New Book Release – Revised – Engaging in Intimate Conversation with God – God is EAGER to ENGAGE YOU – Are YOU HUNGRY to RESPOND to Your Father in INTIMACY? By Ambassador Monday Ogwu Ogbe
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New Book Release – Revised – Engaging in Intimate Conversation with God
Dear readers, have you ever imagined any relationship of any relevance between similar or same species without some level of engagement in words, thoughts or deeds? How can a loving creator of relationships and the creator of us all not build a God to god conversation between Him and us? We are wired to have supernatural-to-supernatural engagement with the spirit realm from where we came and where we will eventually return.
God is longing to engage us at ALL levels if we will tune into His channel and learn to discern His voice or promptings amidst the noise around us seeking to tune us out to a contrary channel. We have Ten (10) senses, not five (5) as we are made to believe. Let us blast our engines firing on ten (10) cylinders and not five (5) we are accustomed to today.
In this book – Engaging in Intimate Conversation with God: God is EAGER to ENGAGE YOU – Are YOU HUNGRY to RESPOND to Your Father in INTIMACY? you will learn in practical terms how to engage the supernatural God through these senses as I walk you through my own personal experiences dialoguing with the Father on a consistent basis and also come with us as we explore the various accounts in the bible of men and women engaging God in the supernatural.
Please read the commentary in each of the encounters, as there are spiritual nuggets that will aid you in your own supernatural walk with our heavenly Father.
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Ambassador Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe
Gods Eagle Ministries inc