Catholic ConcernsWhere Does the Road to Rome Lead?Mary Ann Collins
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Preface 4 Testimony 8 1. Competing Worldviews 13 2. Mixing Catholicism with Non-Christian Religions 30 3. Mary Worship 37 4. The Eucharist (Catholic Communion) 47 5. Wide Variety in Catholic Beliefs 52 6. Who Gave Us the Bible? 56 7. Was Peter a Pope? 60 8. Invalid Popes 65 9. Reflections on Unpleasant History 73 10. The Birth of the Roman Catholic Church 76 11. Tradition 81 12. Infallibility 84 13. Faith versus Works 90 14. The Good Thief 94 15. Ecumenism 96 16. Faith Under Fire 103
A. For Catholics 109 B. For Former Catholics 111 C. Resources (Books, Videos and Websites) 131 D. A Change in Perspective 134 E. Trusting the Lord 141 F. Poems 150 G. What I Believe 153 Bibliography 156 Endnotes 166
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Originally posted on July 19, 2021 @ 6:11 pm