Day 31 of 40 Day Discipleship Walk With Jesus Christ: Pray in Jesus’ name


Day 31 of 40 Day Discipleship Walk With Jesus Christ: Pray in Jesus’ name

Tuesday December 31st, 2024

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Day 31 of 40 Day Discipleship Walk With Jesus Christ: Pray in Jesus’ name

As a child, I was always fascinated by the power of prayer in Jesus name. My grandmother, a devout Christian, would often take me to church and teach me how to pray. She would tell me that prayer was a way to communicate with God, and that He would always listen and answer our prayers.

I remember one particular instance when I was around 10 years old. I had been struggling in school, and my grades were not very good. I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, and I didn’t know how to improve my situation. One day, after a particularly difficult day at school, I came home and cried to my grandmother. She listened to me, and then she took me to her room and prayed with me. She prayed for God to give me wisdom and understanding, and to help me succeed in my studies in Jesus name.

The next day, I woke up feeling different. I felt a sense of peace and calm that I had never felt before. I went to school, and to my surprise, I did much better on my tests and assignments. I felt like I had a newfound understanding of the material, and I was able to answer questions confidently. My grades started to improve, and I began to enjoy school more.

I realized that my grandmother’s prayers had been answered, and that God had heard our prayers. I felt grateful and thankful for the power of prayer, and I knew that I could always turn to God for help and guidance.

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As I grew older, I continued to pray and seek God’s guidance in my life. I faced many challenges and struggles, but I always found comfort in the knowledge that God was with me, and that He would hear and answer my prayers.

Years later, I became a Christian myself, and I continued to pray and seek God’s guidance in my life. I found that the more I prayed, the more I felt God’s presence and guidance in my life. I experienced many answers to prayer, and I saw the power of prayer at work in my life and in the lives of those around me.

I am grateful for the lessons I learned from my grandmother about the power of prayer, and I continue to pray and seek God’s guidance in my life today in Jesus’ name. I know that He is always listening and ready to answer our prayers, and I am thankful for His love and grace in my life.

What an awesome power and victory secured through prayer offered in Jesus’ name


John 14:13-14

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

Why do we say ‘In Jesus name’ when we finish a prayer? Does any prayer suddenly becomes acceptable because we add ‘in Jesus name” at the end?

Saying ‘In Jesus name’ when we pray is a reminder that we are asking what we think Jesus wants and deserves in that situation. We are asking according to his worthiness and victory on the cross. He died to make such a prayer answerable. So we think about that when we ask.

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In some countries children go to a corner store and make purchases on their parents’ account. If they ask for a quart of milk or a loaf of bread they get it. If they ask for 5 kilos of candy they don’t. By asking in their parents’ name, the store owner gives then what their parents would want.

When we read the Bible, we find out what God wants, and this guides us to ask in Jesus’ name.

For Reflection:

  • Have you ever wondered why we put ‘In Jesus’ name at the end of the prayer?
  • What is the value of repeating this phrase in your prayer?

Make Life Count:

  • Instead of saying “In Jesus’ name” at the end of the prayer, for every phrase ask yourself “Is this what Jesus wants?”

Day 31 of 40 Day Discipleship Walk With Jesus Christ: Pray in Jesus’ name


Praying for the NATIONS

Pray for The Continent of Oceania – Day 2 of 3 that is kingdom rules and reigns in that continent in Jesus name, Amen


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