Inspiring Stories Of Transformations

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Inspiring Stories And Testimonies Of Transformations

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Feature Series

Defending the Faith

To be a Christian apologetic doesn’t mean you go around saying, “Sorry, I’m a Christian.” In this series, you’ll find a variety of articles that provide philosophical as well as practical responses for some of the toughest questions out there.


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    Call Me

    Many of us obsess about God’s calling on our lives. We may wonder what kind of career God is leading us to; we dream about making a difference, about falling into the exact and concrete will of God. And when things don’t fall into place like we think they should, we may wonder whether or not we even have a calling.



    Knowing Jesus Personally

    Like in any relationship, developing a relationship with Jesus takes time and energy. Whether you’ve just decided to follow Jesus for the first time, or you’ve recommitted your life to Him, this series of four articles will lay a firm foundation to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus.



    Dating and courtship present such a different world for each single person; some thrive in it, and some just can’t wait to get out. Most single people spend time on both sides.



    In Jesus’ Name

    Praying is simply having a conversation with God. It’s asking Him for your needs, yes, but it’s also a time when you can praise Him for who He is and learn to hear His voice.



    Life After “I Do”

    When marriage is done right, it’s one of the most beautiful experiences and relationships we can have. The commitment that marriage calls for is lifelong, and it’s intense. And in Christian marriage, the vows we make at the altar aren’t just to each other; we make them before God.



    Pilgrims in Progress

    The Great Commission is all about going and making disciples. But in order to make disciples, we first need to know what they are, right? This series will explore what it means to be a disciple, how to become more like Jesus, and how to encourage others to join you in this amazing adventure.


Originally posted on April 27, 2018 @ 6:59 pm

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