Short Films – Evangelistic Tools in different Languages

Discipleship Videos - Short films -faith based evangelistic films -tools for evangelism
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Discipleship Videos - Short films -faith based evangelistic films -tools for evangelism
Discipleship Videos – Short films -faith based evangelistic films -tools for evangelism

The most powerful way to insert an idea into the world is through story. — Robert McKee

Everyone loves a good story, and today’s master storytellers share their narratives through film. Global Short Film Network provides 24 powerful stories you can share through film — short stories that allow you to enter and explore the lives of people around you. When you watch a film, you connect with the characters and you identify with their lives. You find yourself drawn in because you’ve had similar hopes and dreams, disappointments and hurts, relationships and experiences. Faith based short films for evangelism purposes is what we are about

Everyone is on a journey, living out their own life story. After showing a film, you can come alongside someone in their journey by hearing their responses to the film’s story, and by exploring their story. Asking questions and genuinely listening can open a door to significant spiritual conversations. As a result of hearing their responses, God may just open a door for you to share a bit of your story, and even His story.

The Global Short Film Network provides you with hand selected films and quality training as a platform to springboard into spiritual conversations with your friends, family, classmates, coworkers, etc. These films will motivate, inspire and challenge you.

The Global Short Film Network partners with filmmakers to produce quality short films and teach the elements of story and filmmaking. The films are packaged in an easily accessible, readily available form that you can use to stir up great conversation with those around you. Students, teachers, professionals and churches in 76 countries are using the films.

Each DVD contains 8 short films, as well as interviews with the filmmakers, behind-the-scenes features and interactive questions. The DVD can be used in small- or large-group settings.

Browse Short Films

Global Short Film Network – your gateway to great short films

There are lots of short films out there, but which ones are best to springboard in to deeper discussion? GSFN works hard to make it easy for you- finding short films that will open the door to talking about things that really matter. Every film has a link to suggested discussion questions to help get the conversation going.

By Theme | Global Short Film Network


Conversation Starters


Conversation Starters collection


2 0 FallingPlates.mobileCinematicHigh

NEXT: #FallingPlates



2 0 FallingPlates.mobileCinematicHigh



2 0 Portions.mobileCinematicHigh



2 0 Demoniac.mobileCinematicHigh

The Demoniac


2 0 Theophilus.mobileCinematicHigh



Marea' + millsToMins(444941) + '


The Story Short Film' + millsToMins(355405) + '


La Búsqueda - The Search' + millsToMins(396530) + '


Paper Hats' + millsToMins(262479) + '


La Liberté De L’Interieur - Freedom Within' + millsToMins(304182) + '


Brothers' + millsToMins(534036) + '


Coffee Shop' + millsToMins(612655) + '


Ctrl Z' + millsToMins(364484) + '


Jätku Leiba' + millsToMins(451513) + '


A Man By the Name of Frederick Pennyhouse' + millsToMins(510538) + '


Cabernet' + millsToMins(430127) + '


Doll Face' + millsToMins(253556) + '


Don't Hold Your Breath' + millsToMins(936090) + '


Dying Roads' + millsToMins(422789) + '


Fracture' + millsToMins(426087) + '


Flow' + millsToMins(243949) + '


Good' + millsToMins(486412) + '


Jangled' + millsToMins(355777) + '


Just an Outside Shot' + millsToMins(450073) + '


In Time' + millsToMins(79366) + '


Invisible' + millsToMins(217246) + '


Living Word Beatitudes' + millsToMins(152127) + '


Nightwatch' + millsToMins(342740) + '


Not Evelyn Cho' + millsToMins(597636) + '


Tarek' + millsToMins(261433) + '


The Four Principles' + millsToMins(325544) + '


The Braverman Account' + millsToMins(481582) + '


Rain' + millsToMins(302046) + '


The Rent Check' + millsToMins(160938) + '


The Undeniably Untimely Death of Leland Sturgis' + millsToMins(491451) + '


To Be Like You' + millsToMins(459477) + '


Vinyl' + millsToMins(252726) + '


Waiting on the Alchemist' + millsToMins(776685) + '


Venia' + millsToMins(274484) + '



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var summary = "Short films are a great way to take the conversation deeper with \x22old friends \nand new.\x22 We\x27ve included questions with each film to help ...";
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Originally posted on March 3, 2018 @ 9:29 pm

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