Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding a Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life

Weekly Motivation and Inspirational Stories for the Marketplace Series 25 of 52 - School of the Holy Spirit Part 13 - Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding a Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life
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Weekly Motivation and Inspirational Stories for the Marketplace Series 25 of 52 – School of the Holy Spirit Part 13 – Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding a Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life

#WeeklyMotivationalSeries #SchoolofTheHolySpirit #HolySpirit #TheEagle #EagleTraits #TrueNorth #LifeCompass #NavigationalCompass #Navigation #Motivation #Inspiration #Stories #Storms #StormsofLife #Purpose #Destiny #Hurricane #Eagle #EagleWings #PrayerFasting #Fasting #Waiting #Wait

Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding a Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life
Weekly Motivation and Inspirational Stories for the Marketplace Series 25 of 52 – School of the Holy Spirit Part 13 – Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding a Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life
Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding a Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life
Weekly Motivation and Inspirational Stories for the Marketplace Series 25 of 52 – School of the Holy Spirit Part 13 – Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding a Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life

Weekly Motivation and Inspirational Stories for the Marketplace Series 25 of 52 – School of the Holy Spirit Part 13 – Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding a Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life

Date:  Wednesday, 22nd of April, 2020

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Friends, I welcome you to today’s series of Weekly Motivational Stories Equipping Christians in The Marketplace. – We are Ambassadors of Christ in this earthly realm. Check this out in 2 Corinthians 5:20

At, we bring YOU over 2 million contents for All Round Success for your Spirit, Soul and your Body all in one place! Check this out in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 , 2 Timothy 1:7 and Hebrews 4:12

Read – 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Amplified Bible (AMP) 23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [ that is, separate you from profane and vulgar things, make you pure and whole and undamaged—consecrated to Him—set apart for His purpose ]; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete and [be found ] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Together with you, we are building MASSIVE SPIRITUAL TEMPLES in people’s heart for the Spirit of God to dwell in and operate through with ease in these times and seasons, so stay with us and build with us! – Check this out in 1 Corinthians 3: 1- 17; Leviticus 26:12; Jeremiah 32:38; Ezekiel 37:27; 2 Corinthians 6:16; 1 John 4:4

If you missed the last two series Sunday and Wednesday respectively as follows:

The School of the Holy Spirit 24 of 52: Part 12 –  The Anatomy and Secrets of the Secret Place with God – Personal Revival in the Secret Place starts with Escalated Repentance + Am I a Vessel of Honor or Dishonor in Gods House? Let’s do a Litmus Test today to see of the 14 (Fourteen) vessels which one do you belong to in the scheme of God (Gods Kingdom) – 6 (Six) Imprints of True Personal Revival

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Weekly Motivation and Inspirational Stories for the Marketplace Series 23 of 52 – School of the Holy Spirit – Part 11 –  5 (Five) Critically Important Reasons Why You Must Memorize the Word of God + Activation of 360 “Fear Not” Scriptures in Downloadable Audio + Is it Possible for one to be Bankrupt Spiritually Speaking? Follow the link below:

Today, we explore Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding A Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life

Today marks the 14th year anniversary of my visible trance experience with the Lord Jesus Christ. I was meditating this morning asking the Holy Spirit to give me a word and I was let to open up the bible to Haggai the second chapter. The Rhema WordThe Specific Word, for a Specific Person or Group of Persons and For this Specific Time came from the following verses and it resonated well with me.

As I read the word, I replaced “Egypt” with the World or the world System. I replaced “Temple” with everything that has to do with Gods kingdom purpose in my life, in the world and in the hearts of men and women who have received Christ; I replaced doing “the work” with Gods assignment for my life and replaced “Haggai, Zerubbabel and Joshua” with Me – I am a royal priest- a king and a priest of Christ. You can do the same and the message will resonate with you too for this day in Jesus name, Amen.

Haggai 2:4-7

But take courage, O Zerubbabel and Joshua and all the people; take courage and work, for I AM with you, says the Lord Almighty. For I promised when you left Egypt that My Spirit would remain among you: So don’t be afraid!

For the Lord Almighty says, “In just a little while, I will begin to shake the heavens and earth –and the Oceans, too, and the dry land. I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come to this Temple, and I will fill this place with my glory,” says the Lord Almighty

Haggai 2:20-23

And the message came to Haggai from the Lord that same day; Tell Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, “I AM about to shake the heavens and the earth, to overthrow thrones, destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations. I will overthrow their armed might, and brothers and companions will kill each other. But when that happens, I will take you, O Zerubbabel, My servant, and honor You like a signet ring upon my finger; For I have specifically chosen you, says the Lord Almighty.”

May the Church hear what the Lord is saying to His people in this time and season in Jesus name. May He communicate volumes to you as you meditate on the above words beyond the voices from around us that you hear in Jesus name. Amen

While preparing for today’s message after asking Him to speak to me what He desires to speak to His people, I kept receiving the word, “Eagle” in my spirit and this is the scripture I received today which is going to build the foundation of our discussion on Activating the 12 Eagle Traits Within You and Find or Stick to Your True North while Riding a Major Unavoidable Hurricane Style Storm in the Sea of Life

As you read this text, replace “Jacob” and “Israel” with your own name. As you meditate on it, this seed, the Holy Spirit pits light on, which is the truth of God’s word will become life to you and you will be set free in Jesus name. John 8:32 And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.

Let’s go…

Isaiah 40:27-31

O Jacob, O Israel, how can you say that the Lord doesn’t see your troubles and isn’t being fair? Don’t you yet understand? Don’t you know by now that the everlasting God, the creator of the farthest parts of the earth never grows faint or weary? No one can fathom the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the tired and worn out, and strength to the weak. Even the youths shall be exhausted, and the young men will all give up. But they that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faith.

This is the word of the Lord today.

Please take time to meditate on this, asking the Holy Spirit to grant further insight. He is ready, He is waiting within you to lead you into ALL TRUTH.

Notice in the above scripture that there is a condition precedent to the benefit. In a nutshell, there is an instruction to obey before the benefit comes into full effect as we found out in our study last week Wednesday.

Also, I see here that the instruction is to wait. When you wait, then the benefit of strength comes alongside the waiting. We are not talking about physical strength here, although, that is also possible and needed. The key strength here is spiritual strength. The more the waiting on the Lord, the more the spiritual strength you derive from the waiting. Waiting in fasting, prayer, listening and in quietness. Waiting to hear Him speak. If you want to punish some people, just tell them to wait. The fruit of the spirit as highlighted in Galatians 5: 22-26 becomes strengthened. The seven Spirit of the Lord becomes strengthen as you wait in the secret place of prayer and fasting- The Spirit of the Lord, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord  gets amplified– Isaiah 11:2 so that

Galatians 5:22-26 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)22 But the fruit of the [Holy ] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness,

23 Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [[a]that can bring a charge].24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires.25 If we live by the [Holy ] Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. [If by the Holy Spirit [b]we have our life in God, let us go forward [c]walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit. ]26 Let us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another.

 The requirement of this text becomes a walkover for you and me because, in your waiting, you acquire spiritual strength. The full benefit can be found in

Revelation 5:12 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)12 Saying in a loud voice, Deserving is the Lamb, Who was sacrificed, to receive all the power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and majesty (glory, splendor) and blessing!

Jesus was given this benefit and since we are in Him, as we walk in obedience to His instructions, we also derive the benefit automatically of Revelation 5:12 and the presence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit manifest in fullness in us. Read

John 14:23 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)23 Jesus answered, If a person [really ] loves Me, he will keep My word [ obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (abode, special dwelling place) with him.

So, if we are not seeing the benefit in fullness, then we need to look back at the instructions of Jesus and self-correct by the grace He gives. But it starts from having a willing heart to obey Gods instruction. Read the following scripture to provide a better context

James 4:5-10 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)Or do you suppose that the Scripture is speaking to no purpose that says, The Spirit Whom He has caused to dwell in us yearns over us and He yearns for the Spirit [ to be welcome] with a jealous love?But He gives us more and more grace ([a]power of the Holy Spirit, to meet this evil tendency and all others fully). That is why He says, God sets Himself against the proud and haughty, but gives grace [ continually] to the lowly (those who are humble enough to receive it).So be subject to God. Resist the devil [ stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.Come close to God and He will come close to you. [ Recognize that you are] sinners, get your soiled hands clean; [ realize that you have been disloyal] wavering individuals with divided interests, and purify your hearts [ of your spiritual adultery].[ As you draw near to God] be deeply penitent and grieve, even weep [ over your disloyalty]. Let your laughter be turned to grief and your mirth to dejection and heartfelt shame [ for your sins].10 Humble yourselves [ feeling very insignificant] in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you [ He will lift you up and make your lives significant].

In waiting upon the Lord, Identifying and walking in your God given purpose becomes easy to attain. Your true north is your life compass; your northern compass. The direction that leads to peace, joy in the Holy Ghost that releases strength and more grace upon grace in the place of obedience to your true northern compass.


You can take 3 days out to seek His face in the waiting place of prayer and fasting with the following agenda:

  1. Where am I coming from In You, Lord God?  – He will speak and if you need to confess and repent and turn, please do. This will release you to the next day with open heavens
  2. Where am I right now in You, Lord God? – He will speak and give clarity to your true state in this moment of time. He will tell you to drop certain things or certain people or certain places and focus on Him first and squarely. If you do, this releases you to the third day for the next question
  3. Where am I to be heading in You, Lord God?  He will speak, giving you a global picture but the specific is a gradual, one step at a time process in which every level of obedience leads you to the next step towards your true north, your purpose, your specific destiny in Him.
See also  The School of the Holy Spirit - 48 of 52 - Part 36 The Secret of total or partial lockdown confinement and imprisonment in the secret place + How to minister to self and others who are under demonic influence and Everything you need to know about demons and deliverance

Remember this:  God is more concerned about who you are in Him than what you do for Him. In fact, who you are will continue to grow. It is not a one-day affair. You are going to fail and crawl back up again. God does not go with us beyond our last point of obedience to the last instruction. I mentioned 3 days but this process can take you a lifetime and you make waiting a habit in your work and walk with the Lord.

Jesus confirms the necessity of prayer and fasting in this text:

Matthew 9:15 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)15 And Jesus replied to them, Can the wedding guests mourn while the bridegroom is still with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.

We will be delighted to hear from you if you embarked on the 3 days’ prayer and fasting in waiting. If you need clarity, we are available via email or phone call away. We will be delighted if just one person finds his or her true north or confirms his or her true north as you wait. We pray and hope that that one person is you in Jesus name, amen

Now let’s zero in on the word, “Eagles” in the above text. The scripture in Isaiah 40:31…They shall mount up with wings as eagles.. or they shall soar like eagles …with so much strength acquired in the place of prayer and fasting and waiting to hear from Him. This also is a benefit of waiting.

Before we start, I would like us to take this song which ministered to me today by Matt Redman

You never let go! By Matt Redman


Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I’m caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won’t turn back
I know You are near

And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me

And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
We’ll live to know You here on the earth

And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me

Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You, still I will praise You

Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You, still I will praise You

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me
Oh, You never let go, You never let go

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me
You never let, You never let go
You never let go of me

Now let’s discuss the eagle and the 12 traits of the eagle we need to activate today whilst waiting on Him.

If you were to see an area filled with birds when a storm approaches, you would see two distinct reactions between an eagle and all other feathered creatures. While other birds would try to flee or hide, eagles would take off, in the direction of the dark clouds. Fearlessly, the eagle would fly into the fierce winds, using the storm current to rise higher quickly. The pressure of the storm is used to help them glide without using their energy as their wings’ unique design allows them to lock in a fixed position amid the violent storm winds.

The eagle instinctively knows it: Just past the storm, in the high heavens, there is peace and security. It is the perfect hiding place.

Hereunder are the 12 traits of the eagle – attributes and qualities of the mighty eagle, the most powerful and feared bird in the skies that we can learn from and apply to our lives where necessary:

1. Eagles have Wide Wings and Ability to soar on the wind thermals

Eagles are able to soar without actually flapping their wings.

I am sure most of you have seen videos and documentaries of eagles being caught on video soaring high up in the sky without actually flapping their wings.

Their wings are spread straight out and they are literally soaring with perfect ease on the wind currents.

Eagles are born with big and heavy wings, and part of the survival mechanism they are born with is that they have to learn how to fly without actually flapping their big wings.

They have to learn how to do this in order to conserve energy. Eagles can literally die if they expend too much energy flapping their wings during flight as versus soaring without flapping their wings.

As a result, what eagles have to learn to do very early on in order to be able to soar without flapping their wings, is to wait for what are called wind thermals to come up on them. A wind thermal is a big gust of wind that will rise up from the atmosphere.

Sometimes eagles will remain perched for days before they can catch a good, strong, wind thermal, where they can then launch onto it and combine a mixture of flying and soaring on that strong wind thermal to get them to where they want to go.

God is giving us a very powerful analogy on how eagles basically fly and soar on these wind thermals.

We are the eagle

The wings of the eagles represent our faith and belief in God

The wind thermals the eagles fly on represent the Holy Spirit

Another very powerful verse to add to this analogy is the following:

“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord. (Zechariah 4:6)

What God is trying to tell us in this verse is that all things will get fully accomplished for Him in this life by the power of the Holy Spirit operating through us, not by our own power or by our own might.

Just like the eagle has to learn how to fly on the wind thermals – we, as born-again, Spirit-filled Christians, have to learn how to fly on the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

In other words, we have to learn how to walk and fly with the anointing of God.

The anointing of God is the power of the Holy Spirit flowing and operating through us to accomplish what God wants us to do for Him in this life.

It is God’s power flowing and operating through us, not our own power. Our power is weak and limited, but God’s power is pure and absolute.

We have to learn two basic things if we want to successfully complete all of the divine missions that God has in store for us in this life:

How to be led by the Holy Spirit which you can find in our earlier post in this series

And how to walk with His anointing operating through us so we can fully accomplish all of our divine destiny for the Lord.

If you do not learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit in your daily life, then you will never find out exactly what God is going to call you to do for Him in this life.

Just like the eagle has to learn how to catch the wind thermal in order to survive in this world, we have to learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis so we can fully accomplish everything God that will want us to accomplish for Him in this life. This is our true north. The Holy Spirit will lead us into our true north if we give Him the room to operate freely

And just like the eagle has to learn how to ride and navigate on those wind thermals once they actually launch onto them, we have to learn how to walk with the power of the Holy Spirit operating through us so we can fully accomplish the tasks and assignments that God will be calling us to do for Him in this life.

If we learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit so we can get to where God will want to take us to – but we do not learn how to actually walk and flow with His actual power, then we will never succeed at the specific tasks that He will be calling us to do for Him.

If God calls someone to be a great evangelist and then leads him to the exact spots where He will want him to work at, but that person does not learn how to flow and walk with God’s anointing on him, then he will have minimal success at best in that specific calling.

Again, not by our might or by our power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit operating through us is how we will produce good fruit for the Lord in this life.

The third thing we must catch on this analogy besides the fact that we are the eagle and the wind thermals represents the Holy Spirit, is what the wings of the eagle represent

The wings of the eagle represent our faith and belief in in the Lord.

Bottom line – if we do not have enough faith and belief in God to take flight on the Holy Spirit in order to be led and empowered by Him for service to the Lord, then nothing will ever happen.

We will forever stay perched, and we will never fulfill the divine destiny that God has already planned out for our lives before we were even born into our mother’s womb.

The eagle has to take that big leap off the edge of the cliff in order to be able to fly and soar on those wind thermals.

If the eagle does not take flight on those wind thermals when they do come up on him, he will forever stay perched and he will die on the cliff due to starvation.

In the same way, if we do not take flight on the Holy Spirit and the divine call that God has placed on our lives, our lives will perish right before our very eyes, as the Bible tells us that God’s people will perish without having His specific vision for their lives.

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Sooner or later, every single Christian will have to make that big choice for their lives. Who will they decide to serve and follow in this life?

Do they follow and serve their own self and their own self-interests, doing what they want to do with their lives. Or do they decide to fully surrender every part of their life over to the Lord and go with His divine plan for their lives rather than their own.

If you decide to follow and serve the Lord in his life, then sooner or later God will call you and you will then have to take that big leap off the edge of the cliff in order to learn how to fly into the calling that He has placed on your life.

And just as the wings of the eagle are the only thing that will allow them to fly and soar on those wind thermals, in the same way the only thing that will allow you to fly on the call that God has placed on your life is your faith and belief in the Lord.

If you do not have enough faith, belief, and confidence in the Lord and His Holy Spirit to guide you and empower you for this call, then nothing will ever happen.

I wonder how many Christians have missed out on their true callings from the Lord because they did not have enough faith and belief in Him to take flight on the Holy Spirit like the eagles have learned how to do on those wind thermals?

Bottom line – we are the eagle, our wings are our faith and belief in the Lord, and the wind thermals are the presence and power of the Holy Spirit flowing and operating through us so we can fully accomplish all of our divine destiny for the Lord. – Finding and working towards the True North even in the storms of life

ACTIVATION: As I await in the secret place of prayer and fasting, I now activate the ability of the eagle within me. I activate the God kind of faith and belief in the Lord through powerful flow of the Holy Spirit within and around me in Jesus name, Amen

2. Eagles Are Master Fliers

As a result of being able to learn how to fly on those strong wind thermals, eagles are considered master fliers. They can fly to heights that no other bird can. They have been seen flying as high as some of our airplanes fly.

If eagles have to be careful not to expend too much energy in flapping their wings because of their size and weight, then how can they fly as high as some our modern-day airplanes? The answer is in their ability and skill to ride and fly on these strong wind thermals.

This is why you see eagles literally soaring at times on these wind thermals, with their wings being spread straight out and no flapping being done.

In the same way, we as Christians can learn how to be master fliers by learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.

Just like eagles depend on these strong wind thermals to take them to heights that no other bird can fly to – in the same way we can be taken to heights that we may have never dreamed possible if we will just learn how to be led be the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.

Just think how much more good fruit we could produce, and how much more we could accomplish for the Lord in this lifetime if we could all learn how to be really led by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis, and how to really walk with His power and anointing flowing through us.

Again, this is something that can be learned if you are open and willing to be taught by the Lord on how to do this on a daily basis. We have recourses on our blog and on to help with this study and activation

It is the job of the Holy Spirit Himself to teach you how to be personally led and empowered by Him so you can fully accomplish everything that the Lord has set out for you to do for Him in this life.


I activate the ability to learn as I am taught by the Holy Spirit. I now receive the divine empowerment so that I can accomplish all that God has destined for my life in this times and seasons by the working of the Holy Spirit in me in Jesus name, amen

3. Eagles Are Master Fisherman

Eagles are also considered master fisherman. They are very good in locking in on their prey and then swooping down to catch them.

How many times have you seen videos where an eagle will swoop down on a body of water and pick up a fish swimming near the surface with perfect ease and accuracy, and catching them on the very first attempt. They are absolute masters at hunting down and catching their prey, whether that prey be on land or in the water.

Just as eagles are considered to be master fisherman with how they can catch fish in water – we, as Christians, have been called by the Lord to be “fishers of men,” just like Jesus and the apostles were at the very beginning of the New Testament.

Our number one job in this life is to try and get as many people saved as we possibly can.

Personal evangelism within our own circle of influence is something that each and every Christian can do for the Lord, and it is something that we should always keep our radars up for – as you never know when the Holy Spirit will move on you to lead you to someone He will want you to witness to, whether it be someone you might know or a complete total stranger.


Thank you, Father for saving me and You have called me to fish for me and women. I now activate the ability to fish for me by the working of the Holy Spirit in me in Jesus name, amen

4. Eagles Fly Alone

Though eagles will mate for life, for the most part you will always see them flying alone in the skies.

As Christians, we are all part of the body of Christ, where the little finger is just as important as the big toe.

However, the Bible also tells us that many are called but few are chosen. I believe this verse is referring to our calls in the Lord, not to our personal salvation in Him.

What this verse is telling us is that many of the people God is calling are not being chosen for various reasons.

What this means is that at times you may feel totally alone, depending on the type of calling that God has placed on your life and exactly where you are at in the development of that calling.

David was alone when he took on Goliath. No one else would step on the battlefield with him when he took on that evil blasphemous giant.

Peter was alone when he stepped out of the boat to walk on water, as the Bible says that the rest of the apostles were too scared to try and do it on their own. Moses was all by himself for 40 years in the backside of the desert before God called him out to deliver the Israelites from Egypt.

David was hiding out in caves from Saul for quite a number of years before he was finally called out to become the greatest king of Israel.

At times, you may feel totally isolated and alone at the spot where God may have you at.

When you are in these kinds of dry times and seasons with the Lord, just keep pressing forward and flying alone like the eagle does – and sooner or later God will bring you forth into the heart of your call where everyone will then see you and work with you on the call that God has placed on your life.


I activate the divine ability to fly alone in the place of preparation and assignment without feeling inadequate or lonely in Jesus name, amen

5. Eagles Live on Higher Ground

For the most part, eagles will always be found living on some type of higher ground. As Christians, we are already living on higher ground as compared to the rest of the world as a result of who we are in Christ.

We are now born-again children of the Most High God. We are now kings and priests of the Lord. We now have the Holy Spirit, along His power and knowledge residing on the inside of us to help lead us, sanctify us, and empower us so we can all be used by the Lord in a mighty way for ministry.

This is why the Lord is calling all of us to stay in the world, but not to be an actual part of the world.

In other words, we are to be in the world, but not of the world. We are to keep ourselves separate from the corruption, pollution, vices, and sins of this world so God can keep us on His straight and narrow road for the rest of our earthly lives.

We live on this higher ground as a result of our position in Jesus. And we always need to keep reminding ourselves that we are living on this higher ground, as the world will always do everything it can to try and drag us down into their lower way of living.


I activate the power to stay on higher ground by the working of the Holy Spirit in me in Jesus name, amen

6. Eagles Are Extremely Bold, Courageous, and Powerful

Another very powerful trait of the eagle is that they are very bold, courageous, and powerful. Eagles have literally been seen engaging with poisonous snakes and tearing their heads off with their beak.

They have been seen going right through major storm clouds, where most birds will fly away and hide in safety until the storm has passed.

God is calling all of us to become good and mighty soldiers of Jesus Christ.

He is asking all of us to put on His armor and to engage with demons and to cast them out of people when necessary.

Just like the eagle has no fear of any man, beast, or snake – in the same way we should have no fear of any demonic spirit or any evil human being since we all have God Himself totally on our side.

The Bible tells us that greater is He that is in us than he who is in the world. David perfectly proved that point when he took out Goliath with one perfectly, well-placed blow.

Bottom line – take your cue from the eagle.

Just like the eagle is the most powerful and feared bird in the sky – in the same way God the Father can personally raise you up to be a mighty and courageous soldier for Him so you can do great and mighty exploits in the calling that He has personally placed on your life.


I activate courage, boldness, strength and tenacity by the working of the Holy Spirit in and around me as a mighty warrior in Jesus name, amen

7. Eagles Are Considered Majestic

Due to the way eagles look and act, many people consider them almost majestic and invincible. They seem to have a look of royalty about them.

In the same way, we, as Christians, have this same air of royalty about us since we are now considered kings and priests of the Lord due to the sacrifice that Jesus has personally made for all of us with His death on the cross.

This majestic royalty that we now have operating through us all comes direct from Jesus. It does not come directly from us, or any of the good works that we may have done to-date for the Lord. It all comes to us as a direct result of Jesus dying on the cross for all of our sins.

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Only the blood that Jesus has personally shed for each one of us on the cross is what makes us kings and priests before Him, lest we all get puffed up with our own pride and arrogance, thinking this was all of our own doing and making.


I activate the majestic kingly and priestly anointing upon me by the working of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name, Amen

8. Eagles Are Faithful for Life

Once eagles mate with their partners, they will stay true and loyal to that other eagle for life. In the same way, once God leads us to the mate that He will want us to marry in this life, He will expect us to stay true, loyal, and faithful to that mate literally to the day we die.

In this day and age, where 50% of all marriages are still failing and ending up in divorce, this is a tall order for many to stay faithful to their spouses.

God expects all of us to honor our vows and commitments made at the wedding altar. God takes marriage and the vows that come with it very, very seriously, and it is nothing to be trifled with or taken for granted once you hit a few minor speed bumps in the marriage.

The Holy Spirit is the Helper and Counselor, and He can help heal any hurts or misgivings that may have occurred in the marriage if you will just learn how to open yourself up to Him and allow Him to work in whatever state your marriage may be in.


I activate the gift of faithfulness in relationship today by the working of the Holy Spirit in me in Jesus name, amen

9. Eagles Are Very Patient

Another very interesting quality that eagles have is that they are very patient. Documentary film crews have filmed eagles spotting rabbits they will target as prey.

Once the rabbit senses the danger, he will then go hiding in a hole, sometimes for as long as an hour or two before he finally comes back out.

The eagle will then wait for that hour or two until the rabbit finally comes back out again. And once he does, the eagle will then swoop down and catch him within seconds. As a result of his patience, the eagle will then be rewarded with a big fat meal.

In the same way, we all need the patience of the eagle, especially in the type of world we now live in with everything being done at breakneck speed and people’s fuses being shortened as a result of all of the high stress that we are forced to live under.

This is why one of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of patience, as we all need His patience operating through us so we can weather the storm clouds of this turbulent life.


I activate the fruit of patience in me by the working of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name, amen

10. The Eagle Has 2 Sets of Eyes

Another very fascinating quality that eagles have is that they have two sets of eyes. The first set is their natural eye which they have when they are in a resting mode.

However, when they start to take flight on these strong wind thermals, they have a second eye that comes in on them. This second eye then enables them to fly on these strong wind thermals without damaging their original eye.

This second eye is also used when they are seen flying through actual storm clouds. The heavy winds from a storm cloud could easily damage their normal natural eye, and this second eye gives them a protective covering as they are navigating through these heavy storm clouds.

As Christians, we also have two sets of eyes operating in us. The first set is our normal natural eye which we use to see the natural world in which we live in. However, we also have a second set of eyes and that is the eyes of the Holy Spirit. You can get material on physical and spiritual senses in this series as well

Since we all have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us, we also have His eyes available to us at times to see things from His perspective.

As you start to draw closer to the Lord in your own personal relationship with Him, there will be times that He will allow you to “see” things as He sees them. You will start “seeing” what certain Scripture verses may mean. You will start to “see” what the real truth is in many of the matters of your own personal life.

When this starts to occur, this is the Holy Spirit Himself allowing you to see things through His eyes, not your eye. This is highly supernatural event when it starts to occur.

It is God Himself literally allowing you to see things from His point of view and perspective.

The Bible says that the truth will set you free. But you first have to see what that truth is before it can start to set you free.

This is why we all need the eyes of the Holy Spirit operating in us, so we can start to see what the real truth is on many of the different matters and issues in our own personal lives.

Just like the eagle needs his two sets of eyes in order to be able to live and survive in this world, in the same way we need both our natural eyes and the eyes of the Holy Spirit operating in us so we can properly work and function for the Lord in this life.


I activate my spiritual eyes to see how God sees, hear and knows by the working of the Holy Spirit in me in Jesus name, amen.

11. The Nests of Eagles Are Built in the Wilderness

When baby eagles are first born, the mother eagle will build the nest in which to raise up her newborns in the wilderness, away from mainstream society. This is done so she can safely raise them up without any type of harm coming to them.

In the same way, the Lord will sometimes build up His eagles in a wilderness type setting. Again, Moses was in the backside of the desert for 40 years before God called him out to complete the greatest deliverance mission of all time.

David was in the caves of the wilderness for a number of years, possibly for 13-15 years, before he was called out by God to become the greatest king that Israel has ever had.

Some of you who are reading this right now may be in your wilderness setting with the Lord, where He is slowly raising you up in your calling for Him to work and walk in your true north

It is sometimes in these wilderness type settings that your greatest strides in spiritual growth are actually made in Him.


I activate the wilderness experience and accompanying power by the working of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name, amen

12. Eagles Have Contrasting Color Patterns – Noticeable From a Distance

Many of the creatures God has created have color patterns that blend in with their natural surroundings so as to protect them from other predators.

However, not so with the eagle. The American bald eagle has dark brown skin with a white colored head. As a result of this contrasting color pattern, they can easily be seen from quite a distance.

I know this may be stretching this analogy a bit, but I believe that the dark skin of the eagle lines up with our flesh colored skins, and the white color on the head and face of the eagle line up with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit living in us. In other words, it is symbolic of the anointing that we have operating in us through the Holy Spirit.

People who walk with a very strong anointing from the Lord are very noticeable from a distance. You can “see” the anointing of God all over them. You can “see” the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit in the form of a transparent glow radiating out of their faces.

These people have developed very strong personal relationships with the Lord over a number of years and they are walking very close with Him in working out their own personal calls for Him in this life.

Just like the eagle stands out in his environment as a result of his might, prowess, and contrasting color pattern in the animal kingdom – in the same way, highly anointed Christians also stand out in their surroundings due to the presence and power of God Almighty Himself radiating out of them.

Jesus Himself has told us in His Word that He is our light, and that once we have His light shining through us, that we are not to try and hide it underneath the table.

We are to let His light shine through us so we can reach the rest of the world with His message of eternal salvation.


I now activate the anointing that separates me from the crowd by the working of the Holy Spirit in me and around me for service as I await on the Lord habitually in Jesus name, Amen


Once you isolate all of the main qualities of the eagle, I do not think it is a coincidence that they all perfectly line up with what God would like to have worked into each one of us. I believe when God says in the above verse from Isaiah that we will mount up with wings like eagles, He is meaning exactly what He is saying in this verse.

I believe the Lord is in the process of raising up an army of mighty eagles. I believe we are living in the last days as prophesied in the Bible, and God will be launching this army of eagles onto the earth in an effort to get as many people saved and on that rapture train as He possibly can before the end finally comes.


Father God, thank You for prompting us to explore the 12 traits of the eagle and the need to align our lives similar to that which will bring You glory in our lives and in the world. Thank you for this piece. Cause it to touch lives, touch destinies and as we wait upon You, cause us to soar like eagles in this times and seasons where the hurricane style storms in the sea of life is threatening to take us down. We are soaring now by the working of the Holy Spirit over this storm which shall pass over us and all that pertains to us in Jesus name, Amen

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Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe

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Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe

Originally posted on April 22, 2020 @ 9:10 am

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