Prayer & Counselling Haven Networks for Ministry and Church Leaders – Zoom and Facebook Group Invitations

prayer and counselling network for ministry leaders
Prayer and Counselling Haven Network for Ministry Leaders
Prayer & Counselling Network for Ministry leaders

Prayer & Counselling Haven Networks for Ministry and Church Leaders – Zoom and Facebook Group Invitations

Link to Introduce and Capture Prayer Request and details on website:

Prayer & Counselling Haven Network of 40 Online Zoom Sessions in 40 minutes with Ministry Leaders (International & Interdenominational), once a week, Every Saturday between 6.00 Am to 6.40 Am and beginning February 2022

This session is for those involved actively in ministry, including one – on – one counselling with those leaders who need them.

If you believe prayer and counselling will make you a more effective leader in your ministry and need help in achieving your goals in 2022 and beyond, I urge you not to miss the sessions as you can draw from other leader’s insights that you can never get alone for active deployment on your mission field.

Remember, He who wants to go FAST goes alone but he who wants to go far, goes together with others because iron sharpens iron – Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

What then does 4 by 4 by 4 prayer points mean:

We expect that each participant will have 12 core prayer needs. They can have more but the core 12 prayer points are essential and divided into 3 parts of 4 prayer points each as follows:

1st by 4 Prayer Points mean:

In the 1st 4 prayer needs, you come up with prayer points that have something to do with what touches God’s Kingdom like: –  love for God, and Others, evangelism, discipleship, souls, the church, the persecuted church, unity, boldness to share the word, light and salt etc.  These 1st 4 sets of prayer Points fulfills the


Matthew 22:37 Jesus answered him, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.– This is where Perfect WORDS, Perfect WORKS and Perfect Wonders come in.

2nd by 4 Prayer Points Means:

In the 2nd 4 prayer needs, you come up with prayer points that have something to do with you and your prayer needs – like God’s purpose for your life, clarity, success, healing, deliverance, restoration etc. This fulfills second part of

Matthew 22:39 The second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ – This is where Perfect WORDS, Perfect WORKS and Perfect Wonders come in.

 3rd by 4 Prayer Points Means:

In the 3rd 4 prayer needs, you come up with prayer points that have something to do with others and their prayer needs – like Gods purpose for their lives, clarity, success, healing, deliverance, restoration etc. This fulfills first part of

Matthew 22:39 The second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ – This is where Perfect WORDS, Perfect WORKS and Perfect Wonders come in.

Armed with twelve (12) prayer expectation as outlined above (More can be added to expand on these), I don’t see how there would not be answers popping up like popcorn as we come together and iron sharpen irons. It also fosters engagement across denominations and unity that we so desire in our midst as the day dawns towards the end.

We expect that during signup process for these various zoom sessions, forms will be filled online where we get to know you and to highlight your ministry gifts or spiritual gifts and if you don’t know them, we send you online test links that will help narrow down your ministry gifts so that you can be instrumental during the counselling sessions and prayer sessions as you touch base with other believers from around the world.

See also  My Daily Confessions and Declaration of operating in the realm of Unlimited Possibilities and Exploits unto my God

For ongoing discussions after each Zoom session, visit secure URL GROUP on facebook below:

To signup to Zoom Recurring Sessions , store these login details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 727 0634 9448
Passcode: 3ywTNE

Every Saturday 6:00 AM – 6:40 AM WEST AFRICAN STANDARD TIME (WAST)

Sharewide to you might need them!


Ambassador Oreojo Monday Ogbe

Facilitator – God’s Eagle Ministries

Seeding the Nations with God’s Words and God is Transforming Lives through the Timeless Truths in His Word

Https:// – ..Hosting Over 2 million Christian Centric Contents – All in One Place! Equipping for Unity, for Discipleship, For Evangelism & For the Work of Ministry in Christ Jesus!

Originally posted on January 15, 2022 @ 6:05 pm

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