Priesthood Dressing Explained – Thank You All

Priesthood Dressing Explained – Thank You All
Priesthood Dressing Explained – Thank You All – Good afternoon brothers and sisters, thank you all for all the calls, messages of wishes, prayers and congratulations. You also need to be congratulated for being part of the priesthood of Christ.
There are also questions that I hope will be addressed in the short piece from some of you.
Remember the 90 days waiting period between October 1 to December 29, 2020, on Matthew 6:10 – Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in myself, the family, the church, the nations and the nations of the earth and a subsequent 7 days of waiting this year 2021?
No one dares to spend that amount of time waiting and remains at the level he or she was in before especially if the request is unselfish.
The Holy Spirit unveiled a number of things that you now see and are witnessing some of them. There are more to come in the womb and will be unbundled in His perfect timing
The scriptures says, “where there is no vision, the people cast out restraint.” That is not our portion in Jesus name.
This year is an equipping year for the saints so that we can touch our world in tangible ways to empower us to advance the kingdom in power, in love and in holy boldness. Anything less than this, is mere talk.
I touched a bit on some of your questions on the Sunday message, the full text is available via this link on our website.
Now, concerning the church or no church formation, Jesus says that where two or three are gathered, there He is in the midst of them. He didn’t mention where organization or denomination gather and there was nothing there that said ordination. All the needed was identification with Jesus, baptism with water, and baptism in the Holy Ghost. That ordains you and me to go out and do exploits. Anytime, anywhere we gather, it is for us to debrief and get recharged and equipped to go back out and bring God’s kingdom to our world. Whatever and wherever that our world is.
Once you become a Christian, you are ordained as a priest but the tradition of men makes the simple things complex thereby hindering the flow of the Spirit and specifically our mandate.
Concerning Otakada Cyber Church, We have so many believers and unbelievers engaging our content every day that have no rallying point in a local setting.
Otakada Cyber Church has created that platform for one on one and one-to-many engagement in a virtual fellowship fashion – Addressing needs, equipping all virtually with over 2million content. This instruction I received from the Lord on the 14th of June 2003 whilst in the UK. Using the internet to engage with souls – both seekers and believers that need equipping and wholeness.
So, Otakada Cyber Church is a Church of Jesus Christ without Walls, borders, or denomination.*
It is a platform, a rallying point for all believers, including those that have no place the call a frequent home church to get equipped for the Mark 16:15-18 mandate Jesus gave you and me until He returns. And to fish for men and women in Cyber Space.
My designation is *Ambassador of Christ* which you also are. Not Bishop, not Rev, just Amb. When Ambassador of Christ is called before my name, that jolts me to the awesome, awesome responsibility of representing Him well in our world.
So, brothers and sisters, you are a priest of God with or without the priestly dressing and you are currently ministering in that capacity whether you acknowledge it our not. May those ministrations be acceptable unto Him in Jesus name, amen. I am just obeying the leading and promptings of the Holy Spirit and the only way I can do that is to die to self daily.
Come to think about it. The ordination of God is by far more preferred ordination than the ordination of men.
As per physical ordination, I have the certificate of the ordination by an organization that does not also believe in the denomination but is mission-minded and I also trained as a chaplain by
That is the summary.
For those who are asking what to pray, this is the prayer: That God by the help of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, will make me His man, Full of His Power, Full of His Love and full of Holy Boldness to represent Him WELL to our world daily in Jesus name, amen.
I also pray same for you until we become all that He has called us to be and to do in Jesus name, amen!
Ambassador. Monday O. Ogbe
Otakada Cyber Church Ministries
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Originally posted on February 22, 2021 @ 8:04 am