31 Prayer Points concerning PRUDENCE in Life

31 Prayer Points concerning PRUDENCE in Life

31 Prayer Points concerning PRUDENCE in Life

*31 Prayer Points concerning PRUDENCE in Life*

*Time:* _During 12 Noon Prayer time, Friday, January 24, 2025_

*Blog Link*  – https://www.otakada.org/31-prayer-points-concerning-prudence-in-life/

*Whatsapp Intercessory Community Link* – https://chat.whatsapp.com/I8Mww2r2mDN1yZRi3YNuB3

Facebook Intercessory link – https://m.facebook.com/groups/godseagleministriesarmy/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT

Intercessors, during our 12 noon prayers today, the Spirit led us to pray concerning *Prudence.*

I am prompted to share with you and others as well that you are prompted to share to. Be led by the Spirit always!

When God speaks to one, more often than not, He is also speaking to all. We are one in Christ Jesus. Born of one Spirit and existing in that One Spirit in Christ Jesus!

*Scriptures for reading, meditating and contemplating*

1 Samuel 16:18
Proverbs 14:18
Proverbs 8:12
Proverbs 19:14
Proverbs 15:5
Proverbs 22:3
Proverbs 12:16
Proverbs 18:15
Isaiah 10:13
Isaiah 29:14
Isaiah 52:13
Jeremiah 49:7
Amos 5:13
Matthew 11:25
Ephesians 1:8

31 Prayer Points concerning PRUDENCE in Life

*Definition of Prudence*

_the quality of being prudent; cautiousness._


*“we need to exercise prudence in such important matters”*

*Similar Words:*



good judgement





common sense

















good management

careful budgeting









Pray the underlisted prayer points.. you can expand on this not just for yourself but others as well..your family,  leaders, community, church, nation or nations..

*What is Prayer?*

Prayer is a very strong desire, an intent in your heart that is a genuine article and presented to the Father, in *words, thoughts and deeds* through the Lord Jesus Christ, by inner, powerful working of the Holy Spirit in you…. Pray with your spirit, soul and body..pray with all that you are– full attention!

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So, be available, be focused on what you asking for, be sincere, be genuine, be authentic and by all means, be fervent! James 5:16

*31 Prayer Points on Prudence as a guide*

1) Ask the Lord to give you an understanding in the areas where things seem unclear.

2)Pray that the Lord will surround you with people who are sensitive and understanding.

3). Thank the Lord for His abundant wisdom which you and I can tap into daily.

4). Pray for the prudence and understanding from
God to enrich your life.

5). Ask the Lord for the direction to carry out
your assignment in life.

6). Thank the Lord for blessing you with the
spirit of prudence and understanding.

7). Confess that you will increase and abound in
your ability to exercise prudence.

8) Thank the Lord for His leading and counsel that leads to prudent actions.

9. Receive the knowledge and understanding necessary to operate circumspectly.

10. Pray that you will increase in your quest for knowledge.

11. Receive the understanding to operate in godly prudence in the name of the Lord

12. Receive the ability to overcome provocation.

13. Break the power of emotional bondage that leads to operating without prudence.

14. Thank the Lord for the grace to endure every opposition.

15. Pray that no matter what you go through the wisdom of God will prevail in your life.

16. Pray that knowledge of the Lord will crown all the step you will take.

17. Pray that your decisions will be ordered of the Lord.

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18. Pray that the Holy Spirit will assist you to take the right steps in life.

19. Pray that you will abound in the knowledge of the Lord.

20. Pray that you will discern and overcome the traps of satan.

21. Pray for your spouse that he/she will operate in prudence and walk in wisdom.

22. Ask the Lord to lead you to mentors who will help you in your quest for excellence.

23. Ask the Lord for the divine counsel to know when to speak and when not to.

24. Thank the Lord for insight into the things that are hidden from the ‘worldly-wise’.

25. Like David, pray that your speech will convey wisdom to the hearers.

26. Ask the Lord for the grace to always ascribe all the glory to Him.

27. Pray that you will not glory in your wise actions and decisions but in the fact that God loves you.

28. Ask the Lord for the heart that accepts and act on correction.

29. Commit all your activities to the Lord that it will be with caution.

30. Pray that your home will be built on prudence and godliness.

31. Thank the Lord for filling your life with wisdom and discretion.


I believe and confess that the Lord is good. I
thank the Lord for His abounding wisdom which flows from Him to His own people. I thank the Lord because He causes me to acquire more knowledge of Him.

God’s wisdom makes me a champion over satanic attacks. God’s wisdom lifts me above emotional bondage and gives me the grace to overcome every opposition. My steps are ordered of the Lord. My heart is tender to accept His correction.

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I am blessed and highly favoured in Christ Jesus, Amen and Amen

Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
God’s Eagle Ministries GEM

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