*55 Prayer points for intercession for the nations: North, Central and South America*
Wednesday 28th, January, 2025
As an Intercessor, You have selected the following:
*1 – North America,*
*2 – Central America,*
*3 – North America*
using Matthew 6:10 and you can expand as highlighted below 55 prayer points and as led by the Spirit in this 3 days – 29,30,31st of January 2025 and all thru to 25 of February 2025.
*These prayers can be adapted for any other continent, nations, countries and peoples because it is about His will and His rule..
As you pray, watch.. keep your eyes and ears open for events in those nations and those that God reveals ahead that can be factored into these prayers..
For discipline, maintain time of prayer.. every 3 hours of 6am, 9am, 12 noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12 midnight, and 3am daily
Here are the 55 prayer points…. God’s Speed!
Intercessory prayer community links
WhatsApp – https://chat.whatsapp.com/ErDzhbupCpoL7EMaljOYFY
Facebook – https://m.facebook.com/groups/godseagleministriesarmy/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT
1. Thank God for the nation you’re interceding for and for what He is doing in her.
2). Bless the Lord for the various peoples He
has brought together to form the nation you’re interceding for.
3). Give God praise for the plan He has had
from the eternal ages.
3). Bless the Name of the Lord, because His
counsel and purposes shall stand in the nation you’re interceding for.
4). Thank the Lord, because His Word will be
pre-eminent in everything the nation you’re interceding for does.
5) Magnify the Name of the Lord because
He, and not the enemy, will reign supreme in
the nation you’re interceding for.
6). Pray that the Lord will heal the nation you’re interceding for, in Jesus’ Name.
7). Pray that everything lost in the nation you’re interceding for will be restored seven-fold, in the Name of the Lord.
8). Pray that the days of adversity will be over
in the Name of Jesus.
9). Declare and decree that the famine of
hearing God’s Word will stop in the nation you’re interceding for.
10. Decree and declare that the famine of
righteousness will stop, in the Name of Jesus.
11. Thank God, because there will be a new
flow of righteousness, love and joy in the nation you’re interceding for.
12. Pray that there’ll be a restoration in the
economics of the nation you’re interceding for.
13. Come against all the locusts of destruction
that the enemy has loosed upon the nation you’re interceding for.
14. Pray for a revival of the economy of the nation you’re interceding for in the Name of Jesus.
15. Declare that amidst a thousand others
the nation you’re interceding for will be the head and
the tail
16. Pray that God will expose and expunge
anything that will be a reproach to the testimony of the nation you’re interceding for, in Jesus’ Name.
17. Pray that the Lord would expose all workers of shameful things in the nation you’re interceding for, in Jesus’ Name.
18. Thank the Lord for ordaining men and
women of wisdom who will stand with the
president to rule the nation you’re interceding for.
19. Pray that the church in the nation you’re interceding for will preach the truth at all times.
20. Thank God for His power to deliver people
who are in bondage in the nation you’re interceding for.
21. Pray that salvation, which belongs to the
Lord, will be made known to men and women in
the nation you’re interceding for.
22. Thank God for a new move of the Spirit
that no man can stop in the nation you’re interceding for in Jesus Name.
23. Cry to the Lord, that only His blessing will
be revealed in the nation you’re interceding for.
24. Pray that the hidden riches of God
intended for the nation you’re interceding for will be made manifest.
25. Pray that every broken place will be
revealed and healed.
26. Pray that severed relationships with other
nations will be restored, in the Name of Jesus.
27. Pray that God will release a deep hunger
for spiritual truth in the nation you’re interceding for.
28. Pray that the kings, queens and presidents
of the nation you’re interceding for will come to honour the throne of God.
29. Pray that those in higher authority the nation you’re interceding for will seek the Lord first in all decision making.
30. Pray for a massive national revival in the nation you’re interceding for Jesus’ Name.
31. Thank God that the peace that passes
understanding will reign supreme upon the nation you’re interceding for.
32. Thank God, because intercessors will be
raised up to continue to lift the nation you’re interceding for in prayer.
33. Thank the Lord, because blessing and
favour rest upon those who seek Him in the nation you’re interceding for.
34. Pray that believers will be a testimony to
everyone in the nation you’re interceding for who beholds them, in the Name of Jesus.
35. Thank God, because blessings will flow out
of His church to everyone in the nation you’re interceding for in the Name of Jesus.
36. Thank God, because prosperity that Satan
cannot destroy will break out in every area of
the nation you’re interceding for.
37. Give God praise because He is the Lord of
the nation you’re interceding for.
38. Bless the Name of the Lord, because, by
virtue of your worshipping of Him, His blessing
rests upon the nation you’re interceding for.
39. Declare that the Lord has chosen the
people of the nation you’re interceding for as His heritage, and therefore only His Name shall be supreme in the land.
40. Pray that every attempt of Satan to cause a
civil war in the nation you’re interceding for will be brought to nothing, in Jesus’
41. Pray for the peace, blessing and prosperity
of people who seek the Lord in the nation you’re interceding for in Jesus name
42. Reject Satan’s attempts to lay the nation you’re interceding for to waste.
43. Reject every seducing spirit trying draw the nation you’re interceding for away from worshipping the Lord.
44. Take authority over every spirit of Baal,
and command it to leave the nation you’re interceding for.
45. Destroy the altars of Satan in every corner
of the nation you’re interceding for in Jesus’ Name.
46. Command that every unclean foreign god
that has come into the nation you’re interceding for must leave, in Jesus’ Name.
47. Thank God for the intercessors that will be
raised up including yourself to pray for the nation you’re interceding for in Jesus name.
48. Thank God for men and women of prayer
who make the glory of the Lord in the nation you’re interceding for the greatest focus, in Jesus’ Name
50. Pray that results will follow as you inter-
cede along with others for the nation you’re interceding for in Jesus’ Name.
51. Ask the Lord to raise watchmen who will
constantly pray for the nation you’re interceding for in the Name of the Lord.
52 Thank God for men and women who
uphold the land in continuous prayer and
53. Pray that God will give the nation you’re interceding for true prophets who tell the truth and expose the work of Satan, in Jesus’ Name.
54. Thank the Lord, because He shall make
the nation you’re interceding for praiseworthy among the nations of the earth.
55. Thank the Lord, because He will establish
the nation you’re interceding for in righteousness, and in it everyone will see the glory of the Lord as His will and purposes are established in Jesus name.
Ambassador Monday O. OGBE
God’s Eagle Ministries (GEM)