A Miracle Agent in the harvest fields of life Day 56 of 90 days
#blessing #miracleagent #globalmatthew610prayers
Otakada Post: 2,220,185
Wednesday, November 25th, 2020
The List of people who were wired to be a blessing to others.. A Miracle Agent in the harvest fields of life Day 56 of 90 days of Matthew 6:10 prayers.
The list goes on…Abraham was not told to leave his fathers house to a new land to deliver himself but to deliver a nation and be a blessing to the world.

+ 90 Days of Global Matthew 6:10 Intercession for the World – day 7
Joseph did not go to Egypt to deliver himself, he went to Egypt to deliver others.
Moses did not go back to Egypt to deliver himself – He was already far away from danger.. But God sent him back to deliver others in the storm of life.
SPACE and TIME will not permit me, but I must add Jesus, our Master and Lord. Jesus did not come to the world to deliver Himself but to deliver the entire human race and He goes on to tell me and you to go and deliver the world by His example, through MAKING DISCIPLES of ALL NATIONS ..everything we do in our lives, homes, churches, nation and the world must of necessity dovetail into this singular mandate to GO MAKE DISCIPLES of ALL NATIONS..
WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO, HOW do you and I intend to stay FAITHFUL to this singular TASK the master has left us all, His called out ones?
Our Joy, fulfilment and Conviction about God and His presence and favor upon us is tied to being in the centre of this task. … He says, as we do this, He will be with us even unto the end of age – guaranteed– Matthew 28:20.. But if we are not doing this singular task, then the opposite is also true – think about that… that is why Matthew 6:10 prayers is critically important to your posterity as a child of God because God will not back disobedience – Period!
So, if you feel, sense or discerned that God is FAR away from you or your prayers are bouncing back on your head with no iota of conviction that He hears you and i, His sons and daughters, then we need to return to glorious verse again – Matthew 6:10 today..You are not begging Him for anything..you are just saying, not else but YES to Your kingdom and Your plan for my life, my family, my church, my nation and my world, whilst giving Him the permission to realign you as He deemed fit for His kingdom and His plans for your life. As you are SERIOUSLY FAITHFUL to this prayer, He will open your eyes, ears and heart to discern where you have missed it. Your deliverance then depends on what YOU DO with what He has revealed in the secret place..
If you are confused, don’t know what to do, how to proceed? Send us an email at info@otakada.org or call us via +13022686313 or +2348032835348 which is also the WhatsApp number..
Visit https://www.otakada.org and get equipped and empowered to BE and to DO the unimaginable because one with God’s AGENDA for his or her life is majority..
We have 34 more days left out of the 90 days global Matthew 6:10 prayer and fasting, enforcing His mandate in 5 Realms – Self, Family, Church, Nation and the world.– Stay strong
Minister Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe
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Originally posted on November 25, 2020 @ 11:45 am