*Summary 1st day 1, 2 and 3 of 7 day retreat in prayer and fasting 2025*
Blog link https://www.otakada.org/summary-1st-day-1-2-and-3-of-7-day-retreat-in-prayer-and-fasting-2025/
Friends, these are the details I entered into my journal during annual 7 day prayer and fasting at the beginning of the year in my dialogue with the Holy Spirit. 3 days only Specifically, this year which the Lord has declared to us the year of perfection, He is instructing us to focus on our thought life. If our thought aligns with His, our emotions and actions will align and we will then walk and work in perfect. Since these are divine principles, I am prompted to share so that we can all learn together. We shall be taking a series on our thought life this year as outlined in several scriptures particularly in Romans 12:1-2
Monday OGBE
*# Spiritual Growth and Reflection: A Seven-Day Journey*
**Introduction to the Journey**
– A seven-day spiritual retreat focused on self-reflection, prayer, and alignment with the Holy Spirit.
– Emphasis on peer learning: sharing insights and learning from one another.
– The first days are dedicated to self-examination and building oneself up in the Holy Spirit, rather than intercession.
**Day 1: Worship, Thanksgiving, and Purging**
– **Activities:**
– Worship and thanksgiving.
– Reading and meditating on Psalm 51.
– Asking for forgiveness and purging oneself of offenses, unconfessed sins, and emotional burdens.
– **Purpose:**
– Clear spiritual and emotional “junk” to ensure open heavens and effective prayers.
– Gain spiritual authority for the year ahead.
## **Day 2: Self-Examination and Listening to the Holy Spirit**
– **Key Questions Asked:**
1. *What lack I yet for perfection in my walk with You?*
2. *What am I doing right, averaging, or wrong?*
3. *What is stopping me from flowing with the Spirit?*
– **Holy Spirit’s Response:**
– Be sensitive to His leading.
– Align actions with what the Spirit is doing (walking, running, soaring, or resting).
– Pause and consult the Spirit at the thought level before acting.
### **The Three-Part Process of Thought to Action**
1. **Thinking:** Initial thoughts arise.
2. **Feeling:** Thoughts generate corresponding emotions.
3. **Acting:** Emotions lead to actions.
– **Key Insight:** Address thoughts at their origin to prevent negative emotions and actions.
## **Scriptures for Guidance**
– **Proverbs 23:7:** *As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.*
– **Proverbs 3:5-6:** *Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.*
– **2 Corinthians 10:5:** *Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.*
– **John 5:19-20:** *Jesus did only what He saw the Father doing.*
– **Matthew 12:34:** *Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.*
– **Romans 12:2:** *Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.*
– **Philippians 4:8:** *Think on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable.*
– **Psalm 119:97-105:** *Meditate on God’s Word daily for wisdom and understanding.*
## **Practical Steps for Thought Management**
– **Pause and Reflect:** When a thought arises, pause and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.
– **Capture and Analyze:** Take every thought captive and ensure it aligns with Christ’s teachings.
– **Guard Your Heart:** Protect your mind from negative influences through:
– Monitoring what you watch, hear, and say.
– Avoiding negative company.
– **Meditate on Scripture:** Use God’s Word as a foundation for thoughts and actions.
## **Key Themes for 2025**
– **Perfection:** Aligning with the Spirit’s leading in every aspect of life.
– **Sensitivity:** Being attuned to the Spirit’s guidance in thoughts, emotions, and actions.
– **Renewal:** Transforming the mind through consistent meditation on Scripture.
## **Checklist for Spiritual Growth**
– [x] Begin each day with worship and thanksgiving.
– [x] Ask the Holy Spirit to examine your life and reveal areas for improvement.
– [x] Journal insights and scriptures revealed by the Spirit.
– [x] Pause and consult the Spirit at the thought level.
– [x] Meditate on key scriptures daily.
– [x] Guard your heart and mind from negative influences.
– [x] Align actions with the Spirit’s leading.
## **Conclusion**
– The journey is about aligning with the Holy Spirit to walk in perfection and purpose.
– Focus on thought management, sensitivity to the Spirit, and meditation on God’s Word.
– By following these steps, you can experience spiritual growth and clarity in 2025.