#intercession #prayer #oceania
7 key Messages to Intercessors and Prayer for Oceanian Continent
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
Blog link – https://www.otakada.org/7-key-messages-to-intercessors-and-prayer-for-oceanian-continent/
Good morning Intercessors, we are super excited to have you in the prayer group.
For those still undecided, below are the two links
*Facebook* https://m.facebook.com/groups/godseagleministriesarmy/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT
And some of you who are already in, share this post to others as well.
We are still recruiting..
*the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few, pray to the Lord the harvest to thrust out labourers into the harvest. Matthew 9:38*
You will not understand the ramifications of being an intercessor until you start seeing God answering prayers that you have not really vocalized. Intercession is the highest form of service as a priest and king unto our God. This is the same ministry Jesus is engaged in right now in heaven. In a nutshell, you are in a great company. Welcome again!
In the last few weeks, we have been laying the foundation upon which to build the Intercessory work..
Here are the 7 specific insights for consideration as follows:
*1) First and foremost, we must realize that the battle of this Intercession,* our outcome of the Intercession has been determined in our favor more than 2000 years ago and the verdict is that we are the winners.. Colossians 2: 15. BUT, big but.. the ignorant will suffer losses because God said to Prophet Hosea 4:6 that His people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge and because we have rejected knowledge, He Himself will reject us as being priest unto Him and He will not only allow us to be destroyed but even our children will be cut in the frey. The devil knows that the war we are fighting is a way of accurate knowledge – knowing who you are and what you carry and knowing the tools of our engagement… The devil works overtime to cause us to work in half truth and half truth is deadly….
*2) Secondly, that we are physically on earth but spiritually,* Ephesians 2:6 we are seated with Christ and the Father in heavenly places and the Holy Spirit is resident in us to give us full information and empowerment for this ongoing war. Remember, God calls us soldiers because there is a war going on for the souls of men and women and children, young and old .. wherever they are at..in *families, business, government, religion, even in churches and all the non religions of the world, in arts and culture, Media and Entertainment, and Educational institutions.*
We are not on holiday, we are in the war front 24/7.. you heard that right..24/7!
If you , an intercessor or any other Christian for that matter does not understand this fact, the results are failures and casualties on the left and on the right, in front and behind in the playing field of life..Every Christian should be an Intercessor because we are Priest and Kings..Priests make intercessions 1 Peter 2:9; Rev 1: 6 Rev 5:10 for others..
*3) Thirdly, we must understand our tools of trade, our weapon for this ongoing warfare..* 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 the Word, the blood, the name of Jesus Christ , empowerment by the Holy Spirit. If you don’t read the Bible, you don’t meditate on the biblical promises and we don’t apply biblical promises, the Holy Spirit has no weapon to give us to fight with and we lose spiritual authority with the entities.
*4) Fourthly, spiritually speaking, we are above the devil.* They are under us not above us. Romans 6:20; Ephesians 2:6; Romans 8:31 When I talk about the spirit, our thought life has a big role to play in the whole equation of warfare and Intercession because your thought life is also in the spiritual dimension.. so, as you make declarations, your thought should carry you up to where Jesus is seated in Heaven. From that level, you are casting the entities out of their hiding places.. you must see this in your thoughts because you navigate the spiritual dimension with your thoughts because your thoughts are spiritual..You are a spiritual being living in an earthly container, called flesh. The real you is your spirit. As a man thinks in his heart so is he . Proverbs 23:7
When we are praying for someone to be healed, our thoughts should see that happening, not the current state. If a country is backslidden, we must see a revived church when we pray for revival and not always the negativity going on. We must see the outcome before the outcome manifests.
*5) Fifthly, it is a war of wills.. God’s will, Our will and the devils will..* Isaiah 14:13-14, ; Matthew 6:10; Luke 22:42; John 6:38 We must enforce God’s will and we understand God’s will because of our daily intimacy with the Holy Spirit and soaking the wad into our being. Into our thought life.
*6) Sixthly, we must understand that God is waiting for us to give heaven the go ahead on any issue because the earth He has given to the sons of men..* Psalm 82; Psalm 115:16
Remember, whatever you bind on earth, will be bound in heaven. Matthew 18:18 Matthew 16:19. And also, thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.( Matthew 6:10) If it is just God influencing what happens on earth, Jesus would not have asked that we call forth God’s will and rule..
*7) Seventh, and finally, we must understand that unconditional love for God and humanity should be the driving spirit behind our intercession.* John 3:16 Not the world’s competitiveness, ( Isaiah 14:14) Ezekiel 28:12-19) I must be the first, have it my way spirit, conditional love setting. For the Spirit of God is the Spirit of love.. it is light..the spirit of competition, conditional love is the spirit of the world system ruled by Satan and he has access to everything we give access to based on the spirit dominant in us..
*Prayer for Oceania*
Having said that, we are praying for Oceania which ends this January on the 28th.. we are calling forth God’s will, God’s rule and God’s intent as heaven desires it in all that continent.
Each intercessors will take a territory from the list I will be highlighting here and let all the other Intercessors know by text.. there are 23 Territories in all. One territory can be allocated to more than one intercessor
*Here are the Territories in Oceania*
*1 Australia* 26,713,205
*2)New Zealand* 5,213,944
*3 Papua New Guinea 10,576,502*
*4 Fiji – 928,784*
*5 Solomon Islands 819,198*
*6 Micronesia 526,923*
*7 Vanuatu 327,777*
*8 Samoa 218,019*
*9 Kiribati 134,518*
*10 Tonga 104,175*
*11 Marshall Islands 37,548*
*12 Palau 17,695*
*13 Nauru 11,947*
*14 Tuvalu 9,646*
Other Territories
*15 New Caledonia 292,639*
*16 French Polynesia 281,807*
*17 Guam 167,777*
*18 American Samoa 46,765*
*19 Northern Mariana Islands 44,278*
*20 Cook Islands 13,729*
*21 Wallis & Futuna 11,277*
*22 Tokelau 2,506*
*23 Niue 1,819*
Ambassador Monday O. OGBE