Intro to Prayer ROOM For Healing Deliverance and Restoration – Facebook PRAYER ROOM Group Invitation

Prayer Room
Intro to Prayer ROOM For Healing Deliverance and Restoration - Facebook PRAYER ROOM Group Invitation
Prayer Room

Prayer ROOM For Healing, Deliverance and Restoration – Facebook PRAYER ROOM Group Invitation

Link to Capture Prayer Request and details on

What is PRAYER ROOM?  YOUR ROOM for Healing, Deliverance and Restoration

 If you answer YES to any of the following questions, then the Healing, Deliverance and Restoration PRAYER ROOM is for you:

1) Do you need healing, Deliverance and Restoration in your life?

2) Does anyone you know needs Healing, Deliverance and Restoration in their lives?

3) Do you want to be equipped to minister Healing, Deliverance and Restoration to others?

4) Do you have questions in relation to Healing, Deliverance, and Restoration requiring Answers?

5) Would be open to share your testimonies in the group as the Lord works Wonders in your life and others for God’s glory as a result of divine intervention so that others in the group can be encouraged and God is glorified?

6) Do you accept to be prayed for in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

7) Are open to follow all the instructions we give you in the course of the ministrations?

then Join the PRAYER ROOM!

We are Ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ, an extension of the ministry of Jesus Christ to bring the kingdom of God to the lives of people through Healing, Deliverance and Restoration to the nations of the world!

Visit secure URL Prayer ROOM GROUP on facebook below:

Open 24/7 for prayer requests!

See also  Part 10 - WHO AM I? Who are You in Christ Jesus? What must we do about it to truly live in Freedom in Christ Jesus? - Jackie Chan’s story + Lester Sumrall Displays Who He is in three (3) stories – Deliverance of Cornelio The Twelve-year-old disappearing and Reappearing boy and other stories to build up Your faith and mine that it is POSSIBLE You are born this!



Ambassador Oreojo Monday Ogbe

Facilitator – God’s Eagle Ministries

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