WHY so MANY don’t PRAY and WHY you must AVOID that hopeless PRAYERLESSNESS club like a PLAGUE Today

WHY so MANY don't PRAY and WHY you must AVOID that hopeless PRAYERLESSNESS club like a PLAGUE Today - Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
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WHY so MANY don’t PRAY and WHY you must AVOID that hopeless PRAYERLESSNESS club like a PLAGUE Today – Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

WHY so MANY don't PRAY and WHY you must AVOID that hopeless PRAYERLESSNESS club like a PLAGUE Today - Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

We will explore real reasons why people dont pray and why you must avoid such club today

Youtube link – https://youtu.be/aQ54JkhrIX4

Podcast Link: – https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/otakada/episodes/WHY-so-MANY-dont-PRAY-and-WHY-you-must-AVOID-that-hopeless-PRAYERLESSNESS-club-like-a-PLAGUE-Today—Ambassador-Monday-O–Ogbe-e2a07ii

Blog Link – https://www.otakada.org/why-so-many-dont-pray-and-why-you-must-avoid-that-hopeless-prayerlessness-club-like-a-plague-today/

Books Link: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ambassador-Monday-O.-Ogbe/author/B07MSBPFNX

Partnership – https://www.otakada.org/partnership-giving/

Matthew 21:13
New American Standard Bible
13 And He *said to them, “It is written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it a den of robbers.”

Luke 18:1
New American Standard Bible
Parables on Prayer
18 Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not become discouraged,

Instruction – Get OUT of Religiosity and Get INTO Practical Christianity and Experience the God of Relationships in the Secret Place of Prayers

Jesus was a living, breathing example of a praying machine from heaven and we can’t afford to do less than He did if we must accomplish anything for the kingdom just as He did!

Get more details, or for prayer request, visit God’s Eagle Ministries (GEM) at our website at https://www.otakada.org or info@otakada.org

*Executive Summary – WHY so MANY don’t PRAY and WHY you must AVOID that hopeless PRAYERLESSNESS club like a PLAGUE Today*


Ambassador Monday Ogbe delved into the significance of prayer in the Christian faith. He explored the common reasons for prayer neglect, such as pride, fear of not seeing results, unfulfilled prophetic word and a lack of love for others. The speaker emphasized that prayer is not solely a preservation strategy but a means to gain strength and engage with God. Further, the importance of prayer and faith was highlighted, stressing the need for individuals to intercede for their nations and lost children. The necessity for humility, selflessness, faith in action and love for one another was underscored. Listeners were encouraged to pray for wisdom, as well as a change of heart for those who have gone astray. The discussion concluded with a prayer for a spiritual awakening and a selfless prayer life among believers.

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* Prayer is crucial in the Christian faith and should not be neglected

* Pride, fear of not seeing results, unfulfilled prophetic words and lack of love for one another are reasons why people often neglect prayer

* Prayer is not just a preservation strategy but a means to gain strength and engage with God


* Believers should stand in the gap for their nations and the lost through prayer

* Believers should pray for wisdom and for a change of heart for those who have gone astray

* Believers should get rid of pride and self-sufficiency, acknowledging their need for God

* Believers should demonstrate love for one another, reflecting God’s love to the world

*Action items*

*_1) Get rid of pride by replacing with humility as God resist the proud and gives grace to the humble James 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:5-6_*

*_2) Get out of faithlessness and run into absolute faith in God because the just shall live by faith in the face of unanswered or delayed expectation (s) in the place of prayer and enter into the hall of fame like the early Christians you never got answers but saw afar off God’s ultimate plans accomplished. Hebrews 11; Habakkuk 4:6 ; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38_*

*_3) Get out of over reliance on prophetic word and into the place of God’s infinite mercies, and saving grace for His backsliding and lost children. Purpose of prophecy is for encouragement, roadmap and to motivate us to repentance and holy living – Jonah’s Prophecy that never came to pass because the people of Nineveh repented; Prophet Isaiah’s prophecy to Hezekiah to put his house in order because he was going to die which delayed for another 15 years because Hezekiah cried out to God and a host of other prophecies in the bible Jonah 1,2,3 ; Isaiah 38:1_*

_*4) Get out of selfishness and into love for others as yourself so that you can become a more effective intercessor Galatians 5:19-21; Matthew 22:37-38*_

*Detailed summary Why so many don’t pray*

*Importance of prayer*

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Ogbe discussed the importance of prayer in the Christian faith. He emphasized that prayer is a means of communication with God and is crucial to the Christian walk. He noted that God desires to engage with us, and prayer is the platform on which this engagement happens. He also pointed out that prayer is not just a preservation strategy but also a means to gain strength and engage with God.

*Reasons for Neglecting Prayer*

He explored reasons why people often neglect prayer. The first reason he mentioned is the pride of life, where people think they can handle life themselves. The second reason is fear of not seeing results, where people give up on prayer because they do not see immediate answers. The third reason is unfulfilled prophetic words or promises of God as clearly outlined in the bible and the fourth reason is a lack of love for one another, where people do not pray for others because they are only concerned about their own well-being.

*Overcoming Neglect of Prayer*

He emphasized that these reasons for neglecting prayer should be addressed and overcome. He noted that pride should be thrown out, and people should understand that grace is not for everyone, especially the prideful people but for those who are humble because God resist the proud person from afar and gives grace to the humble.( James 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:5-6) He also stressed the need for endurance and perseverance in prayer, even when immediate results are not seen. Finally, he highlighted the importance of love for one another in prayer, stating that what affects one affects all in the body of Christ.

*Importance of Prayer – Standing in the Gap for others*

He urged listeners to stand in the gap for their nations and the lost, highlighting that God is looking for individuals who will intercede on behalf of others.( Ezekiel 22) He also stressed the need for believers to pray for wisdom and for a change of heart for those who have gone astray.

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*Need for Humility and Love*

He highlighted the need for humility and selflessness among believers. He pointed out the failures of self-sufficiency and pride, encouraging listeners to acknowledge their need for God. He also emphasized the importance of demonstrating love for one another, reflecting God’s love to the world.

*Call to Selfless Prayer*

In conclusion, he called for a spiritual awakening among believers, urging them to adopt a selfless prayer life. He prayed for believers to have a burden for prayer that goes beyond personal needs and desires, focusing instead on God’s will and purpose for the world.


Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
God’s Eagle Ministries (GEMS)
+13022686313 (Voicemail)
+2348032835348 (Whatsapp)
Partnership – https://www.otakada.org/partnership-giving/
Direct Link – https://tithe.ly/give?c=308311

#praying, #prevailingprayer, #prevailingprayers, #prayerlessness
prevailing prayer, #prevailingprayers, prayer meeting, prayerfulness, prayer series

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