What Is and What is Not The Great Commission? Does Church Exist For Outsiders? Message delivered to YWAM Australia

What Is and What is Not The Great Commission? Does Church Exist For Outsiders? Message To YWAM

#greatcommission #baptism #church #darrowmiller #dna #evangelism #australia #nations #redeem #sevenmountains #kingdom #presence #transformation #discipleship #discipleshipmatters #nations #obedience #government #ambassador #disciplenations #ywam

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/RKFJerFQCyc

blog link: https://www.otakada.org/what-is-and-what-is-not-the-great-commission-does-church-exist-for-outsiders-message-delivered-to-ywam-australia/

Podcast Link: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/otakada/episodes/What-Is-and-What-is-Not-The-Great-Commission–Does-Church-Exist-For-Outsiders–Message-To-YWAM-e2cmmi0

What Is and What is Not The Great Commission? Does Church Exist for Outsiders, for Non Members? – 40 Minutes Message to YWAM Australia by Darrow Miller, Disciple Nations

What Is and What is Not The Great Commission? Does Church Exist For Outsiders? Message To YWAM


Happy New Month of December Friends!

From our video post today, you will learn from this video, What Is and What is Not The Great Commission? What really is baptism? For whom does the Church exist? Who is the Church? Does the Church Exist for members or non-members, for Outsiders? What is the scope of the great commission? which are the seven mountains or gates of society and what are we to do there?  Message Delivered to YWAM Australia by Darrow Miller.

Sit back, unpack, meditate and apply

Ambassador Monday Oreojo Ogbe
God’s Eagle Ministries

great commission,
darrow miller,
seven mountains,
seven gates of society,
kingdom, presence, transformation, discipleship, discipleship matters, obedience, government, ambassador, disciple nations, what is the great commission

See also  How to Develop a Heart for God

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