#unity #unityofspirit #unityoffaith #church #christian #claim #christianorganization #meditation #contemplation #reading #mark3:21_25 #heatup #humility #fire #worldview
Monday, 15th of August 2022
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/t7F7P9iv6eY
Week 33 Scripture on UNITY – READ, MEDITATE and CONTEMPLATE for REAL Life APPLICATION – Mark 3:21-25
“A kingdom at war with itself will collapse. A home divided against itself is doomed. – Mark 3: 21-25 .” – Jesus Christ
So many CLAIM to be CHRISTIANS; So many CLAIM to be CHRISTIAN organizations each ASSERTING that their way is the CORRECT WAY and can’t stand other’s INSIGHTS;
Can’t agree on a SINGLE cause of ACTION, and YET the NATION continue to SLIDE into outer DARKNESS –
PRAYER: Lord, HEAT UP the WORLD AROUND OUR WORLDVIEWS (Mark 9:49) built around PRIDE and ARROGANCE , bring us to our KNEES in ABSOLUTE HUMILITY (1 Peter 5:6) so that we can reflect your IMAGE and LIKENESS to a dying and decaying NATION in UNITY in Jesus name, Amen
Ambassador Monday Oreojo O. Ogbe
God’s Eagle Ministries