Exploration of People to whom God proclaimed words over them and it never came to pass as a result of carelessness and carefree attitudes of the recipients
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90 Days of Global Matthew 6:10 Prayers – Day 12
October 12, 2020
Exploration of People to whom God proclaimed words over them and it never came to pass as a result of carelessness and carefree attitudes of the recipients
Friends, welcome to the 12th day of our fast calling forth Matthew 6:10 upon our lives, upon our families, upon our churches, upon our nation and upon our world.
Earlier we looked at a glorious list of people where God proclaimed it and it was delayed as a result of carelessness and carefree attitudes until some discerning ones amongst them cried out to God and God responded.
Today, we look at four set of people where God said it and it was partially fulfilled or completely obliterated.
It takes two to tangle.. Don’t you think so?
Amos 3:3 says can two walk together except they agree?
That shall not be your portion in the name of Jesus Christ because you are going to be a seriously minded fellow who will battle it down until accomplished as you willingly yield to Gods will, kingdom and design for you in Jesus name, Amen
Here are the glorious list for consideration. No preaching. I will list out just a few and bible references and you can go do the study during your prayer times.
Remember, our first prayer goes out at the opening of a new day – 12am to 1am. That is your first fruit for the day. I did not mean first fruit in relation to money but in relation to time.
If you do want to have a structured prayer, then, follow the watches. 6am, 9am, 12 noon, 3 pm, 6pm, 9pm and 12 midnight..
But be led by the promptings you receive from the Holy Spirit.
Remember, your prayer and fasting does not change God. Your prayer and fasting changes you so that you can position yourself to where God has already moved heaven and earth on your behalf. Please get that. We can’t bribe God, we are literally bribing ourselves by fasting and prayer down His will, His kingdom into every realm of our existence. Isn’t that sweet?
If you have followed and got yourself involved, I believe that after 4 days, the Holy Spirit would have began to give YOU precise CONTENT designed for YOU to follow. That is, if your heart is involved and not your head. If you have postured yourself properly for the supernatural as we looked at earlier.
The list and the scriptures:
1) Abraham’s Descendants – Genesis 15:18-21; Judges 2:1-6, 10-23; Acts 7:5; Hebrews 11:13
2) Samson – Judges 13:1-25; Judges 16:1-31
3) Solomon – 1 Chronicles 17:11-27; 2 Chronicles 7: 19-22; 1 Kings 11:1-14
4) Samuel and Israel – 1 Samuel 8:7-22, 1 Samuel 15:26; 1 Samuel 16:1
Pencil down your discoveries by following this format
1) What in those text TOUCHED you?
2) How did it TOUCH you?
3) What commitment are you going to do or not do so that God can release His precious, expensive grace to you?
Because commitment is an activation key to your subconscious mind, the centre of your soul that is responsible for your deep rooted actions.
Your commitment does not mean you can handle it. In fact, your commitment indicates that your are wholeheartedly willing to be humble enough to seek Gods help.
Your commitment triggers a release of grace from God so that when circumstances concerning what you are committing to happens, the Holy Spirit will remind you to use the grace God released to you when you made the commitment.
If I am prideful, no grace will ever be released because grace caused the life of Gods dear Son on the cross at calvary – grace is not cheap friends.
Don’t ever get into the habit of asking for grace if you, on the subconscious level are unwilling to do what you are asking grace for. It is a betrayal, a travesty, like Jonah who was sent to Nineveh, he agreed to go but never did because he never had the desire to go there anyways. When he humbled himself in the belly of the whale, our loving God responded in Jonah 3 also read James 4.
Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe
E- Discipleship at otakada.org
Originally posted on October 12, 2020 @ 4:49 am