8 Crucial Questions every born again believer must ask the Lord in the Secret place: Explanation of the Five fold ministry and other gifts and callings

8 Crucial Questions every born again believer must ask the Lord in the Secret Place: Explanation of the Five fold ministry and other gifts and callings
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*8 Crucial Questions every born again believer must ask the Lord in the Secret Place: Explanation of the Five fold ministry and other gifts and callings*

8 Crucial Questions every born again believer must ask the Lord in the Secret Place: Explanation of the Five fold ministry and other gifts and callings

Wednesday 31st July 2024

Blog link: https://www.otakada.org/8-crucial-questions-every-born-again-believer-must-ask-the-lord-in-the-secret-place-explanation-of-the-five-fold-ministry-and-other-gifts-and-callings/

Podcast link : Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: 8 Crucial Questions every born again believer must ask the Lord in the Secret Place: Explanation of https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/otakada/episodes/8-Crucial-Questions-every-born-again-believer-must-ask-the-Lord-in-the-Secret-Place-Explanation-of-e2mlv12



YouTube link 1



Friends, I had no plans of sending any message out today BUT a good friend of mine in South Africa prompted me to send this message. I hope this will be a blessing to you also.

What is the question about? It is about the question of our identity in Christ. We are saved to serve. So if we are saved to serve, where then do we serve? Who are we serving. I have broken those down into eight (8) questions with answers through explanation and my own ministry journey. So, fasten your seat belt and I hope that at the end, some questions you have will be answered too.

So many in the body of Christ are like fish on dry ground. One day, we are fish in water and another day, we don’t seem to be able to tell whether we belong there. Another day, the fish finds Himself or herself on dry ground and per time feels or senses that that is where I belong and after a while dryness sets in.

A lot of time, the fish in the water is at home in water until the watch the lion on dry land and they want to be like the lion, walking gallantly on dry ground. The lion wants to tell the fish that unless you become like me on dry ground where I function, you are not complete. Enamoured by the lion, the fish immediately jumps out of water and hopping after the lion and after a while dryness comes in. In God’s mercy, God lovingly leads the fish back into fresh water. Then the eagle flies above the fish and the fish wants to be like the mighty eagles because the fish senses the eagle has no limit. The eagle can fly high and go anywhere whilst the fish is bound by the perimeter of the water. Try as hard as the fish can jump above the water , the dish dives back into the water, pulled by the gravitational force because the fish was not designed to fly in the air but to dive in and out of water and swims around in water

If only the fish will ask the following 8 questions from the maker of the fish, which is God Himself, the confusion will be settled once and for all. But we are usually blind to what we are until pointed in the right direction by our maker Himself.

*Below are the questions begging for answers:*

*1) Who am I in the body of Christ?*

*2) Where is my place in the body of Christ?*

*3) What am I to do in the body of Christ?*

*4) When am I to do it in the body of Christ?*

*5) How should I do it in the body of Christ?*

*6) Who should I do it to in the body of Christ?*

*7) How long should I do it for the body of Christ?*

*8) Where should I do it in the body of Christ?*

The Corinthians had this same problem and Paul had to explain to them in

1 Corinthians 12:4-26
It is 22 verses long and I encourage you to read it because after that I will simplify the 5 fold ministry to you in a way you have not heard it explained.

Don’t try to be someone else, don’t be like your Pastor, Bishop, general Overseer in functionality. You have your own. Copy Christ attribute in him or her as they model after Christ. Apart from that don’t get into the realm of covetousness. It is not of God. Don’t covet other people’s gifts find and develop your own.. We are all striving to perfection in Christ Jesus. Everyone has a journey in our work and walk with Christ.

Leaders, don’t think you have arrived, you are still a work in progress. Never build your self confidence around the balance in your bank account, the job you have, the car you drive, the house or area or country you live in. Don’t build your self esteem on people, build it on God. People can dropped you really fast like a hot potato sooner or later because they are in a journey as well that demands their full attention just like yours. The scriptures says woe is He who puts their trust in man..you can extend that to things.

You cannot look to God and look to man for the same thing. You can decide to look to God but He will use man or woman to get to you. But your focus should be on Him. Your president or Nation has no capacity to deliver himself or herself.
Look to the source where you can draw redemption from.

Below is the text from Paul to the Corinthians

*1 Corinthians 12:4-26*
New International Version

*_4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work._*

*_7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines._*

*Unity and Diversity in the Body*

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*_12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many._*

*_15 Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body._*

*_21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it._*

Let’s now look at the five fold ministry

8 Crucial Questions every born again believer must ask the Lord in the Secret Place: Explanation of the Five fold ministry and other gifts and callings


*1.Apostle – Governs*

*2. Prophet – Guides*

*3. Evangelist – Gathers*

*4. Pastor – Guards*

*5. Teacher – Grounds*

Please don’t try to take over other saints office. Stay and perfect your own by the inner working of the same Spirit of God in you.

The Church NOW and Today needs the full function and operation of the full fivefold in accordance with the WORD. One person cannot have all five offices. God is not an author of confusion. Even in the God Head, there is division of labor. Jesus, the Son, said it is important I go away, for if I do not go away, the Holy Spirit, the God Head will not come to you..

In Genesis, God the Father, said to the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us, the God Head make man in our own image, after our likeness, let…
You get the point of division of labor.

The fact that you have this pent up ministry or denominations does not make you an island ️ except you by choice decide to separate yourself from the others. Thereby separating yourself from the ministration of the other members of the body of Christ.

May We identify and encourage those whom God has given the grace and anointing for such.


*The Apostle – Leads*

*The Prophet – Speaks*

*The Teacher – Equips*

*The Evangelist – Proclaims*

*The Pastor – Cares*

8 Crucial Questions every born again believer must ask the Lord in the Secret Place: Explanation of the Five fold ministry and other gifts and callings

There are many churches that have gone out of divine place and assignment because they have chased the prophets out of their midst.

There are many prophets that have chased away the teachers from their midst and now propagating error on a level never seen before. The fact that you can see vision does not make you a perfect divider of truth. God has given that office, sir, to the teachers and try as you can, you can’t be like them. So, just stop trying, work with them and see if the error will be chased away from your gathering.

We need all for our time like never before. Divinely called, appointed and anointed fivefold Ministers.


*1. Apostle – Visionary Strategist*

*2. Prophet – Spiritual Advisor*

*3. Teacher – Logical Thinker/Implementer*

*4. Evangelist – Persuasive Communicator*

*5. Pastor – Human Resource Counselor*

There are so many ministries that are stagnant, no growth because the apostles thinks he has the auction for an evangelism.. nothing can be further from the truth. You can use management and marketing strategies, like franchising to expand your ministry that does not automatically equate to the office of an Evangelist. You are an apostle not an Evangelist. Strategies change. Only the office can pick this up with the auction allocated to that office alone. So many big churches are growing but not by the auction of God. So many are dry in the word because teachers are not allowed to function

The Gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit work in manifold ways and is not limited to a one approach.

The Bible talks about the seven spirits yet refers to one and the same Spirit manifesting His completeness in different ways.

Some are open to revelation but not learning or teaching. The humble is open to learning, education and revelation.


*Apostle – Long-Sight*

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*Prophet – Foresight*

*Evangelist – Hindsight*

*Teacher – Insight*

*Pastor – Oversight*

So many churches have grown but no oversight function which the ministry of a pastor brings to the table..

General Overseers just appoint people who are available without an understanding of what office those who are sent to take over branches have been given. The drive to explain and be the biggest ministry in the world have lead to shallow converts who do not have a pastor as office following up on the converts. So no discipleship – Period. And if no discipleship, no transformation!!!

VISION means to SEE. All those in the fivefold ministry must have a vision or see something in the area of their ministries. Spiritual sight is the ability to see by revelation what needs to be done when and how. We all need vision to do His work effectively.

BUT, BIG BUT, clarity of goals requires interaction of the offices in the body of Christ. Yes, we must have a measure of each of the gift but we have an office.


*Apostle – Mission*

*Prophet – Vision*

*Evangelist – Commission*

*Pastor – Compassion*

*Teacher – Passion*

Teachers, Passion is great and you need the helps of apostles and prophets to clarify vision and mission.
Don’t say, I can also see.. Get clear details from Apostles and Prophets or Prophetess. That apostles or prophets should not necessarily be in your circles . Why is that? Because they know you too much and they may out of flesh give you or tell you what is not yours..and you wrong with the wrong mission and vision. I am not saying ignore your own. Work with those within your circles and don’t be afraid to look wide..the Spirit in you will confirm what is being said.. it is one Spirit, not 100.

I remember advising a prophet ones to seek help from ministry offices about a matter he was confronted with after much prayer without answer. I told him to go outside his circle. And he felt offended. We have to be careful not to fall into pride. God does that, to but our help beyond our reach to humble us at times that we don’t have all that it takes to address the matters of our lives and of ministry. We must go out of our comfort zones. God has prompted time and time and gain to go outside my comfort zone to receive a ministration I needed because God does not see our pent up ministries.. He sees this seas of sons and daughters of His and could route your help through any one of them.

That does not mean we will not have a measure of the gift resident in each of us but one is dominant per time. Because it is one Spirit, He can chose to manifest all gifts with great measure for a specific task and after that return to status quo – our official office.

When Jesus said, *”By their fruits we shall know them”*, it does not have to be negative. The dominant gift always manifest as a fruit in our lives that other can see and say, *”Indeed this is a prophet or based on what I have experienced from you, you are an Evangelist”*- PERIOD!!!

That is the office you operate in. So there are apostles as an office and not merely gift. There are prophets as an office and not as a gift. There are Evangelist as an office and not as a gift. These officers primary or main function is to equip and impact a measure of this office as gift on the members of the body of Christ so they can manifest a measure of that gift in their absence.

Every child of God has to desire to manifest these gift because it is one Spirit that is at work in all of us for specific task. But not to be coveted. The Holy Spirit will allow to flow when there is a need. That specific task, He alone determines that as we are willing to cooperate with Him.

*MY STORY in ministry*

The first assignment God gave me was in the realm of intercession. He first said, *”Pray for my church, pray for my leaders”*
What shall I pray? He said pray that they might be ONE”

Then he said,  send messages and pull resources into one place from the body of Christ that cut across all denominations and ministries.. Otakada.org with over 2million content was born.

So, if your pastor will not allow you to understand the ministry of a prophet, check our site, you will learn and develop a gift for a prophet..how to hear God, ..

If your church does not disciple you, on our site you will find out how.

If you ministry says, the time for miracle signs and wonders have ended . You get equipping on otakada.org

If your ministry says, God does not lead through dreams, we will teach you dream interpretation through content, not just from us but from other offices in the body of Christ, through their teaching.

If you have been feeding your members that your church is the only church approved by Jesus, come to God’s eagle ministries website and you secure answers which you can take to the Lord for confirmation.

Next assignment, He said, ” pray for my church, pray for my leaders, pray for revival ”

He then send me across the learnt and bright of Nigeria to raise prayers for our nation and for the church in 2010.

Next conversation. He said pray for my church, pray for my leaders that my kingdom, my ways and my rule will reign amongst them”

Next pray over the land where my people dwell that my purpose will be established

Next, He said, *”Raise me an army of intercessors to take over a continent for Me”* that process is ongoing as I write you right now..

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God is not static. You can see from all the assignments that God has given me is that I am an intercessor before a seer. My target audience is the body of Christ and leadership. What to proclaim changes constantly..

In the context of that prayer, I can discern what message they need. I am not indifferent to when one leaders fails or falls. I take them to the place of prayer. I am fearless in going to those leaders and telling them what the Lord said I should tell them about their ministry. Condemnation is not usually how God operates.

He wants all His children straying to be delivered and gives a very long rope for each and every one of us. We are to intercede for the body of Christ, we are to intercede for leaders no matter how far they have gone off track with God and we must pray that we are to function in the body of Christ in such a way that unbelievers see the unity amongst us, see the love of God amongst us and come running to join us because they understand that God is love and they are God’s children as well but in rebellion.

The only God must of this people will see are we Christians. We are the greatest advertisment billboard for God for His lost children. We must not let Him down. If you doubt this read Jesus’s prayer in John 17.. *that they may be one, just as you and I are one. ..that the world may know and recognize that you sent me!*

When we are not, we undermine the message of the cross by default

I hope someone in the body of Christ is illuminated today to the call of God over their lives. May that be your portion today and always in Jesus name

Final note, your call is to a people.. the people could be children both within and outside the body of Christ..
If that is your call, the first thing that you notice is that nothing happens to children anywhere in the world that will not touch you. But you must go beyond touching you, to taking positive action in prayer and in the context of praying, God will bring illuminations as to the next step..

If yours is to women, find out what type of captivity is God leading you to bring in deliverance to these women..which category of women?
Because Jesus sent us to set the captives free..

It could be the plight of widows that touches you or orphans. Begin by prayer. In the context of prayer, God will give you the next step. Don’t say, I don’t have the money. God needs your heart. For money is a creation of the world system. God is the God of the hearts. Follow your heart..

If yours is in the plight of husband, start by praying. If yours is leaders, it will allow the line transcend leaders in the church and move on to leaders in the government and businesses.

As God finds you faithfully ministering to leaders in the Church, He will bring you leaders who are unbelievers in government and businesses.

I hope I have communicated to you today that by all means take action. Baby steps towards the call of God over your life.. obstacles will be plenty but doing nothing is not an option for you..

*We need a sense of Mission and Commission. We need a sense of vision and passion with Compassion to carry out effectively the task before us.*

If you are a fish, be a fish and keep transforming into a bigger and better fish for Christ kingdom and glory and raise other fishes who will deliver other fishes out of captivity.. that is what we call fruitfulness.. nothing more nothing less..
Beyond the five fold ministry, there are others like helps..and many others.. identify, find to whom develop in prayer and take baby steps..

If music, stay in that area of ministration, develop others who are called into that ministry, before you know it, you start reaching unbelievers as well for Christ in ways only Him can reveal and impact. But you most stay connected to the vine to draw your strength and portion.

That brings us to the end of *”8 Crucial Questions every born again believer must ask the Lord in the Secret Place: Explanation of the Five fold ministry”*


Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

God’s Eagle Ministries

*_Where we are seeding the Nations with God’s word and God is transforming lives through His timeless TRUTH One content at a time. We are One in Christ Jesus Let’s Stay ONE Evangelism Discipleship Counseling Healing Deliverance Restoration and Prayer without WALLS BORDERS and DENOMINATIONS!_*

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