Day 21 of 40 Day Discipleship Walk with Jesus Christ: Maintain integrity – A Stormy Night Story
Friday, December 21st, 2024
Full 40 day Discipleship Walk with Jesus Christ Link –
Matthew 7:24-27
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
Congratulations for making it to the second half of the 40 Days.
One characteristic of a good learner is integrity: the state of being whole and undivided. There needs to be a healthy wholeness in our spiritual, physical and emotional life. It is built by receiving something in the Scriptures and letting it penetrate everything. The Scriptures speak deeply in order to do their transforming work. Our response is acting upon it. Integrity is the result.
Jesus said, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” It will stand the test of difficulty because the Scriptures are integrated into life. Taking action on something that Jesus said, exercises our integrity. The Scriptures are like a mirror, when we see something wrong we try to fix it.
As you read the Scriptures this week, ask God to show you where there is any difference between the way you are living and the way He thinks is best.
For Reflection:
- Is integrity something you find easy or difficult?
- What does it mean to build your house on the rock?
Make Life Count:
- Imagine taking an x-ray of the foundations of your life and imagine a flood coming. How do you think you will cope? Ask Jesus to show you how you could have him become a better foundation?
Short Story on the stormy night:
The Stormy Night
As a young girl, I grew up in a small coastal town where the sea was a constant presence in my life. I remember one stormy night, when the winds howled and the rain lashed down against my windowpanes, my parents sat me down and told me a story. They said that there was a wise man who built his house on the rock, and that no matter how hard the storm raged outside, the house remained steadfast and unshaken.
My parents told me that this wise man was like a wise person who listened to the words of Jesus, and that by doing so, they were building their lives on a solid foundation. They told me that just like the wise man’s house, our lives could weather any storm if we built them on the rock of Jesus’ teachings.
As I lay in bed that night, the wind and rain pounding against my windows, I felt a sense of peace and security that I had never felt before. I knew that my parents’ words were not just a story, but a reality that I could experience for myself.
Over the years, I have faced many storms in my life – loss, disappointment, and uncertainty. But each time, I have found myself clinging to the words of Jesus, and the foundation of faith that my parents had built within me. And each time, I have seen that foundation hold strong, just like the wise man’s house on the rock.
Years later, as I sit here in my own home, surrounded by the comfort and security that faith has brought me, I am grateful for the lesson that my parents taught me that stormy night so long ago. I know that no matter what life brings, I am building my life on the rock of Jesus’ teachings, and that nothing can shake the foundation of faith that has been laid within me.
Meet this week to discuss DIVINE TRUTH 2: Days 15 to 21
Remember that you are building new patterns through your interaction in helping others in their growth. One pattern is that as a leader you could do ALL the talking, give ALL the answers and expect that the person will remember everything. Another pattern is that you ASK questions and listen and help the person discover what the Lord is saying. The first pattern is fast but there will always be a dependency that you have to be present to give the right answer. The second pattern is much slower but people gain the tools to learn for themselves.
Participate as a fellow learner and not as an expert. If a question comes up, ask what other’s think. Be vulnerable yourself in sharing what you are learning. Your example of honesty and integrity helps establish a pattern of being authentic. With a group, don’t feel you have to comment on every comment rather bounce the conversation back to the group by asking, “What do other’s think?”
Learning to be with the other as a friend and fellow traveler is an important value. If the person feels valued, listened to, and cared for, it does not matter whether all of the lessons are discussed. If they are encouraged, they will want to come back next week.
- Ask what stands out in this week with the focus on Divine Truth, the D in the DNA of Discipleship.
- Be sure your own devotional time is meaningful. It does not have to be in the same passages if you have done this before.
- It can be good to simply practice together 7 Minutes with Give people a clear model to imitate and do it together if the person Is having difficulty.
- Next week we will start looking at Nurturing relationships, the N in the DNA of Discipleship