Part 30 – Can God be trusted? Let Go and Let God Catch You midstream! – Get Seven Rock Solid Steps to an Enduring Trust in God for Exploits in your life and that of others!


#LetGo #LetGod #trust #TrustGod #healing #deliverance #restoration #enoughisenough #greaterexploits

Wednesday 16th, June 2021

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Title: *Part 30 –  Enough is Enough to Captivity of Satan and welcome to Freedom in Christ Jesus – Can God be trusted? Let Go and Let God Catch You midstream! – Get Seven Rock Solid Steps to an Enduring Trust in God for Exploits in your life and that of others!

Part 30 - Can God be trusted? Let Go and Let God Catch You midstream! - Get Seven Rock Solid Steps to an Enduring Trust in God for Exploits in your life and that of others!

Friends, I don’t know about you but sometimes, most of the times, most of us want to run life on our on terms. What do we get for – “I can do it by myself?” We get loads of bruises backed up with wounds and eventually emptiness, hopelessness and helplessness!

As long as we trust ourselves to run life, God will let us go down so fast that we cant contemplate what went wrong.

When God reaches out to us asking that we give Him the driver’s seat of our lives, we retort, “God, I don’t trust you to heal, to deliver and to restore! God, “I know that all you have said in your words are completely true but I don’t trust you to come through for me.” In a nutshell, I am saying, “Dear God, in my case, you cannot be trusted  – God, you are a liar!”

That is the spiritual vibes we inadvertently and subconsciously send back to Him and our desperate suboptimal, hang on there continues till…..

As these words come through to you today, give God the driver’s seat over *your marriage and Relationships, over your children, over your job and businesses, over your money, your sicknesses, your diseases and over all unanswered prayers and problems and trust Him to take you to the expected end He Himself already has in store for you even before you were conceived in your mother’s womb.

Absolutely nothing takes God by surprise!

*Let go of the lifeline you are hanging on to and let the maker of the lifeline catch you wherever you are at at this very moment in time

_Read and meditate on these_

*Proverbs 3:5-6*
New International Version
*5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart*
    and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

*Matthew 13:57-58*
New Life Version
57 And they were ashamed of Him and turned away because of Him. Jesus said to them, “One who speaks for God is shown no respect in his own town and in his own house.”

58 He did not do many powerful works there because they did not *put their trust in Him.*

If you missed the last title of the series – *PART 29 – Five (5) testimonies of true stories to demonstrate to you that you can live in absolute freedom in Christ: Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa’s Encounter with Armed Robbers + I met God When My plane crashed – Dave Jonsson + The Search is Over –  Rachel Duelo + I am Restored – Laila Son + Divine Healing From Sickle Cell Anemia – Joelle Shekinah*

Follow this link:

Now, *Get Seven Rock Solid Steps to an Enduring Trust in God for Exploits in your life and that of others*

*Follow these 7 daily steps to make sure you’re leaning, trusting on the Lord:*

*1. Don’t Depend on You*
We live in a world where trust must be earned and seems to be in short supply. But Solomon, the famous king who wrote Proverbs, knew that trust is exactly where we must start:

*Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5)*

Most of us have faced disappointments, which have taught us that we can only depend upon ourselves. But living the life God has called us to means unlearning that lesson. Instead, we’re meant to rest in God’s understanding.

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We may know in our minds that He possesses all wisdom:

*“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!” Romans 11:33*

But sometimes trusting Him completely like that can be tough. So, each day we must consciously lay aside our own plans and expectations—and surrender to His plans.

What if we don’t feel like we can trust Him like that? That’s where step 2 comes in…

*2. Cry out to God*

Surrendering to God begins with our lips and our thoughts. We need more than a commitment to depend on Him; we need to cry out to Him to show that dependence.

*“in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:6)*

When we pray, we admit that His ways are higher than ours. We show that we are leaving our troubles and burdens and dreams in His capable hands. In fact, the Bible promises that when we reach out to Him in prayer, He hears us:

*“Evening, morning, and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. ” (Psalm 55:17)*

We handed the keys of our lives to Him, and we know that He’s able to lead us and drive us safely. But in order for that to work, we have to…

*3. Run from Evil*
So much in this world can clutter up our relationship with God. John, the writer of the fourth gospel, describes them as the desires of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride in our lives (1 John 2:16). In other words, our blessings can easily become our stumbling blocks when we think of them as what we deserve or what we need to be happy.

Instead, life works best when we remember the true source of our blessings—God—and focus on the things that please Him:

*“Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.” (Proverbs 3:7)*

Sometimes, the only way to live the life God wants us to live is by separating ourselves from the bad influences that keep dragging us down. That works the best when we start pursuing something else in their place:

*“Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” (2 Timothy 2:22)*

Is that easy? Not at all. Fleeing from the evil desires that pull at us means spending a lot of time crying out to God and leaning on Him. But our Creator promises to honor our commitment to Him when we shun evil:

*“This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” (Proverbs 3:8)*

When we pursue Him, we find life—abundant life.

Running from evil and pursuing God doesn’t come naturally to most of us. Instead, it means we have to make a serious change:

*4. Put God First in Your Life*

It’s easiest to put ourselves first. When something good happens, we want to congratulate ourselves with a reward. When something bad happens, we want to console ourselves or find someone to blame. In other words, we often have a *“me-centric”* starting place.

And when it comes to money, the struggle is even harder. But Solomon, who had quite a bit of wealth himself, knew that his money didn’t belong to him:

*“Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” (Proverbs 3:9–10)*

If we can trust God with the first of our wealth, we are truly showing how much we depend on Him.

Handing over the first part of our pay takes a huge amount of faith, after all. But doing so means being God-centric.

See also  Lesson 2, Part 1 of 4: The Transforming Story - The Worldview Story

To get there, though, make sure you…

*5. Check Yourself by God’s Word*

Let’s be honest. We aren’t so good at evaluating ourselves. We will go to great lengths to excuse our behavior, our actions, and our sins. Who needs a defence lawyer  when we can pretty much find a reason for any bad thing we do? The prophet Jeremiah captures this very well:

*“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)*

If we are ever going to truly trust in God and flee evil, we have to know exactly where we stand. We have to find an objective measure that tells us the truth. And that truth comes from God and His Word.

Of course, that doesn’t mean we’ll always like what we see or how we see it:

*“My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke” (Proverbs 3:11)*

That’s right. Sometimes it takes something bad happening or seeing ourselves in a bad light before we finally admit that we need to change. And the more we are in the Bible, the more likely this is to happen.

*“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11)*

When we have Scripture planted firmly in our hearts, God will often use that to deal with us.

*6. Listen to the Holy Spirit*

When Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to the church, He told His disciples that this Counselor would be their spiritual compass or GPS:

*“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26)*

As we go through our day, this same Holy Spirit guides us, too. That means we don’t have to go it alone or hope we arr getting it right. No, the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth and protects us:

*“Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.” (2 Timothy 1:14)*

After all, the gift of the Holy Spirit to us believers reminds us that we can truly…

*7. Rest in God’s Love*

When we face a difficult world each day, we can sometimes wonder if God even cares. Why do bad things happen? Where is God when I need Him? Solomon reminds us that God never takes a break or leaves us to fend for ourselves:

*“because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” (Proverbs 3:12)*

Even in the midst of turmoil, God sticks with us and uses those challenges to shape us. When we understand that, our perspective completely flips. No longer do we see our setbacks as failures; we see them as moments when God, as our loving Father, works on us.

And that’s exactly why we can trust in the Lord with all our hearts. He cares for us each and every day. He gives us what we need to thrive. He pours blessing after blessing upon us.

Now, *prayer for self deliverance*


“Lord Jesus Christ, I believe You died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You redeemed me by Your blood and I belong to You, and I want to live for You. I confess all my sins-known and unknown- I’m sorry for them all. I renounce them all. I forgive all others as I want You to forgive me. Forgive me now and cleanse me with Your blood. I thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now from all sin. And I come to You now as my deliverer. You know my special needs-the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles; that evil spirit, that unclean spirit—I claim the promise of Your word, “Whosoever that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” I call upon You now. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I lose myself from you, in the name of Jesus, and I command you to leave me right now in Jesus’ name. Amen!”
Let it come from your heart and see the salvation of the Lord!

See also  The Blessing of Unity -11/24/24


For those who are sick or unwell in whatever shape or form, or needing deliverance? Or restoration, kindly touch the dot below in faith *(Faith is seeing the precise positive outcome of your current situation, knowing that Jesus has done His part more than 2000 years ago to secure your healing and deliverance, restoration as a down payment, trusting that down payment is available to you to draw from, like a positive balance in your checking account with the bank, no questions asked as we agree with you and pronounce BE HEALED in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen)*

By the authority, you have granted unto me and unto them, I exercise that authority now in faith with their anger against the enemy and hunger to get what you have freely given unto them all, I curse every illness, every disease, be it cancer, COVID 19, be it spirit of infirmities, be it demonic possession or oppression, be it the spirit of poverty, setbacks, delayed fulfilment of what God has already determined and released. We come against the anomaly, I bind them, we curse them to their root and we cast them out by authority in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. We call forth a release of healing, deliverances and restoration into their lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for testimonies that are abiding to your glory and honour and adoration. Thank you for souls that are being added to Your kingdom as a result of this message, the miracles that we are already seeing right now and manifesting for your glory in Jesus name, Amen. It is done! Rejoice!

Touch this spot highlighted as a point of contact and confess with your mouth – *I AM HEALED, I AM DELIVERED and I AM RESTORED* in my Spirit, Soul, Body and all around me in the name of JESUS Christ, Amen!!!

Begin to do what you could not do before and begin to confess until full healing, deliverance restoration becomes a fruit in your life in Jesus name, amen. Stay hungry for all of God, stay angry and take back all that the enemy has held back in Jesus name, amen

Testify to the healing for God’s glory and to the shame of the enemy! Send us an email or whatsapp us if you still need us to agree with you on the issue. Go to the content on and build up your faith!
Share wide this content so that it can be a blessing to others!


Amb. Monday O. Ogbe
*Otakada Cyber Church* Ministries Inc
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Originally posted on June 16, 2021 @ 8:27 am

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