Part 29 – Enough Is Enough to Captivity of Satan and Welcome to Freedom in Christ Jesus – Five (5) testimonies of true stories to demonstrate to you that you can live in absolute freedom in Christ: Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Encounter with Armed Robbers + I met God When My plane crashed – Dave Jonsson + The Search is Over – Rachel Duelo + I am Restored – Laila Son + Divine Healing From Sickle Cell Anemia – Joelle Shekinah

1) Five (5) testimonies of true stories to demonstrate to you that you can live in absolute freedom in Christ: Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Encounter with Armed Robbers + I met God When My plane crashed - Dave Jonsson + The Search is Over – Rachel Duelo + I am Restored - Laila Son + Divine Healing From Sickle Cell Anemia - Joelle Shekinah
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Sunday, 13th of June 2021

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Title: Part 29 –  Enough Is Enough to Captivity of Satan and Welcome to Freedom in Christ Jesus –  Five (5) testimonies of true stories to demonstrate to you that you can live in absolute freedom in Christ: Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Encounter with Armed Robbers + I met God When My plane crashed – Dave Jonsson + The Search is Over –  Rachel Duelo + I am RestoredLaila Son + Divine Healing From Sickle Cell Anemia – Joelle Shekinah

1)	Five (5) testimonies of true stories to demonstrate to you that you can live in absolute freedom in Christ: Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Encounter with Armed Robbers + I met God When My plane crashed - Dave Jonsson + The Search is Over –  Rachel Duelo + I am Restored - Laila Son + Divine Healing From Sickle Cell Anemia - Joelle Shekinah
1) Five (5) testimonies of true stories to demonstrate to you that you can live in absolute freedom in Christ: Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Encounter with Armed Robbers + I met God When My plane crashed – Dave Jonsson + The Search is Over – Rachel Duelo + I am Restored – Laila Son + Divine Healing From Sickle Cell Anemia – Joelle Shekinah

Dear friends, I welcome you to Part 29 of Enough is Enough to Captivity of Satan and welcome to Freedom in Christ Jesus.

Today we bring you five (5) true life story testimonies covering different issues in our life journey. The scriptures say’s in Revelation 12:11

Amplified Bible

11 And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death.

Our testimonies, the testimonies from the scriptures, the testimonies of others helps us as we  recall them and use them in warfare concerning our matters and the matters of those who are held captive, bringing them into total freedom – healing, deliverance, and restoration in Christ Jesus. Don’t shelf your testimonies because those testimonies are ammunitions for use as storms of life come against us in our pilgrimage journey.

Hear from David, a man after God’s heart in his encounter with Goliath of Gath.

1 Samuel 17:36-38

Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

36 Your servant killed both the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them, for he has defied the armies of the living God!

37 David said, The Lord Who delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said to David, Go, and the Lord be with you!

38 Then Saul clothed David with his armor; he put a bronze helmet on his head and clothed him with a coat of mail.

What are you waiting for? Get your pen and paper, begin to recall the healings, the deliverances and the restorations the Lord has wrought or performed in your life prior as you deal with the current circumstance and pull it out against the evil one, who comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. If this strategy is good for David, it is also good for you. If you have no record, then use the record of others or those in the word of God. The testimonies of others are also lethal weapons in your mouth if you dare to vocalize it in FAITH. In TRUST in the God of your salvation.

Remember this – The bible is being written every day! Be part of the authors that makeup the next bible for future generation. Don’t waste your pain. Don’t waste your stories. Don’t waste your testimonies and experiences in your walk and work with the living God! Multiply the effect of your testimonies by sharing them. God is still actively at work in and around us because those that know their God – not in their heads but in their hearts, shall do “greater exploits” – Daniel 11:32b in these perilous times that we are in.

The greater the darkness, the greater your light should be. You are the light of the world and a city set on a hill cannot be hidden but you must climb the hill so that others can see your light that could help them come out of darkness into the light which Christ brings to the dying and decaying world in Jesus name, amen

If you missed the last message in this series, Title – “Part 28 –  Where does “Greater Exploits” fit in the context of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the end of days and where are we missing it so badly? + How can You and I be fruitful unto abundant fruitfulness that remains even unto the end? + The Story of my Encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and His burden put upon me for Unity in His body + My Engagement with Late Prophet TB Joshua, the Man of God and My tribute to Him

Visit –

Now for today’s title, “Five (5) testimonies of true stories to demonstrate to you that you can live in absolute freedom in Christ: Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Encounter with Armed Robbers + I met God When My plane crashed – Dave Jonsson + The Search is Over –  Rachel Duelo + I am RestoredLaila Son + Divine Healing From Sickle Cell Anemia – Joelle Shekinah”

Let’s dive –  

  1. Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Encounter with Armed Robbers from Strangers of Failure –

When the Thieves Come, God Is There

Let me digress and share with you an amazing incident which occurred some years ago.

It had been a day full of enjoyable activities and good times. My family and I had gone to bed late after entertaining a group of Christian friends. As I lay in bed, all was silent: you could have heard a pin drop. The minutes passed by and I dozed off for a few hours. Then, in what I imagined to be a dream, I heard the faint sound of hushed voices followed by the distinct noise of keys fumbling in a lock.

Sitting up on the edge of my bed, calm and collected in the darkness, I was able to confirm my suspicions: our house was being burglarized by armed robbers. As I tiptoed to the window overlooking the garden, my heart raced and sweat gathered in my palms.

I had already prayed and was confident of God’s protection and security. I remembered the words of the prophet, No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper…(Is. 54:17). I also recollected Psalm 20:7 about trusting in the Lord, and Revelation 12:11  which states that the saints overcame the enemy …by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…. Then I recited to myself the words of Deuteronomy 28:7: The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face….

I looked around to see my wife sleeping soundly, oblivious to all the drama unfurling around her. I decided to make a check of our main hall. Gathering all my courage, I crept into the dark hallway and switched on the light. There I stood, face to face, with four trigger-happy armed robbers. I greeted them; there was no reply, instead they pointed their guns at me. The leader of the gang barked out threateningly, “Bring all your money or we’ll kill you now!”

I evaded their instructions by boldly firing back with the words: “Do you know whose house you have come to rob?”

The leader looked at me with angry, bloodshot eyes and answered impetuously, “This is the house of Archbishop Idahosa.”

I knew it was time to act quickly. Their unblinking eyes were fixed on me. Their fingers were ready on their triggers. Tension filled the air. But I knew that God was in control because my life is in His hands. I moved a few uneven strides forward and they moved a step or two backwards towards the wall. They were on the defensive, but God was winning—I knew it!

Suddenly I shouted, “You want to rob Archbishop Idahosa—wait for me to get my weapon!”

I uttered these words with unexpected faith and force, and then dashed off at top speed into the bedroom. I laid hold of my big Bible and ran back to face the four men. I lifted up the Bible in the direction of the leader, and without further ceremony or word they fled from the house, bumping into each other as they went. Soon afterwards, the sound of a car engine broke the nighttime silence. They had gone.

See also  Day 18 of 40 Day Discipleship walk with Jesus Christ: See Christ as the Center

This dramatic midnight incident may raise a laugh today, but it put me in a very tight spot at the time; indeed it was a zero hour. To my great joy, God stood by me in that dark hour. And He will do the same for you in your “dark hours.”

2) I met God When My plane crashed – Dave Jonsson, Coquitlam, Canada – My story

My name is Dave Jonsson and I survived a plane crash. It was August 18th, 2007. Myself and three friends, we decided to go flying up at Squamish, British Columbia.

And my friend, Gudni, visiting from Iceland, actually had his pilot’s license. As we came around this one bend, Gudni became very shocked because at the end of this valley, there were all these clouds. I just remember Gudni saying, “Man, we got to turn the plane around and break out the map because we need to find a different route to take!” And we saw that beside the valley that we were flying in, there was another valley that took us to the same destination. And as we came around the corner of this valley, it became really apparent that this was not a good valley to be flying in because it was really narrow and at the end of this valley, the mountains escalated really quickly.

I remember looking at Gudni and there was a focus and an intensity because this situation could lead to death. It could lead to us crashing. I remember being scared, feeling thoughts like: “I could die.” As he slowed the plane down, it actually slowed down so much that it stalled.

Before the plane crash, I didn’t really have a direction in my life. I didn’t really know where I was going or what I was doing. I was working a deadbeat job and living paycheck to paycheck, doing drugs, moving from relationship to relationship. I had no real purpose and not real meaning. I was searching.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had a relative on their deathbed, but I remember as an eight-year old boy, seeing an uncle very close to death. And this uncle, he loved his World War 2 stuff, and he had all of these stores, and as much as I loved this uncle, seeing him on his deathbed was weird for me as an eight-year old boy because all of a sudden this uncle was no longer talking about all of his stuff. He was no longer talking about himself. He only wanted to talk to the people who he loved and the friends who he had shared life with. And this uncle who never wanted to talk about God, all of a sudden, in his last moments of life, all he wanted to talk about was God.

Coming back to my story, as the propellers slowed down and I felt my stomach go to my chest, and as I closed my eyes and reached out my legs and started hearing the sound of the wings hitting the trees, and as the plane crashed—to wake up to a second chance at life and to wait for six hours for search and rescue—the memory of my uncle came back to me. And I was kind of in the place of my uncle, where all of a sudden, life’s meaning became abundantly clear.

After the plane crash, my life is far different. My priorities are completely changed. Jesus is truly my treasure, and as I treasure Jesus I just feel like there’s such a comfort in that, in just knowing that you’re loved by God—that God isn’t some scary guy up in the clouds. He is a father, and because of a real relationship with a real God—Jesus—there is this overwhelming sense of contentment. And Jesus loves me. I’m love by God!

And he’s so worth it and it says in the Bible to simply love God with all your mind, with all your heart, and with all your strength. Do that and love your neighbor as yourself.

So that’s where I found meaning. Where are you finding yours?

3) The Search is Over –  Rachel Duelo Tilburg, Netherlands

I spent the first 19 years of my life on a self-centered ambition of more.

More love. More attention. More happiness. More friends. More boyfriends. More achievements. More hobbies. More travel. More popularity. More beauty. More success.

It was never enough

As a college Freshman, I kept this search for satisfaction going. I hoped a new city, campus, friend group, and higher education would be the more I was looking for. To my demise, it wasn’t. And I was tired of looking. So tired, I felt hopeless. For four months, I spent night after night crying in my dorm thinking, “God, there has to be more than this.”

I grew up with a view of God who was just sort of, “there on Sunday’s.” He wasn’t personal to me. I remember hearing at church on Christmas and Easter that, “God loved me,” but I wondered why my life – full of pain – seemed to contradict that. Why were my parents divorced? Why was I mistreated? Why did my life feel so empty? If He “loved me”… Why? To avoid conversations about God in a Christian small town I actually identified as a Christian– even though I had NO idea who God really was or what I really believed. From then until college, I actively rebelled against God and decided to find the more my heart longed for on my own terms.

But during the first four months of college, I was curious, could God be the “more” I had spent my life searching for? I started asking friends in dorms, classes, and parties just the same, “Don’t you think there is something more in this life than this? Do you think it’s God?” Nearly everyone I met would respond the same: “What are you talking about? What’s got into you? Oh, you’re just drunk!”

They kick you out of the dorms in America for Christmas, otherwise, I would have stayed. My parent’s homes were places I avoided for nearly my entire life for both the pain I encountered in them and the mistakes I felt ashamed of. This was a real breaking point for me.

I’ll never forget that Christmas morning.

I wasn’t sure if God was real, or that he could hear me, but I fell to my knees and prayed anyway, “God there has got to be something more to this life. If you are real, reveal yourself to me.”

That same day, my grandparents pulled me aside asking if we could “talk.” It was very uncharacteristic. My meek and trembling grandma said, “Rachel, your grandpa and I have been praying for you. This morning we think God said He wants to reveal Himself to you. Does that mean anything to you?” In that moment, I was sure God was real.

They told me if I went back to my campus, I could go to a Christian organization to hear more about Jesus. Without hesitation, I went. The people I met were radiating joy – it totally freaked me out. They seemed to have something I didn’t. To my surprise, they did not reject me; they actually embraced me.

The next day I met with two new friends from this organization and poured my heart out for hours – confessing every sin I had ever committed (not that they asked me to). My new friends listened patiently to my spiritual journey and prayed compassionately for me. They were the first people in my life to do that. I asked if we could meet the next day to talk about Jesus. It was there I met the real Jesus for the first time. She explained to me, Jesus was the more I had been searching for. She elaborated:

    “The reason is that the appetites of our hearts were made for God and they will not be satisfied until we feast on a relationship with God. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst.” Everybody is thirsty. Everybody is searching for a fountain of everlasting joy. When we find Jesus, the search is over.”

She drew a diagram illustrating that while God loves us and created us, the problem is that we are sinful and have fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) – which separates us from God (picture a giant gap between a mountain). That’s why Jesus died on the cross for us. “Though he was rich, yet for our sake he became poor so that by his poverty we might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9) He lived the perfect life, died the perfect death, and rose from the grave in victory for all our sin and death. (Imagine a bridge between the gap of the mountain). If you put your trust in Jesus (the all-satisfying one), you can be forgiven and have a personal relationship with God. (Ephesians 2:1-10)

See also  Six (6) Critical ANALYSIS and SYNTHESIS of Matt. 24 into IMMUTABLE parts from Jesus's Lips relative to ETERNITY - Are we going to be here during the TRIBULATION? Is RAPTURE before or after the TRIBULATION?

This was good news! It meant I could stop my search. It meant I had everlasting hope. It meant I was alive and given new life. Jesus was the fullness my heart was aching for. Finally!

Friends, nothing compares to the fullness of a personal relationship with God. I’ve known God for 8 years now, and I can truly say God is most satisfying & faithful. While I still fail (daily) and sometimes I run back to my poor tendencies of seeking satisfaction in other things than God, His grace is sufficient for me (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Friend, whatever you are looking for, Jesus is more

4) I am RestoredLaila Son, Viry-Châtillon, France

My name is Laïla. I was born in France in the early 80’s. My parents were still students when they had me. They did not plan to have a child. Because of her family’s reaction, a friend of my mother advised her to have an abortion, which she refused. When her family found out that she was expecting, they vehemently threatened her, and turned their back on her. I was not even born yet, and my mother’s family already rejected me.

My Parents

My parents broke up a few years after my birth. I grew up with my mother, a devoted Muslim. When I was a child, my mother found out that she has an incurable disease. The doctor informed her that she would end up disabled. At that time, my mother was single and had two jobs. Whenever she suffered from rheumatism, she could not take care of herself, so I did. My father lived in France for a few years before he flew back home. My parents agreed that I would go and visit him on every summer. Yet, as much as I wanted to spend more time with my father, it barely happened… Whereas I kept a happy little girl face, down deep my heart was broken.

The discovery

When I was about 10, my mother worked for several months in a major car company. She was deeply touched by one of her colleague’s kindness and caring personality. This woman happened to be a Christian. On many occasions, she offered to pray for her. One day, she invited my mum to listen to an Imam’s son story. My mother listened to this testimony and was deeply affected by the quotations used by the Imam’s son, from the Koran. A few months later, she became Christian. Going forward, she knew that God had forgiven her sins and was convinced that she will go to Heaven.  During this time of soul-searching, I would go to church with my mum.One day while at home, my mother prayed so that Jesus heals her incurable disease, and He did so! For me, this was an eye opening of the presence, power and love of Jesus. From this day forward, I started to deeply love God. At 13 years old, I realized that very human being, myself including was guilty before God because of our sins. Even though I was very young, I knew that I was a sinner, therefore I felt the need to ask God for forgiveness. Furthermore I was convinced that Jesus-Christ had died on the Cross because of our sins, so, I gave my live to Him.

The crisis

I had rough teenage years and often argued with my mother. I was upset as she refused to let me go out with my friends. My heart was full of bitterness, rebellion and hard feelings against her. When I attempted to turn to my father, he remained silent. Not only was he physically absent but so was he emotionally.  My heart was shattered, I was hurt. So instead I focused on fashion and music to compensate my father’s absence. These new activities took over the love I originally had for God. I would go to church on Sundays but acted as if He was inexistent on weekdays. Secretly, I would say to God: “What’s the point of living? Take me away! I can’t live anymore!”

At the age of 16, a member of my family passed away from my father’s side. I was deeply upset. For months, I was depressed and had no more purpose in life. Nothing managed to mitigate my pain. When I reached the lowest point of my life, I said to Jesus: “I remember Bible stories when I would attend Sunday school, so I ask you God to intervene. If you don’t do anything, I will no longer believe nor go to Church”. Within months, Jesus had effortlessly turned my pain into joy. I found peace in Him.

The decision

From that moment on, I decided to give my entire life to the Lord, let Him guide me in every decision that I have to make, and on a daily basis. Within years, I was completely healed. God had showed me that He is not only a confident, but also a Father who watches over me and loves me unconditionally. God’s love gave me a brand new heart to be happy again and love others. Thanks to God’s love, I was able to forgive my parents and reconcile with my mother. Life is not always easy but the love and presence of Jesus-Christ help me pull through as I am now filled with joy, peace and hope. Jesus-Christ heals broken hearts and reveals God’s love.

He knows what you feel deep inside and is The only one who can fill your heart with His love, joy and peace, so that you can live a fulfilled life.

I invite you to get to know Him and you will be restored – Total.


Yaounde, Cameroon

Good day! My name is Shekinah, I’m 30 years old today I would love to share my story with you, how God delivered me from sickle cell anemia.

At my tender age, I was always in the hospital, and could not play as my mates. I always had to stand in a corner or sit quietly somewhere coz the least movement could result in many days of torture and suffering I can still remember quite well, when once I was in class one, our sport teacher came and presented himself. He said we had to meet him the next day in the field with our sport attire. I was very excited about it, and went home rejoicing. When I saw mum that day, it is the first thing I told her, to buy a sport attire for me, coz I was to do sport on the next day. I can still remember the next day in the morning I came to her and asked her about it, she just said she is really sorry, but she completely forgot about it, and she added moreover baby, you can’t do sport.

I went to school, and became so envious of all my friends playing and jumping in the field. The more I grew, the more intense and unbearable the pains became. My father is a medical doctor so I was always spending sleepless nights under a drip, or receiving an injection, words cant explain that kind of pains. I always was asking God, “why me???” Why not my brother or my sister, who had to spend most of their time massaging me to ease the pain a little??….

Few years later, mummy came to know the Lord, and she preached the gospel to my Father. Few years later, we moved from catholic church to English Evangelicals, believing that only Jesus could make a change in my life. They both gave their lives to Christ few years later. We often attended crusades, conferences, for me to be prayed for. That was the main reason at the beginning. I was just following them there, but had not yet taken that decision of receiving Jesus in my life.

Couple of years went by, and I made the decision to give Him a try. I said after all, I lose nothing trying, instead, if it works, I’ll be fine for the rest of my days. From that day, I was not just following them to those programs, but I had faith to be healed. Time went by, and God laid in our hearts to change church, and that’s how we found ourselves in Full Gospel Mission. One fateful Sunday, the pastor preached a message that triggered my healing. He said it is not all about going to church, but God saved us to serve Him. As such, we must all be busy serving Him in one way of the other, and not just be Bench warmers. He cited the example of a lady who had back problems, and she was in the cleaning department. The more she did that, the more the pains increased. But she remained faithful and God healed her.

See also  “Don’t Underestimate God”: The Shocking Phenomenon of Tim Tebow’s John 3:16 Eye Blacks

After seeking the face of God, I felt He expects me to serve Him in the interpretation department of the Church, and I started doing it. I’ve been doing it for over 15 years today. The more I did it, the more the pains grew. Day by day, I was smiling and jumping in church following the speaker, but later in the day at home, I was crying, and almost dying under the pains. Mum always told me please baby be careful whenever you are up there. You know you are not like others. And I always replied we are told to follow the speaker in everything. I prefer doing that and dying if necessary before God while doing what I’m expected to do, and nothing less.

When I got accustomed to the bible, whenever I was prayed for, I made sure to always testify after about my healing, and later on to go for an electrophoresis test. You know the bible rightly said in Revelation 12:11 they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.

At last, the miracle occurred. A day like the others, I was prayed for, I testified and later on did my test in two different hospitals, the result was the same. From SS to AA !!! It has been a very long journey with the Lord, and not an easy one, but He gave me the victory sooner than I ever expected it. I thought when I’ll be around 80 or 70 like that, He will feel sorry for me and heal me, but He surprised me indeed !!!! What is beautiful in this walk with God is He is with you all the way, and even before I got healed, I no longer had sleepless nights coz prayers helped to ease the pain and I always slept off …

Fear not if you suffer these pains, and let my testimony not frighten you as well. God works in different ways with us, He might want to proceed differently with you. what matters is

  1. Do you want it?
  2. Do you Trust Him enough with your life?
  3. Do you believe He can do it? Just give Him the rightful position in your life, receive Him as your personal Lord and savior, and start this journey with Him. DON’T SPEND THE REST OF YOUR DAYS IN SUFFERING? GET TO GOD AND THAT SICKNESS WILL GO AWAY…..

Today, I still am a church Interpreter, but more to that, I’m a Conference Interpreter! God used my church ministry to make me what I am today. As such, I consider it a blessing to have suffered from sickle cell, because it opens to me many doors, that otherwise I would not have had access to!



“Lord Jesus Christ, I believe You died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You redeemed me by Your blood and I belong to You, and I want to live for You. I confess all my sins-known and unknown- I’m sorry for them all. I renounce them all. I forgive all others as I want You to forgive me. Forgive me now and cleanse me with Your blood. I thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now from all sin. And I come to You now as my deliverer. You know my special needs-the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles; that evil spirit, that unclean spirit—I claim the promise of Your word, “Whosoever that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” I call upon You now. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I lose myself from you, in the name of Jesus, and I command you to leave me right now in Jesus’ name. Amen!”
Let it come from your heart and see the salvation of the Lord!


For those who are sick or unwell in whatever shape or form, or needing deliverance? Or restoration, kindly touch the dot below in faith (Faith is seeing the precise positive outcome of your current situation, knowing that Jesus has done His part more than 2000 years ago to secure your healing and deliverance, restoration as a down payment, trusting that down payment is available to you to draw from, like a positive balance in your checking account with the bank, no questions asked as we agree with you and pronounce BE HEALED in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen)

By the authority, you have granted unto me and unto them, I exercise that authority now in faith with their anger against the enemy and hunger to get what you have freely given unto them all, I curse every illness, every disease, be it cancer, COVID 19, be it spirit of infirmities, be it demonic possession or oppression, be it the spirit of poverty, setbacks, delayed fulfilment of what God has already determined and released. We come against the anomaly, I bind them, we curse them to their root and we cast them out by authority in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. We call forth a release of healing, deliverances and restoration into their lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for testimonies that are abiding to your glory and honour and adoration. Thank you for souls that are being added to Your kingdom as a result of this message, the miracles that we are already seeing right now and manifesting for your glory in Jesus name, Amen. It is done! Rejoice!

Touch this spot highlighted as a point of contact and confess with your mouth – I AM HEALED, I AM DELIVERED and I AM RESTORED in my Spirit, Soul, Body and all around me in the name of JESUS Christ, Amen!!!

Begin to do what you could not do before and begin to confess until full healing, deliverance restoration becomes a fruit in your life in Jesus name, amen. Stay hungry for all of God, stay angry and take back all that the enemy has held back in Jesus name, amen

Testify to the healing for God’s glory and to the shame of the enemy! Send us an email or whatsapp us if you still need us to agree with you on the issue. Go to the content on and build up your faith!
Share wide this content so that it can be a blessing to others!


Amb. Monday O. Ogbe
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Originally posted on June 13, 2021 @ 9:39 am

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