The Great Exchange For Service – Intercession Part 6 – Intimacy, Prayer, fasting, forgiveness and Healing

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The Great Exchange For Service – Intercession Part 6 – Intimacy, Prayer, fasting, forgiveness and Healing

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Title: The Great Exchange For Service – Intercession Part 6 – Intimacy, Prayer, fasting, forgiveness and Healing

 The Great Exchange For Service - Intercession Part 6 – Intimacy, Prayer, fasting, forgiveness and Healing content count #14,324

Date: Sunday, 30th of September 2018

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The Great Exchange For Service – Intercession Part 6 – Intimacy, Prayer, fasting, forgiveness and Healing

Key Passages: 


John 15:7,8

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you[b] will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.



Isaiah 59: 1-21

59 Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened,
That it cannot save;
Nor His ear heavy,
That it cannot hear.
But your iniquities have separated you from your God;
And your sins have hidden His face from you,
So that He will not hear…..

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.Ephesians 4:31-32


The Great Exchange For Service – Intercession Part 6 – Intimacy, Prayer, fasting, forgiveness and Healing

Dear brethren, welcome to another week of the great exchange for service – intercession part 6 and intimacy with our heavenly Father. Today, we are exploring how Intercession and intimacy tie into prayer, fasting, forgiveness and healing as we intercede for others.

Jesus says the more of My Word that is gathered and hidden in your heart, the deeper your revelation and intimacy with Me will be. (see Psalm 119:11; John 15:7-8.)  When the scripture are deposited in your life as a result of diligent study and memorization, they become available to Me. I use them to draw you deeper into the well of My presence. ( See 2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17) “Have you noticed that when we take our walk together, the Scripture are more real to you?” He asked. “Haven’t they become more alive to you than ever before?” “This is because the degree of intimacy we are sharing enables the Scriptures to be understood at a much greater depth of revelation,” He explained. (See Psalm 119:130.) “You must continuously store the Scriptures within your heart. They are spiritual words that will enable you to enter into the mysteries and revelation that I have for you. “The more you read and study the Bible in the days to come, the closer I will draw you to ME. Even greater revelation will flow out of our intimacy as we walk together. Communication releases Intimacy!”

Without communication, there is no intimacy, and without words there can be no communication! In fact, God’s Word is a crucial aspect of closeness with Him. See John 5:39;6:63,68) Genuine intimacy begins with clear and precise articulation of thought and emotion.

While we intercede for others, we have to be open to the Holy Spirit to pray through us in heavenly language and we have also to be ready to receive words relevant to the spiritual state of the recipient of our prayers so we can pray aright and direct our prayers aright because prayer is a two way communication between us and the Father and between the recipient and God where we become the mouth piece of God depending on the spiritual state of the recipient of our intercession.

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Three true stories I will share here lay credence to the need to be open and sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit as we pray.  A few days ago, we were interceding for Leah Sharibu and we prayed with several scriptures but the final day, the third day, the Lord laid upon our hearts to pray with Psalm 102:13-20 with particular emphasis on verse 20.  This scripture became our rhema word. We did intercede with that scripture and also communicated to originators of the three day fast for Leah.  The second story has to do with a brother who a colleague who was plagued with stomach also. The situation was so bad that this colleague had to take a break from the office every one hour to eat something. This brother, in responding to prayer request by the colleague, they Lord ministered to the brother to tell the colleague that he has bitterness against someone and until He makes peace, no amount of prayer will bring healing. The colleague confirmed that He was bitter with his landlord. Cut long story short, the colleague made peace with the landlord and the colleague’s health was restored.  The third story had to do with the Pastor of the largest church in South Korea, at some point, the largest church in the world, with over 750,000 members – Pastor  David Yonnggi Cho. Read what he said here about prayer, fasting, forgiveness and healing with a true story from a visitor who came to his office requesting for prayer for healing…

“Will everyone be healed at prayer mountain if they fast and pray? Obviously, healing is not as simple as that.

Some people get healed immediately, while others take longer. Yet, when people have great difficulty in getting healed, I have discovered that they may have unforgiveness in their hearts.

Many people have been wronged by their families, business associates, and friends. They therefore seek justice, as they perceive justice to be. If justice is not rendered in their circumstances, they become hateful and bitter. Many of these people will develop physical symptoms that are directly attributable to their unforgiving attitude. They develop a root of bitterness that gives off poisons into their systems and suffer both mental and physical anguish.

“But I am right!” a lady told me once after I shared with her what I have just shared with you.

“My husband is guilty! I hate him!”

“Yes sister,” I replied. “But you are the one suffering from being crippled with arthritis. “I will complete this story later.

If we have been wronged, we must forgive! Even if we don’t feel like forgiving, we must forgive! If the offending party has not asked for forgiveness, still we must forgive!

Jesus is the perfect example. As He hung on the cross, no one was asking Christ’s forgiveness; in fact, they were mocking and tormenting Him. Yet, Jesus said “Father, forgive them.” Therefore, forgiveness is not an option, it is mandatory. It is not an occasional action; it is a way of life.

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Forgiving the person who has wronged you releases the Holy spirit to bring conviction to the one causing you the problem. Nothing escapes the eyes of our heavenly Father. He knows the intents or motives of the heart. The Holy Spirit is able to convict of sin, righteousness, and judgement.

Now, back to our story. The lady in my office had been married for many years. Her husband had left her and was living with another woman. Having to care for herself and her family, she was put under difficult financial circumstances. Now she was in my office asking for healing from her crippling arthritis.

The Holy Spirit caused me to ask her, “Have you forgiven your husband?”

“No! I can’t I Hate him she sobbed, not able to control the tears.

“You must forgive him!” I continued. “This will cleanse your spirit of bitterness, which may be preventing your healing. It will also release the hand of the Holy Spirit in his life.”

After a while, she agreed to forgive her husband and to return to pray and fast at Prayer Mountain. The following Sunday after one of our services, I heard a knock on my office door. I invited the person to enter. A man, looking grim, walked in first, followed by this lady.

“Pastor, this is my husband, for whom we have been praying,” the woman said to me. She was hardly able to control the tears of joy as she turned to her husband  and said, “Please tell the pastor what happened.”

“Pastor Cho, do you think God can forgive me?” her husband asked. Then he continued, “I am a great sinner. A week ago, I started feeling very guilty as I was at home with the other woman. I could not stand the pain that I felt inside. Suddenly, I started to think of my wife and children, whom I had abandoned. Not being able to relieve myself from the guilt that I felt, I thought of committing suicide. As Sunday approached, I decided to come to church, hoping to get forgive ness and to feel better. I then noticed my wife sitting across the auditorium. That is when I decided to ask her and God for forgiveness. Can God forgive me?”

“Yes, He can forgive you. “I answered. Then I led him in the sinner’s prayer, and he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. What a joy it was to see the two reunited in Jesus Christ!

Later, as the woman continued to fast and pray, she was able to get up from her wheelchair  and be healed. However, she had already been healed internally through forgiveness before being healed externally in divine healing.

I do not mean that everyone who is crippled or handicapped is suffering because of unforgiveness. Yet, many would be healed if they would only learn how to forgive.

If you, the reader, have a problem in forgiving someone, don’t let pride take over, keeping you from obeying God’s word. Determine to go the extra mile, laying down your self righteous attitude and forgiving that person! You will then experience a release of hostilities and will feel much better.

God resists the proud but He gives more grace to the humble. Therefore, if you are having trouble with not having enough grace in your life, it could be that you are standing on your pride and not on the grace of God. What do you have to lose except bitterness, resentment, and possibly ill health?

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       And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed – James 5:15-16

Psychologists, medical doctors, and psychiatrists now agree that the mental attitudes of their patients control, to a great degree, their success in healing.

Now is the time for the body of Jesus Christ, the church, to be healed! God’s attitude is shown in John’s third epistle:

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”(3 John 2).

The key to getting spiritual and material prosperity is linked to our soul (mind) prospering through forgiveness.

Therefore, fasting and prayer, combined with forgiveness, will cause a greater degree of health in the church. This will make the vehicle God has chosen to bring revival a healthy and useful tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit.

We have a great challenge. It is also a great opportunity. What is needed is greater people-willing to forgive, sacrifice, obey and commit. I have made myself available to the Holy Spirit to do whatever is in my power to be and instrument of revival and church growth. Won’t you join with me?” quote ended.



As intercessors, we need to be open to the Holy Spirit to pray through us and also expect to hear from our heavenly Father concerning the petitions we bring Him and more importantly concerning the spiritual state of the recipients for us to be effective in the great exchange for service. God is more interested in who we are than what is wrong with us. What is wrong are symptoms and  only the Holy Spirit can pull out the deep issues. We require laser discernment in the place of prayer and may the Lord grant us grace to spend more time with Him and His word so we can be effective ministers of God’s grace to others. Amen



Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe e- discipleship at 


Originally posted on September 30, 2018 @ 12:09 am

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