » Ephesians 6: 10-11
« And they overcame him by the blood of
the lamb and by the word of their testimony… »
Revelations 12: 11
I have already said much on this earlier, but just to give a few instances. Please realize that there is POWER in that name of Jesus!There is Power in the Blood of Jesus! The Scripture says: “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also had highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name: That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth and things under the earth: And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2: 8-11). Again the Scripture says: “And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony” (Revelations 12: 11). Let the name “Jesus” always be on your lips! These two, the name and the blood, scatter the plans of Satan, and in fact destroy the strategies of Satan and his agents.
Secondly, you must learn to sing praises to God always. There is power in praises. There was this Pastor – Pastor I.K. (name withheld). He was pastoring a church in Ebute Metta. He became my target and his offences were:
1. He disturbed our peace by carrying out early morning calls i.e. preaching in the early hours.
2. He went about with his megaphone and stationed himself at # 2 Bus-stop along Akintola Road, Ebute Metta. There he would preach. He would not stop at that but would keep binding demons, etc.
3. In his church he would preach, exposing the works of darkness, after which he started binding demons.
4. He prayed a lot.
5. He was always singing and praising God.
I sent my messengers to him but they could not kill him so I decided to carry out the mission myself. On the said day, I saw him walking along the new G.R.A. A thing worth mentioning here about this Pastor is: any time we went for him, we would see pillars of cloud by his right and left hands, walking along with him, so these hindered us. But this particular day I saw nothing, so I was doubly sure my mission would be very successful. I commanded rain to fall to enable me to strike him with thunder. The rain started and the thundering began. All the trees in the area started losing their branches, but this Pastor was singing joyfully. I still remember the chorus: “In Jesus Name every knee shall bow.”
As he continued with this chorus the rain stopped, the thundering ceased. There appeared immediately two angels, one of each side, with flaming swords. Their eyes and the swords were like flames of fire. Then a strong wind carried me away and I found myself in another town! In fact I was baffled, but because we were so hardened, what I said was: “This man has escaped again!” The Pastor did not know the spiritual war that was fought on his behalf. So, you can see, the child of God is well secured. When the Bible says: “Nothing shall by any means hurt you,” it means what it says!
The second testimony is about a Christian who boarded the same taxi with me. He was very zealous and started distributing Gospel tracts inside taxi. When he gave me the tract I rejected it. He started preaching. So I became disturbed and knocked him with the ring on my finger. That was to kill him. This boy shouted: “The blood of Jesus!” Immediately lightning and fire and an angel appeared. A strong wind again removed me with great force out of the taxi and into the thick jungle. Had it not been that I was a man backed by evil powers I could have got lost in the jungle. The Christian did not know the war that went on his behalf. All he knew, including the other passengers, was that I had disappeared from the taxi!
The name of Jesus or the Blood of Jesus in the mouth of the believer sends out fire etc. The Scripture says: “The Name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18: 10).
Dear reader, if you are a child of God, remember that God has magnified His word above all His name (Psalms 138: 2), therefore confess the Word (the Word of God) believing that what you said shall come to pass, and it shall be so. That is God’s promise!
Again I would like to mention here that you can only confess what you know. The Scripture enjoins us to delight in the Word of God, meditating on it day and night. (Psalms 1:2) For you to rightly divide the Word of Truth, you must know it. Colossians 3: 16 says: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.” Again Psalm 1: 1-3 says: “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night. And he also shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in his season; his leaf shall not wither; and whatsoever he doth shall prosper.” Get close to your Bible; pray without ceasing; have a singing heart and stand, exercise the authority given to you by the Lord Jesus Christ!
Now What Next?
« The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say,
“Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes,
let him take the free gift of the water of life. »
Revelations 22: 17
Having read through this testimony, you need no further preaching to give your life to Jesus Christ. The Scripture says: “The thief (Satan) cometh not but for to steal, to kill and to destroy. I (Jesus Christ) have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10: 10).
Satan hates you and has devised various means of taking you to hell with him. That, you can testify from this testimony. If Satan makes a promise to you or even gives you a gift, know that it is ill-intentioned. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. God called him your enemy, why not believe God and His Word?
It is not by accident that you came across this testimony. Examine yourself and make sure you are in Christ. You will only succeed in deceiving yourself if you choose to remain a ‘church goer‘ and worst of all, if you still decide to put up an nonchalant attitude to this most important decision of your life.
We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. If you are not yet saved, that means if according to the Word of God you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior yet, following by water baptism by immersion, we encourage you to do so without delay.
Tomorrow may be too late. Hebrew 3:15
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Temptation and Victory
After my conversion to Christ, the first thing that happened was all the gifts from the sea, the telescope, the T.V., shirts, photographs I snapped inside the sea laboratories and the photograph of the Queen of the Coast which were displayed in my flat vanished.
On returning to Port Harcourt, I had the urge to testify what the Lord had done for me but was not allowed in the church. My late uncle’s wife, who is also a Christian, took me to one of the pastors, but the question he asked was: “Did he bring the paper?” It was later that I understood that the paper he meant was a ‘membership letter.’ What has membership letter to do with my testifying the power of Christ and what He has done for me- God, translating me from the power of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son, in whom I have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of my sins?
I was sad, having known that Satan does not allow young converts to go about testifying, especially those who previously were deeply involved in his activities, and would do everything to stop such testimonies. Again I remembered, the Lord clearly instructed me to “go and testify what I have done for you” and here I was faced with rejection. Perhaps it was not yet time. So I decided to shelve giving my testimony to anyone. I traveled with three traders from Aba to Togo for a business trip. There I bought goods worth N160,000 (One Hundred and Sixty Thousand Naïra). Out of this amount my personal money was N70,000 while the remaining N90,000 was borrowed from traders in Aba. Amongst the things I bought were bundles of laces, assorted drugs (especially antibiotics), injections, thermometers, etc. At the Nigerian border, we were held by the Customs and later were asked to pay some bribe. We refused and the goods were seized including those belonging to my colleagues. A few months later, those belonging to my colleagues were released, except mine. I went back later and was asked to pay N40,000, but on checking the goods I discovered that all the valuable goods, bundles of laces, injections, drugs, etc., were already stolen. I assessed the remaining goods and knew that paying N40,000 to the Customs would only increase the loss, so I decided to forego the remaining goods.
The traders whose money I borrowed started chasing me. Some called the police, others took the laws into their hands and planned to do away with my life. The only solution was to close my Bank accounts and use all the money I had to settle all the debts. By God’s grace, I paid all except N1,000 meant for my landlord in Lagos. I went completely bankrupt and would borrow even 20k for taxi fare.
I went to a few business Christians I knew then, to seek for help to enable me start afresh. None said yes or no, rather I would be asked to come the following day repeatedly until I would be tired or find help. I did not know the Word of God and with all the confusion in my heart, I would read the Bible and would not understand. Still contemplating on what to do, I received an urgent call from my village. I rushed home and found that the little building I was setting up had been pulled down by my uncle who was also present and threatened to kill me. The old nature in me was challenged. I remembered when I was with the secret society, how he dreaded me and would go on his knees before me. But now he knew I was a changed man (how he knew I did not know as I had not traveled home since my conversion) and he now threatened me. I called on the Lord and said: “So you saved me to leave me frustrated and to allow my enemies to rejoice over me!” I wept and decided to go back to the society.
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At least I would be saved from all the confusion and would also teach my uncle a lesson he would never forget all his life. Although I took the decision, I had two prominent fears within me:
I was so confused and I needed help. I was ignorant of the Word of God and never knew what the Word says in respect of the above. Dear reader, you will realize here that I had all these confusions because of lack of follow-up as a young convert. Follow-up for young converts is very important and Christians should take this seriously. If you know you cannot follow-up your converts, please do not go out for witnessing. Jesus Christ emphasized this three times when he asked Peter: “Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me more than these?… Feed my lambs.” Many converts backslide because of lack of proper follow- up. If you love Jesus, take care of His lambs!
The Battle with Satan’s Agents
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During this period the Queen of the Coast’s agents started pursuing me. I suffered greatly in their hands. I had nightmares. On the 1st of May 1985, a month after my conversion, at about 2.00 a.m., others in the house were asleep. I was awakened by these agents. They commanded me to walk out of the house. I obeyed, walked out and they followed behind. It was all happening like a dream but this was in reality. We moved on to the burial ground by St. Paul’s Anglican church, off Aba Road, Port Harcourt.
On reaching there they said: “You must come back. If you refuse we will kill you or make you a destitute.” After this instruction they left. I regained my senses and wondered how I came into the burial ground. I went back to bed and slept. They decided attacking me in the afternoons. At times, while walking along the road they would fight me. Others around would see me fighting with the air or see me running as if being pursued. I alone would be seeing them. This they did for four times and stopped. Then their leader, the Queen of the Coast, took over. The first day she came in a car and parked beside our house. She was well dressed and as usually very beautiful. People around took her to be my girlfriend. Immediately she came in I knew who she was. She came at about 12.00 noon when the whole area was less busy. She sat down and among other things said: “You can go to your church, believe whatever you want to believe, but if only you will not reveal me, I will give you anything you need in this life.” I had not known the Scriptures so I only listened and watched her walk. She pleaded and tried to persuade me to come back to her. I never said yes or no to her. She stood up, walked into her car and drove off.
About two times my uncle’s wife entertained her without knowing who she was and I never told my uncle’s wife who the lady was. During her last visit she changed her approach. This time she gave me a stern warning saying that she had tried during these visits to persuade me to come back to her and that I had been very stubborn, and that this was her last visit. If I still refuse to come back, she would come to me in August and would either kill me, or disfigure me or make me destitute. With this she left.
I was afraid, so one day I went to the church and called out a brother. I told him my problems and my observations on some members of the church, etc. This brother gave me the SCRIPTURE UNION’S (S.U.) office address and told me: “There you will find help.”Incidentally that was the last day I saw this “brother.” I have never seen him anywhere in Port Harcourt up till date. I took the address and the following day, took a taxi to No. 108 Bonny Street, where the office is and met the typist who gave me the quarterly program of activities of the S.U. Rumuomasi Pilgrims Group, being the one nearest to me. She said: “Come on Sunday!” I was there at the Fellowship Centre – St. Michael’s State School, Rumuomasi – at 2.00 p.m., not knowing that the fellowship starts at 3.00 p.m., but I met the prayer band, so I joined them.
After the fellowship that day I knew this was the right place for me. God provided me with a Christian lady, whom I took as a mother, who took interest in explaining the Word of God to me and counseled me as well. The brethren became very interested in me and cared. I saw real love. The Holy Spirit began giving me understanding of the Word and my faith grew. But the Queen of the Coast did not show up as she threatened. Psalm 91, God’s protection, was fulfilled in my life. Isaiah 54:17: “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, said the Lord.” This also was fulfilled.
September 1985, I received a message that my name appeared as a distributor with the Silver Brand Cement, Lagos and that I was expected to report at the office on 27/9/85. I left Port Harcourt on 26/9/85 and arrived in Lagos in the night. The following morning 27/9/85, I went into the office only to be told by the Personnel Manager that my allocation had been assigned to someone else. He asked me to repeat the following day 28/9/85 to see the Managing Director. On my way back to my flat, passing through a path, someone came from behind and gripped me and tried to suffocate me i.e. held my nose and mouth together. I struggled for life and while people passed by, none came to my rescue, but the Lord intervened. While I still struggled with the hands I heard her shout and pushed me away saying: “Who is that person behind you?” She repeated a second time and disappeared. From the voice I knew it was a woman but never saw who she was. I was dazed and staggered to my flat.
Here again my landlord was very furious and said: “Why did you run away with the money of my rent?” I pleaded with him and tried to explain that presently I was not working and would pay all his money as soon I had money. With the way he consented I thought this matter was settled. The following day 28/9/85, I went back to the office and met the Managing Director who apologized for having given my allocation to another. While he was still talking a young man walked in and asked me: “Are you not Emmanuel?” I said: “Yes, I am.” He said: “Yes, we have got you at last! Have you finished running? We have visited Port Harcourt several times and found that you were always with your spiritual mother. She had been a stumbling block to us and now that you have come to Lagos we have caught you! You can never go back to Port Harcourt. I am the one that took your allocation.” I challenged him and told him: “You can’t do anything!” The Managing Director was surprised at what was happening in his office. I excused myself and left for the flat.
Few minutes later I heard a knock on my door and NINA entered. She asked me if I was going back to Port Harcourt. I answered yes. She pleaded with me to come back to them and that the jobs I was particularly trained for were still lying unaccomplished: KOTIPARI (in the Yoruba language). I had been trained:
She said, if I accompanied her, what awaited me was double promotion and many blessings. She confessed they were responsible for my goods being seized and stolen, also that they instigated my uncle to destroy my building and to threaten my life. That if I refuse following her, they would do more and make sure that I did not prosper. That they had decided to fight my spiritual mother: “If we get her, we’ve got you” she said. At that, I started preaching to her. She stood up and said: “They are deceiving you,” and left. This took place in the evening of 28/9/85.
Not quite fifteen minutes she left I heard another knock. This time they were four men. They beckoned on me to come out and I saw myself going along with them. We walked up to about 2 poles and one of them asked me: “Do you know us?” I said no. He continued: “We have been hired by your landlord to kill you.” While he was still speaking one among them brought out a gun and another brought out a dagger. I was defenseless and knew that they would kill me, but God in His supernatural manner performed a miracle that surprised both myself and themselves. The man with the gun fired at me but there was no sound. The man with the dagger used it on my back but it never penetrated rather it sounded like using a rod on someone. They were as frightened as I was. The Spirit of God came on me and I started preaching. Three of them ran away, but the fourth man broke down and started weeping and pleaded that I should pray for him. I did not even know what to pray at that time but only said: “Lord, please forgive, forget and pardon him. Amen!” He gave his life to Christ so I took him to a Pentecostal church and explained what happened to the Pastor. I handed him over to the Pastor and left. As I walked into the house the landlord ran out and on his knees started pleading and said: “Please forgive me. I thought you decided to run away to Port Harcourt because of my money (N1,000).” I forgave him and we finally agreed that the money be paid by installments.
That same night, about 2:00 a.m. the Lord woke me up. I did not know why I woke up so I walked to the living room and what I saw was a large tortoise facing me. Immediately I remembered the Bible study we had in Port Harcourt, about the power in the word. I then spoke these words: “Tortoise, since I was born, the home of the tortoise is either the bush or the sea, but for coming into my house while windows and doors are locked you have sinned, and for this you must die.” As soon as I said this it vanished. I went back to the room and slept. A second time again, I woke up and heard some noise in the living room. I went and there standing before me was a horrible looking vulture. I repeated the same words and as soon as I said: “For committing this sin you must die,” it vanished also. During this Lagos trip I saw God’s goodness, greatness and faithfulness.
The following morning 29/9/85, I took a luxurious bus to Port Harcourt. Reaching Ore, the bus ran onto a tree. It got damaged but no one was hurt. The driver pulled it out back to the road and as he drove along, the bus started swerving from one side of the road to another. I remembered NINA’s threats, so I stood up in the bus, preached to the passengers and concluded by saying: “It is because of me that these accidents are happening. But from now on, there shall be no more accidents until we get to Port Harcourt, in Jesus’ name!” And I sat down. In fact, when I sat down, I wondered at what I had said. And so it was. The vehicle moved smoothly to Port Harcourt. No more accidents or breakdowns. The Scripture rightly says: “Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by Me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake” (Isaiah 54: 15). They (the Queen of the Coast and her agents) tried, but because their gathering was not unto the Lord but against His child, they all stumbled and fell. “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of God shall lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59: 19). I give God all the glory for showing Himself strong on my behalf.
My Encounter with Jesus Christ
In the month of February 1985, we had our normal meeting in the sea, after which I decided to travel to Port Harcourt in Rivers State, to visit my late uncle’s wife. I met a man called Anthony. He has a workshop at Nwaja Junction, along Trans-Amadi Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. He sent for me and since in our society we have a law never to refuse calls, I decided to answer his call. I went to him in the afternoon on a Thursday of that week. He started by saying God has given him a message for me. He brought out his Bible and started preaching. There were three other Christians seated (a male and two females). He continued his preaching for a long time and I wasn’t sure I heard all he said. He asked me to kneel down for prayers. I obeyed and quietly knelt down.
Immediately he started his prayers. I was knocked down by the spirit of God and I fell flat. I struggled up and stood like an iron. I destroyed the iron chairs inside the workshop. I looked outside and saw three of our secret society members, a man and two girls. They came in human form and moved towards the door but because of the power of God they could not enter.
I am sure the alarm in the sea alerted them of the trouble and with the T.V. they knew where the problem was and had sent the ‘powerless’ rescue team. This always happens when any member runs into trouble. While the two Christian men pulled me down on my knees, the girls continued praying and binding the demons, but they were not specific. They asked me if I believed in Jesus Christ, I said nothing. They asked me to call the name of Jesus, I refused. They asked me my own name and I told them. They struggled for hours and released me to go. No spirit was removed from me, so I went out the same way as when I came in.
The Church Events
The following day being Friday, I was invited by the same Anthony to attend their night vigil at the Assemblies of God church, Silver Valley, Port Harcourt. I accepted this invitation because attending church services to cause slumber and confusion was part of our assignments. The program started with choruses. We sang until one of the members raised a popular chorus by a particular Christian Band, of the powerlessness of other powers except Jesus’ power.
Then I started laughing. I laughed because when in the spirit I looked into their lives almost three quarters of the people singing this chorus were living in sin. I knew that because of the sins in their lives, they were exposed and could be harmed seriously by these powers. It is important that Christians obey the word of God and not allow besetting sins to remain in their lives. In that service we were four from the sea and were singing and clapping with them. Again I want to stress here that when a service is started,members should be advised first to confess their sins, then go into a period of real praises to God. This will make an agent of Satan present very uncomfortable and in fact escape for his/her life.
In this particular service we were very comfortable and even went into operation. Many started sleeping, choruses were sung weakly and things went zig-zag. Brother Anthony had already told them about me so at about 2.00 a.m. they called me out to pray for me. As soon as I came out to the front they started pleading the blood of Jesus. I stopped them and said: “It is not pleading the blood that is the solution. I am a deep secret society member. If you agree that you can deliver me, then will I kneel down.” These words I spoke were not premeditated. The blood of Jesus scares the demons and protects the believer, but does not bind demons. Binding of demons only takes place when the Christian uses his authority and gives the command.
They agreed and I knelt down. At that point a sister led by the Sprit of God shouted and said: “If you are not worthy, do not come near!” I am sure many did not understand what she meant. It is dangerous for a Christian living in sin to cast out demons. Many withdrew and a few came out to pray for me. As they started with “In Jesus name,” I heard a big bang inside me and fell on the floor. Immediately the flying demon in me went into action. I started running with my chest. Anybody possessed with this flying demon is always very wicked and dangerous. The brethren never saw what was happening spiritually. I was running because of the stronger power in the room.
Two opposing forces went into action and the atmosphere changed. I suddenly stood up and became very violent etc. A demon went out of me and possessed a boy in their midst and he started fighting them, trying to rescue me. The brethren never wasted time with him rather they took him and others who were afraid to the church vestry and locked them inside. This continued till 7.00 a.m. I was physically exhausted and became quiet, so the brethren gathered around me again and started shouting: “Name them!” “Who are they?” etc. I kept quiet. After waiting for a long time and I said nothing, they were deceived to believe that I was delivered. They prayed and we dismissed. I was so physically weak that I found it difficult to walk out of the church. But something happened, for as soon as I walked out of the church and crossed the road, I became very strong physically. Perhaps some of the demons that left came back. I became very angry and decided to take vengeance on the church. “This people had insulted me” I said to myself, and for this insult I was going back to Lagos and get more powers with others as wicked as myself, and then come back to Port Harcourt to take vengeance on ALL the members of the Assembly of God, Silver Valley.
En Route to Lagos
On getting to my uncle’s wife house, I told them I was leaving for Lagos immediately. I refused to be persuaded to stay and I took a taxi to Mile 3 motor park where I took a taxi for Onitsha. My intention was to stop at Onitsha, see a friend and then proceed to Lagos. At Mile 3 we took off and on getting to Omagwe, at the International Airport Junction, I heard a voice calling me by my native name “NKEM.” I turned around to see if there was a known face in the taxi but there was none. Who could this be? Only my late mother calls me by that name, all others including the spirit world knew me as Emmanuel.
While I was still wondering, the voice came again: “NKEM, are you going to betray me again?” I did not recognize the voice but the voice continued asking me: “Are you going to betray me again?” Suddenly I had severe fever. The heat that came out of my body was so high that the other passengers felt it. One of them asked me: “Mr., were you well at-all before traveling?” I told them I was well and that I never had even a headache before leaving Port Harcourt.
At Umuakpa in Owerri, I collapsed inside the taxi. The next I knew was that two men, tall and huge, came to take me, one on my left and the other on my right, and they never spoke a word to me. They led me through a very rough road with bottles and metals. As we moved along, these bottles and metals gave cuts and I started crying but these men still did not say a word. We moved on and came out to an express road. It was here one of them spoke and said: “You are a wanted man!” and we continued. We moved on to a very large and long building that looked like a Conference Hall. As soon as we climbed the pavement a voice from inside said: “Take him in!”They took me in and disappeared, leaving me alone.
What I saw inside this hall is difficult to explain, but I will try to explain as much as I can. The hall was well decorated and so large and long that one finds it difficult to see the end of it. I walked to the middle and then was able to see the end. At the end was an altar. I saw a moon and stars surrounding the sun. Then I saw a throne and seated on it was a very handsome man with a garment shining like the sun. He said: “Come!” But because of His brightness I could not go. Whenever I tried to move a leg I would fall.
I stood up, tried again and fell. Suddenly a moon came out of the throne where He was sitting and moved on the ceiling right up where I stood. Then two hands came out of the moon, held my head, shook me and my physical body pulled off, like pulling off a dress. And the real me stood. The hands folded it as if folding a cloth and dropped it at the corner. The moon then moved back to the throne and then He that sat on it said again: “Come!”
The Spiritual Cleansing
I walked to a point and He stepped out of the throne to me, removed my legs one after another and poured out what was inside them and fixed them back. He did the same with my hands and put them back, in fact all the places the Queen of the Coast kept powers. I wondered in my mind, who can this be and how did He know the spots these things were kept. After this He went back to His throne and asked me to come. As I started walking, certain objects started falling from my body, scales fell from my eyes, etc., but before I got to the altar it stopped. “WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” He asked.
I answered and said: “I am going to Onitsha to see a friend.” He said: “Yes, but I will show you what you have in your mind.” Up till this moment I did not know who He was, but one thing was certain and that was He was more powerful than all the powers I had come across. He beckoned on a man and asked him to show me what I had conceived in my heart. This man took me to a room and opened something like a blackboard. In fact, if there was a way to escape I could have escaped, for before me was written all that I had planned against Christians and my plan against the Assemblies of God church, Silver Valley. The man brought me back to the altar and left.
He came out of the throne and took me by His hands and said He was going to show me certain things. On our way He said: “I do not want you to perish but to save you and this is your last chance. If you do not repent and come and serve me, you will die. I will show you the abode of the saved and the disobedient.” When He said this, I then knew He was Jesus Christ.
The Divine Revelations
We entered a room and He opened something like a curtain. I saw the whole world, the people and all the activities going on. I saw both Christians and unbelievers all doing one thing or the other. We went into a second room. He opened a curtain again and what I saw was a sorry sight. People chained! He called these people “the hypocrites.” These people looked very sorrowful and He said: “They will remain this way until the judgment day.”
We went into a third room. He opened a curtain and I saw many people rejoicing and wearing white garments. This time I asked him: “Who are these?” He said: “These are the redeemed awaiting their rewards.” We went into a fourth room and what I saw was very frightening.
Dear reader, it is difficult to describe. It looked like a whole city on fire. Hell is real and terrible. If you had been made to believe that Heaven and Hell are here on earth and that man has no hereafter but total annihilation after death, you better be well advised here and now that there is a real hell and there is a real heaven! No wonder when Jesus Christ was on earth He warned man about hell. I say it again, hell is real. I saw it and it is a terrible place. I asked Him: “What it is?” His answer was: “This is prepared for satan and his angels and for the disobedient.” He named them as recorded in Revelations 21: 8: “But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers and sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burnethwith fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
We went into a fifth room and when He opened a curtain, what I saw can only be described as GLORIOUS. It was as if we were looking at it from mountain top. I saw a new city. The city was so large and beautiful! The streets are made of gold. The buildings could not be compared with anything in this world. He said: “this is the hope of the saints. Will you be there?” Immediately I answered “Yes!” After this we went back to the throne and He said: “Go and testify what I have done for you.”
Again, He took me to another room and when He opened a curtain I saw all that I was going to encounter on my journey to Onitsha and Lagos and how He would finally deliver me. After this He said to me: “Do not be afraid, go, I will be with you.” He led me out of the hall and vanished, and I woke up on a bed in another man’s house. I shouted, so the man and his wife ran out from their room. They first peeped and then came in. “Why am I here?” I asked. The man then narrated how I collapsed in a taxi and how they carried me to the Catholic Cathedral there in Owerri. How they sent for a Doctor, who came and after examining me said my pulse was normal and that they should wait and see what would happen. The Doctor gave them the assurance that I would revive. The man then took me in his car to his house and had been waiting. He also confessed he never knew why he believed the Doctor and why he took responsibility of taking me to his house.
They asked me my name and address which I gave them and after that I kept quiet and never told them my experience. I stayed calmly with this kind family for two days and then the man and his wife drove me to the Owerri motor park, where I took a taxi to Onitsha. All that the Lord showed me about my journey happened one after the other. I took another taxi to Lagos first thing the following morning. I obeyed and left Lagos for Port Harcourt the following morning. I often ask myself, why would the Lord save a man like me. A man so wicked and destructive, an agent of Satan! I found the answer in these three words: God is love. Indeed, God is Love! (1 John 4:8, 4:16)
#service #story #mystory #witnessing #4878_7000
In the spirit realm, how does the protected and unprotected Christians look like? What blows off their cover? Read Emmanuel’s story part 4 of 9
Discipleship 101 in the marketplace 4878 of 7000 – The obedient disciples of
Christ stays in the protective hedge and does every thing to avoid breaking the invisible hedge.
Job 1:9-11
9 So Satan answered the LORD and said, “Does Job fear God for nothing?
10 Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.11 But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!”
Ecclesiastes 10:8
8 He who digs a pit will fall into it, And whoever breaks through a wall will be bitten by a serpent.
Emmanuel Amos’ story of deliverance from the power of darkness 4 of 9 – How Satan fights Christians
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How Satan Fights Christians
«For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places.»
Ephesians 6: 10-12
Fighting Christians
After the command by Lucifer to fight the Christians, we then sat and mapped out ways of fighting them as follows:
1. Causing sicknesses.
2. Causing barrenness.
3. Causing slumber in the church.
4. Causing confusion in the church.
5. Causing lukewarmness in the church.
6. Making them ignorant of the Word of God.
7. By fashion and emulation.
8. Fighting them physically.
Amongst the above I would like to explain two:
1. Fighting physically:
With the T.V. given to me, I would see the born again Christians. We do not fight hypocrites because they belong to us already. We would then send our girls first to the big churches. Inside the church they would be chewing gum or make a child cry or do anything that would distract the people from hearing the word of God. They may decide to come spiritually and cause the people to sleep while the preaching is going on. The moment they see you have a sober reflection because of the preaching, they would wait on you outside the church and as soon as you come out, one of them would greet you and even present you a gift (and it’s always what you love) and would appear very friendly. She would do everything and before you knew what was happening you had forgotten all you learned in the church. But for a real Christian, one of these girls, after the service, would jump out to greet you and would desire to know your house with the pretext that she was new in town and did not know many Christians around. On taking her home, she would quickly buy bananas and the Christian would take this as a gesture of love. She would continue her visits until she finally puts off the light of Christ in you and then stops coming. Major operations in the living churches and fellowships are: discouraging the Christians from reading and studying the Word of God, and thereby making them ignorant of their authority and of the promises of God. In crusade grounds these girls would be sent to cause disagreements and quarrels.
How Christians are Known?
The born again Christians are not known by the Bible they carry always or the many fellowships they attend. They are known in the spirit world by the light that shines continuously like a very bright candle in the heart or a circle of light around the head or a wall of fire around them. When a Christian is walking along, we see angels walking along with him/her, one by the right, one by the left, and one behind. This makes it impossible for us to come near him/her.
The only way we succeed is by making the Christian sin, thereby giving us a loophole to come in. When a Christian is driving a car and we want to harm him/her, we find that he/she is never alone in the car. There is always an Angel by him/her. Oh if the Christian only knows all that God has for him, he will not meddle with sin or live carelessly!
2. The Making of Backslidden Christians
As a chairman appointed by Lucifer, I would send these girls to living churches and fellowships. These girls would be well dressed and after the preaching would come out for the altar call, pretend to have received Christ and would be prayed for. At the end of the fellowship or service they would hang around waiting for the preacher who naturally would be very happy for these new converts.
The converts may even follow the preacher to his house. If the preacher does not have the spirit of discernment she would lure him into the sin of fornication or adultery. This takes place the moment he admires her lustfully. She would make sure he continued in this sin until she finally quenches the Spirit of God in him and then leave him, mission accomplished.
At this juncture, I would like to give a testimony of a Minister. In the evil spirit world he is known as a man of God. When he went on his knees there would be confusion among us. We therefore sent these girls to him. This man would even feed them but would refuse to be enticed. They did all they could but never succeeded. As a result, these girls were killed for their failure.
I then changed to a woman and went to him, and by words an actions tried to entice him, but he was adamant. This was too much for me, so I decided to kill him physically. One day, this Minister went to Oduekpe Road market town. I watched him and as he bent down to price some commodities I wheeled an oncoming trailer loaded with drums of oil into the market where he was. The trailer struck the NEPA high tension pole and fell right into the market, leaving many people dead, but this Minister escaped. How he escaped was a miracle. Another day, I saw him traveling to Nkpor town on foot. I again wheeled an oncoming army lorry loaded with yams to kill him. The lorry went straight into the new cemetery road, killed many people, but this Minister again escaped. After this second attempt we gave up. He is still alive!
Because of a single Christian, the devil may decide to destroy many souls, thinking he could kill him, but he always fails. These incidents had happened to many Christians unknown to them, but their God always delivered them. The trouble is, the devil does not give up. His thoughts are always: “I may succeed.” But he never does. As long as the Christian walks with God’s Love and remains in Him and does not get entangled with the affairs of this life, the devil can never succeed, no matter how hard he tries.Only the unbeliever is at his disposal.
The Oppression of the Christian
This mostly happens in dreams. A Christian may see in his/her dreams the following:
1. A dead relation visiting him/her.
2. Masquerades pursuing him/her.
3. Mates swimming in the river.
4. Mates bringing food and asking him/her to eat.
5. A single female having sexual intercourse or even a married one having sex with a man. This, if not dealt with, sometimes leads to barrenness.
Or a pregnant woman sees herself having sexual intercourse with a man. This, if not immediately dealt with, could lead to a miscarriage.
If a Christian experiences the above in his/ her dreams, he/she should not put it aside by the wave of the hand, but on getting out of sleep he/she should examine himself/herself and confess any known sin unto God, bind all those demons and ask God to restore whatever had been tampered with. This is very important. The person should also seek the help and counsel of a mature Spirit-filled Christian, older in the faith.
The Devil’s Soul Winning
When Jesus Christ was leaving this earth; He gave His disciples a command: “Go ye into all world and make disciples of all nations.” While some Christians are still waiting for a more suitable and convenient time to obey this command, the devil has also given this command to his agents. The difference is, the devil’s agents are more serious in winning souls than the Christians!
One of the areas of the devil’s soul winning is the secondary schools, especially girl’s schools. Some of our girls are sent into the schools as students. We supply them with all the latest and expensive underwear. This is first priority, because in girls’ hostels, they like using underwear only. Our agent would never lack anything, cosmetics, dresses, underwear, books, provisions and money. A particular bathing soap would be given to her to lend to any student who requests for soap from her. A girl desiring to be like her would be attracted and would befriend her. Gradually our agent would introduce us to her. At this point we would visit her physically and would start giving her gifts and meeting her needs. With this, she would join us willingly. She in turn would win another and so on. This is taken as a mission and it is carried out with a determination to succeed.
One thing should be made clear: satan does not force anyone. What he does is to attract and make you come to him willingly. That is why the Bible says: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4: 7). Another area of soul winning for the devil is giving lifts. We would send our girls to stand on the road, and usually they are very beautiful and attractively dressed. You will also find them in hotels and through these avenues we get men and women. Many people we see advertised in the papers as missing, got lost through giving lifts to girls they did not know.
You should therefore be careful who you lift in your car.
Standby for part 5 of 9
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#service #story #mystory #witnessing #4809_7000
Who is the main orchestrator of the killing, the stealing and the destruction we witness daily? God, Satan or human? Read Emmanuel’s story part 3 of 9 .
Discipleship 101 in the marketplace 4809 of 7000 – The obedient disciples of
Christ does not read calamity with face value so he/she can position properly in the place of intercession.
2 Corinthians 2:10-11
10 Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ,
11 lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Emmanuel Amos’ story of deliverance from the power of darkness 3 of 9 – The Wicked Reign
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The Wicked Reign
«The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly»
John 10:10
On returning to Lagos, I continued in my business and after two weeks I went back to the sea. The Queen of the Coast gave me what she called her “first assignment”. I should go to my village and kill my uncle, a prominent powerful native doctor who was responsible, according to her, for the death of my parents.
I obeyed and went but having not killed before, I hadn’t the courage to kill him, rather I destroyed his medicines and rendered him powerless. As a result of this act he lost all his customers till this date. I came back to give a report assignment but she was wrathful with me. She said the consequence of disobeying her instructions was death, but because of her love for me she would send me back to the same village to kill two elders who she said gave a helping hand in the killing of my parents. Whether this was a punishment for disobeying her or not, I did not know.
However, I obeyed and went back to the village and ‘managed’ to kill these men and sent their blood to her. As a result of the mysterious circumstances of their death the elders in the village went to inquire from another powerful native doctor who normally sent lightning to investigate the killer. Unfortunately for these men, I met the native doctor in spirit where he was consulting with spirits and warned him not to say anything if he loved his life. He came out and told the elders to go home and beg one of their sons whom they had offended and never mentioned my name.
The lightning he sent returned and struck in their midst killing some and leaving many wounded. After this first act, the powers in me started manifesting themselves. I would deform a girl for refusing me friendship etc.
My Meeting with Satan
I later went back to Lagos. One day, a girl named NINA came to me. NINA whose parents were from Anambra State was a very beautiful young girl but lives mostly in the sea, i.e. the underwater spirit world. She was an ardent agent of the Queen of the Coast and very wicked. She hated the Christians to the core and would go all length to fight Christianity. I first met her during my visit to the sea. NINA came for an errand from the Queen of the Coast.
We left immediately and reaching there I learnt of our having a conference with Lucifer. Satan, in this meeting, gave us the following instructions: To fight the believers and not the unbelievers, because the unbelievers were already his. When he said this, one of us asked: “Why?” He said the reason was that God drove him out of ‘that place” (he refused to call the word ‘Heaven’ and all throughout our meetings with him he never mentioned the word ‘Heaven’. Rather he would always use the word ‘that place’) because of pride, and therefore he does not want any Christian to get there (Heaven).
He also told us that we should not fight the hypocrites. “They are like me”, he said. He continued his speech and said: “We should only fight the real Christians.” That his time was near, therefore “we should fight as never before and make sure no one enters ‘that place’.” So one of us said to him: “We heard that God has sent someone to rescue mankind back to God.” Satan then asked: “Who is that?” One member answered “Jesus” and to our greatest surprise, Lucifer fell from his seat. He shouted at the man and warned him never to mention that name in any of our meetings if he loves his life. It is true that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow (Phil. 2: 10), including Satan.
After this incident he encouraged us and told us not to mind “these Christians”, that he Lucifer would soon come to rule the world and would give us, his agents, a better place so that we would not suffer with the rest of the world and he would make us rulers. He continued that since man likes flashy and fanciful things, he would continue to manufacture these things and make sure that man has no time for his God and that he would use the following to destroy the church:
1. Money,
2. Wealth,
3. Women.
At the end of this speech he dismissed the meeting. This was my first meeting with Satan. Several others followed after this meeting. As we were leaving, the Queen of the Coast, who now appears in different forms, invited me to her mansion. She inserted human ashes with other things inside the bones of my two legs, a stone (not an ordinary stone) in my finger and something else inside the bone of my right hand.
Each of these things had their duties. The stone in my finger was to know the thought of anyone against me. The one in my right hand was to empower me to destroy and the ones in the legs are to make me more hardened and to become more dangerous and also to enable me change to a woman, beast, bird, cat, etc. She took me to one of the laboratories and gave me a telescope, a T.V. and a video. These were not ordinary things but were to be used in detecting the born again Christians and the church goers inside the Church.
Finally she gave me sixteen girls to work as my agents. NINA was one of them. I came back to Lagos armed with the above mentioned ‘gifts’.
Transformed into satan’s agent
I had no human feelings nor mercy in my heart any longer. I went into operation immediately and destroyed five duplex at a go. They all sunk inside the ground with their inhabitants. This happened at Lagos in August 1982. The contractor was held responsible for not laying a good foundation and paid dearly for it. A lot of destruction happening in the world today are not man made. The devil’s duty is to steal, kill and destroy. I say it again, “satan has no free gift”.
I went into causing accidents on the roads etc. A case I would like to mention is about a young convert who went about testifying of his salvation and deliverance. He was causing a lot of harm in the spirit world for doing this, so I planned an accident for him. One day he was on a luxurious bus to Lagos. He had an appointment where he was to give his testimony. As the bus was on high speed, I wheeled it out of the road and it went and crashed onto a tree. All the passengers died except this young convert.
His escape was miraculous because he came out of the vehicle through the boot of the bus and shouted: “I am safe! I am safe!” We tried to stop him from testifying but we failed.
Through the T.V., we would know a man who repented newly and would pursue him seriously to see if we could make him backslide. If after six months we do not succeed, we would go into his business and make it go bankrupt. If he/she is a civil servant we would oppress him/her through the boss, and if possible make the boss terminate his/her appointment. If after all these he refuses to backslide then we would give him up. But if he backslides he would be killed to make sure he does not have a second chance to repent.
I destroyed lives to the extent that Lucifer became very pleased and made me chairman of the wizards. A month after my chairmanship, a meeting was called. We attended that meeting as birds, cats and snakes. These creatures are used for the following reasons:
1. Turning to birds make wizards more dangerous.
2. Turning to cats make wizards able to reach both spirits and humans.
3. Turning to rats enable wizards to enter into a house easily, then in the night turn to shadow, and then to human being and suck the victim’s blood.
In this meeting we had only one item on the agenda: “The Christians.” We then scheduled to hold an African wizard conference in Benin city in 1983. We published it in all the dailies and all the public media. All the forces of darkness were mobilized and we were very confident that nothing was going to interrupt this meeting. In fact everything was well planned and there was no loophole.
Suddenly, the Christians in Nigeria went into prayers and praises unto their God and all our plans were shattered. Not only that our plans were shattered but also there was real confusion in the kingdom of darkness. As a result, the witches’ and wizards’ conference could not be held in Nigeria. Christians should note that the moment they go into real praises to God almighty, there would be trouble and confusion both in the sea and in the air, and the agents of satan would have no resting place. Prayer is like throwing a time-bomb in our midst and everyone would escape for his/her life.
If Christians would realize and use the power and authority God has given them, they would control the affairs of their nation! Only Christians can save our nation.
After the failure of this conference, which was later held in South Africa, I was called back to the sea. When I arrived, I was told from that moment I would make the sea my home and only visit the world for difficult operations. I was given a new assignment: inventing charms for native doctors, in charge of the control room and sending the gifts, i.e. opening of white garment churches (prayer houses), opening of maternities, opening stores and making them prosper, giving ‘children’ and money. These will be explained one after the other:
1. Opening of White “Garment Churches”:
When a man comes to us for an assistance to build a prayer house and help him performing healings etc., he would be given some conditions:
a) He will agree to donate to us one or two souls every year.
b) At a certain level of office in the church the person would be initiated to our society.
c) No member would be allowed to come into the prayer house with shoes on.
When he accepts these conditions, he would be given something like a white gravel, human bones, blood and charms, all in a native pot. He would be instructed to bury this pot with all its content in front of the church and bury the cross on its top. After the burial, only the cross should be seen. He would be advised to build a pool or keep a basin where spirits would continue to supply special water. This water is what you hear them call “holy water.”
Many people when disturbed by evil spirits go to these “prophets” to cast them out. The truth is, they only add more demons to them. A devil cannot cast out devil. (Luke 11:17-19) What the prophet would do is, he will pray for the member and then give him/her a red cloth to put in his/ her house, and then would advise him/her to always pray with candles and incenses. By this act the person invites us into his/her house. Sometimes the member would be advised to bring a goat etc., for sacrifice. These sacrifices are for us to come and help cure the man. The prophet has no power to cure or heal.
2. Opening of Maternities:
If a woman comes to us for assistance in opening a maternity and making it prosper, she would be given this condition:
“A month would be chosen by us in which all the children born in the maternity would die, but the other months the children would live.”
If she accepts, she would also be given a charm which would attract people into the maternity. There are such maternities in Onitsha, Lagos, etc. shoes are not allowed into such maternities.
3. Opening of Fancy Stores:
When a man approaches us for assistance in this respect, he would be given a ring with a condition that no woman should be allowed to touch it. He also must agree to be our member. If he accepts to fulfill these conditions, his store would be stocked always with the best and latest materials by us.
4. Giving of Children:
If a barren woman goes to some native doctors, after laying her complaints, she would be asked to bring the following: a white cock, a goat, native chalk and baby care. She would be advised to go and in her absence, the native doctor will come to us bringing these things. We would then mix certain things which are difficult to explain in writing, and include human ashes. He would use this charm to cook food for the woman etc. She would become pregnant and give birth, but it’s not a normal human being. If the child is a female she would live and even get married but would remain barren all her life. If the child is a male he will live and even be trained only to die suddenly. They never live to bury their parents.
I would like to mention here that barrenness is mostly caused by demons. You may see a woman barren here on earth, but she would have children in the sea. I therefore advise God’s children to wait on God alone because only God gives real children.
5. Giving of Money:
If a man comes to us for money, he would be given these conditions to fulfill: He will be asked to give a part of his body or if he has a family he would be asked to bring his son. If single, he would be asked to bring his elder or younger brother.
Whoever he decides to bring must be from the same womb. Something worth mentioning is: during the killing of the victim, the person who brought him would be given a spear or an arrow. His relations would be made to file past in a mirror. As soon as the one he had donates passes, he would be asked to strike and as this happens the victim would die where he is.
There are other methods but one thing Satan does is that: He makes sure that in the different methods, the donor becomes responsible for the death of the victim, by making the donor strike the victim. remember, satan has no free gift!
Read earlier post @ https://www.otakada.org/emmanuel-amos-deliverance-part-2-9/
Read earlier post @ https://www.otakada.org/emmanuel-anis-deliverance-part-1-9/
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“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22: 6).
The course of your life is challenged by some external factors. The crisis is reached when you give over your WILL one way or the other, for good or evil. You can love or hate. You can wish to understand or misunderstand. The will to obey is the greatest force of a new born Christian, while the will to disobey is the most destroying force of the sinner.
A child when left alone in the world is controlled by one of two powers: good or bad, right or wrong, God or the devil. Everyone is challenged by these two forces of life, and each must choose which life he must live. And I believe that is what the Bible says: “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he grows he will not depart from it.” You will agree that the dearest and closest person to any child’s heart is his mother. An orphan is an unfortunate child and more exposed to attacks of the devil than children with parents. A mother is a protector of body and soul but it becomes double tragedy when both parents are lost and more so in most mysterious circumstances.
Romans 1:15-17So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also.16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
Joyce Meyer
Life Beyond Abuse
I was sexually, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused by my father as far back as I can remember until I left home at the age of eighteen. He did many terrible things… some which are too distasteful for me to talk about publicly. My father was a mean, controlling and manipulative person for most of his life. He was unpredictable and unstable. As a result, the atmosphere of our home was super-charged with fear because you never knew if what you did would make him mad or not.
No freedom at all
We always did what he wanted to do, when he wanted to do it. We watched what he wanted to watch on TV, went to bed when he went to bed, got up when he got up, and ate the meals he wanted us to eat… everything in our home was determined by his moods and what he wanted.
The sexual abuse started when I was very young, and when he decided I was mature enough, he took things even further. From this point until I was eighteen, he raped me at least once a week. My father, whom I was supposed to be able to trust and who was supposed to keep me safe, was the person I came to fear the most.
Feelings of Shame and Loneliness
I was so profoundly ashamed because of this. I was ashamed of me, and I was ashamed of my father and what he did. I was also constantly afraid. There was no place I ever felt safe growing up. I don’t think we can even begin to imagine what kind of damage this does to a child.
At school I pretended I had a normal life, but I felt lonely all the time and different from everyone else. I never felt like I fit in, and I wasn’t allowed to participate in after-school activities, go to sports events or parties or date boys. Many times I had to make up stories about why I couldn’t do anything with my classmates. For so long I lived with pretense and lies.
What I learned about love was actually perversion. My father told me what he did to me was special and because he loved me. He said everything he did was good, but it had to be our secret because no one else would understand and it would cause problems in the family. It became my burden not to let my pain cause problems in our family. And as long as I kept this secret, I couldn’t get free from the pain of it.
You may be wondering, Joyce, where was God in all of this?
He was there. He didn’t get me out of the situation when I was a child, but He did give me the strength to get through it. It’s true my father abused me and didn’t love and protect me the way he should have, and at times it seemed no one would ever help me and it would never end.
But God always had a plan for my life, and He has redeemed me. He has taken what Satan meant for harm and turned it into something good. He has taken away my shame and given me a double reward and recompense. (see Isaiah 61:7 in the Bible).
God Can Heal and Restore You
It may seem impossible, but God’s truth in the Bible has set me free from a life of pretense and lies and has restored my soul. I am living proof that nothing is too hard for God. And no matter what you’ve been through or how bad you hurt, there is hope!
That’s why I’m telling my story. You need to know how good God is and that your struggle is worth it. If you will give your life to Christ and really trust God, you can be completely healed and restored so you can live the life Jesus died for you to have. Don’t give up!
Comment: Joyce connects to millions of people daily, just like her who have been abused, seeing that if she can make it, then we can make it. God prepares us for ministry through our struggles past, present and future. If we ask God to use us and we have not gone through anything, we have by default given God the permission to allow a struggle that will qualify us for ministry. What are our past struggles, what did He deliver us from? That could be a pointer to our ministry, our story that attracts the appropriate audience.
#service #story #mystory #witnessing #204_7000
Does the dead disciple testifies to God’s goodness? Dave’s Story
Discipleship 101 in the marketplace 204 of 7000 – The obedient disciples of
Christ knows that night comes when no one can work for the Lord.
Psalms 115:16-18
16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’s; But the earth He has given to the children of men.17 The dead do not praise the LORD, Nor any who go down into silence.
18 But we will bless the LORD From this time forth and forevermore. Praise the LORD!
I met God When My plane crashed
My name is Dave Jonsson and I survived a plane crash. It was August 18th, 2007. Myself and three friends, we decided to go flying up at Squamish, British Columbia.
And my friend, Gudni, visiting from Iceland, actually had his pilot’s license. As we came around this one bend, Gudni became very shocked because at the end of this valley, there were all these clouds. I just remember Gudni saying, “Man, we got to turn the plane around and break out the map because we need to find a different route to take!” And we saw that beside the valley that we were flying in, there was another valley that took us to the same destination. And as we came around the corner of this valley, it became really apparent that this was not a good valley to be flying in because it was really narrow and at the end of this valley, the mountains escalated really quickly.
I remember looking at Gudni and there was a focus and an intensity because this situation could lead to death. It could lead to us crashing. I remember being scared, feeling thoughts like: “I could die.” As he slowed the plane down, it actually slowed down so much that it stalled.
Before the plane crash, I didn’t really have a direction in my life. I didn’t really know where I was going or what I was doing. I was working a deadbeat job and living paycheck to paycheck, doing drugs, moving from relationship to relationship. I had no real purpose and not real meaning. I was searching.
I don’t know if you’ve ever had a relative on their deathbed, but I remember as an eight-year old boy, seeing an uncle very close to death. And this uncle, he loved his World War 2 stuff, and he had all of these stores, and as much as I loved this uncle, seeing him on his deathbed was weird for me as an eight-year old boy because all of a sudden this uncle was no longer talking about all of his stuff. He was no longer talking about himself. He only wanted to talk to the people who he loved and the friends who he had shared life with. And this uncle who never wanted to talk about God, all of a sudden, in his last moments of life, all he wanted to talk about was God.
Coming back to my story, as the propellers slowed down and I felt my stomach go to my chest, and as I closed my eyes and reached out my legs and started hearing the sound of the wings hitting the trees, and as the plane crashed—to wake up to a second chance at life and to wait for six hours for search and rescue—the memory of my uncle came back to me. And I was kind of in the place of my uncle, where all of a sudden, life’s meaning became abundantly clear.
After the plane crash, my life is far different. My priorities are completely changed. Jesus is truly my treasure, and as I treasure Jesus I just feel like there’s such a comfort in that, in just knowing that you’re loved by God—that God isn’t some scary guy up in the clouds. He is a father, and because of a real relationship with a real God—Jesus—there is this overwhelming sense of contentment. And Jesus loves me. I’m love by God!
And he’s so worth it and it says in the Bible to simply love God with all your mind, with all your heart, and with all your strength. Do that and love your neighbor as yourself.
So that’s where I found meaning. Where are you finding yours?
How do I know God personally? – https://www.otakada.org/knowing-god-personally/
How do I prepare my story? https://www.otakada.org/preparing-personal-story/
How do I tell it? https://www.otakada.org/how-to-tell-a-story/
Comments. The world knows John 3:16. To them, that is theory. They want to hear how John 3:16 changed your life. Witnessing opens the door to discipleship. We bear fruit by witnessing, not by going to church. Church prepares us to go back out to witness for Christ. What is holding us back? Self, the world, or the devil? Send your story in video, audio and text to info@otakada.org
John 9:4-5 I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe – e-discipleship – http://www.otakada.org
#service #story #mystory #witnessing #205_7000
Does money really answer all things for a disciple? Read Tenisha’s story
Discipleship 101 in the marketplace 205 of 7000 – The obedient disciples of
Christ sees money as a tool rather than the end
1 Timothy 6:10-11
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
11 But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.
19 Years old and 19 men later
When I graduated high school in 2001 and went off to college, I would have never believed I would become a prostitute. But that’s exactly what ended up happening.
I was excited to go away to school because it seemed more interesting than staying home and going to community college. While there I enjoyed the college scene: the parties, the freedom, and the opportunity to get a higher education. Going away to college was one of my greatest accomplishments and graduating was my number one goal.
Ill-prepared for college
But somehow I was ill-prepared for what was about to happen. My first semester I found out I was pregnant, and my second semester I started to party wildly all the time, and my third semester I figured I really just wanted three things: to make money, have nice things, and be “happy”. After talking to some guys on campus who worked at a local strip club, I figured becoming an exotic dancer was the easiest way to get all three.
One of the guys’ father owned the strip club. He was driving a nice BMW and had all the latest electronics: flat screen TVs, state of the art computers, everything I could have ever dreamed of. Soon I was at the club checking it out. Once I looked around and thought about all the things I could buy with the money I said, “I’ll try it out”. And after a couple of weekends I got the hang of it. But that was only the beginning, because I kept talking to people and got in deeper and deeper into making fast money. Not long after I started, I began “taking dates” which is prostituting.
But about nine months later, my life was about to take an unexpected 180 degree turn when Jesus stepped in.
I never would have expected …
One of my guys put a down payment on a car for me, but I had to get money for the car payment and the down payment for the insurance. I was returning to my car when a pearl colored, late model Lincoln towncar pulled next to me. There was a white guy nearly twice my age in the car. We made small talk and he invited me to have lunch with him. I got into his car and we went to a diner around the corner. We talked, laughed, and ate. At the end of the meal he invited me to join him at his church’s Wednesday Night Bible Study. I felt like I just got caught selling drugs to an undercover cop, but I agreed to go. That night at church God dealt with me about all that I had been doing. And I always stood on the excuses, “God knows my heart. I’m a good person. I have to eat” but I knew that enough was enough. I went to the altar and gave my life to Jesus Christ. That was July 2003.
I was very excited by the choice I made and I told all my friends and my family. I also told the guys who would call me for dates that I was no longer into that because I was living my life as a Christian. I did my best to figure out how I was going to pay for the car but I could not afford it so I returned it to the dealer. I cut all ties with working at the club so I didn’t have a job. On a daily basis I read my Bible, prayed, and believed that God would work it out. And eventually God did.
My new life
After the three semesters away from home at college, I returned to go to a local community college instead. I completed one semester there and then was unable to get to the campus because I did not have a car. But I kept the faith that better days were ahead and everything would be okay. Even with my newly acquired trust in God I still found myself confused, depressed, and worried. I was confused because I thought that if I just prayed and believed everything would be a bed of roses but that was not the case. I felt depressed about the circumstances in my life not having some of the material things I felt I needed. And I was worried because I had no idea how things were going to get back on track.
The end of August rolled around and I did not have a car so I did not enroll in college. I got a job in the dining hall at the Naval base in the next town over but I had a hard time find a ride to work so after a month or so I quit. I felt confident that things were going to get better so I continued to go to church, kept reading the Word, kept praying and trusting Him.
In February of the next year I got an inheritance check in the mail from the death of my grandmother so I was able to buy a car and return to school. In May 2007 I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting. I now work in the healthcare industry and my car is running fine!
You can know this changed life too
Have you been chasing material things? Have you had enough of your current life? Take a look at your life. How would you describe it? Exciting? Frustrating? Anxious? Stressful? Moving forward? Holding back? For many of us it’s all of the above at times. There are things we dream of doing one day, there are things we wish we could forget. In the Bible, it says that Jesus came to make all things new. What would your life look like if you could start over with a clean slate?
Living with hope
If you are looking for peace, there is a way to balance your life. No one can be perfect, or have a perfect life. But every one of us has the opportunity to experience perfect grace through a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer. Praying is simply talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart.
How do I know God personally? – https://www.otakada.org/knowing-god-personally/
How do I prepare my story? https://www.otakada.org/preparing-personal-story/
How do I tell it? https://www.otakada.org/how-to-tell-a-story/
Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe – http://www.otakada.org
Acts 17:22-24 : 22So Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects. 23“For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, ‘TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.’ Therefore what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. 24“The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands;
From Hinduism to Christianity
A trek up Sabarimala Mountain leads to questions.
Each year in southern India, millions of fervent Hindu worshipers endure a dangerous trek up a holy mountain, called Sabarimala, to pay homage to the Hindu god Ayyappa. In the mid-1990s, a 15-year-old boy named Aji Kumar joined the treacherous journey to fulfill the vows his Hindu parents had made to their god.
Previously, the tedious worship of multiple gods proved unfulfilling for Aji. This pilgrimage, he hoped, would change that.
According to legend, Ayyappa, one of more than 30 million gods in the Hindu religion, is a protector from evil and giver of good fortune. In preparation for the trip, Aji fasted for 41 days. Weak and malnourished, the teenage boy hiked up the 3,000-foot mountain without shoes, in accordance with sacred tradition.
Aji was tired and afraid. Pilgrims literally fight each other to get to the shrine; in 1999 a stampede of worshipers killed 53 people.
Along the way, Aji bathed in the Pampa River, which is said to release a person from a lifetime of sins. When he finally reached the 18 stairs leading to the shrine, he was so exhausted that he dropped the sacred articles he was carrying, and a policeman had to help him.
“If you are the true God,” Aji prayed to Ayyappa, “then why didn’t you give me strength? Why didn’t you keep the sacred things from falling?”
For years, his family adhered to the meticulous Hindu traditions. They attended temple services and followed specific worship creeds. They routinely bathed, fed and garlanded the idols. But they felt no peace.
“We visited a number of temples and other holy places for deliverance and joy,” Aji says. “But what we received was only disappointment and hopelessness.”
Currently, Hinduism is the third-largest religion in the world. Hinduism can be traced back to ancient Indian seers who transmitted to their followers their ideas about ultimate truth. The earliest Hindu writings date from roughly 1500 B.C. There are a variety of sacred writings—the Vedas and Upanishads. The Code of Manu set down many prescripts for life, including the caste system—a social structure based on birth and wealth.
At one point, a Christian explained how Aji could know Jesus personally, how Christ came to set people free. But Aji continued to worship Hindu idols. When he found his mother reading the Bible one day, he was furious.
“We have enough gods and goddesses,” he told her, snatching the Bible away. “If our relatives come to know that we have received Jesus, they will desert us.”
Tradition says that if a Hindu does not obey the stringent requirements of his gods, sickness and calamity will afflict him. Suffering is explained through karma, the idea that a person carries the collective force of his actions.
Hinduism literally means “religion of India.” Currently, 82 percent of India’s population are professing Hindus. The religion is so tied to the heritage of India that the idea of worshipping only one God, like in Christianity, is offensive.
Aji belonged to a political group that persecuted Christians, interrupting church services and other Christian meetings. During the Hindu festival of Onam, Aji and others from the political group set out to sabotage a Christian meeting at a local college. Armed with sticks and stones, they planned to disconnect the sound system’s power supply. Before they could cause a disturbance, a speaker announced, “Who is Aji Kumar, who has come to disrupt the meeting?
“You have tried many times to do such things and torture the people of God,” the man said. “If you give your life to Jesus today, He will love you, and give you joy and peace of mind.”
The speaker continued, listing specific sins Aji had committed. Aji was astonished—and angry. He didn’t want to listen to the man and was embarrassed in front of his friends.
“Don’t be afraid,” the speaker continued. “Stand up, Aji Kumar.”
Aji felt a sensation of extreme heat in his body, “like I was sitting on fire,” he says. His heart tugged at him. Finally, he stood up, joined the speaker, and prayed and received Christ.
Soon after, Aji began studying the Bible. As a result of his faith, several in his family abandoned their idols and received Jesus. Today, Aji works as a missionary in India.
Hinduism is a difficult religion for Western Christians to classify. With a kaleidoscope of gods, there is no central creed or founder, and no universal text on which the faith is based. Instead, it is a religion of relativism, where few Hindus worship the same way. This actually appeals to many around the world
Westernized Hinduism is often philosophical. It may include practices such as meditation, yoga and rituals. “Hinduism is more a way of life than a religion,” says Madasamy Thirumalai, the author of Sharing Your Faith with a Hindu.
For Aji, it took a personal encounter with God to bring him out of that way of life. “In Christianity, I found there is a living God who loves me,” he says.
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Originally posted on March 2, 2018 @ 11:19 am