#prophecy #prophecy2024 #rickjoyner #transformation #prepare #preparedness #discipleship #discipleshipmatters #training #deployment #war #warfare #spiritualwarfare #spiritualwisdom #intercession #intercessoryprayers #training #godsvoice #hearinggodsvoice #worldwar3
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/8aCXxrXCxT0
Blog Link: https://www.otakada.org/prepare-the-saints-something-major-in-the-pipeline-for-2024-by-rick-joyner/
PREPARE the SAINTs – Something Major in the Pipeline for 2024 by Rick Joyner
It is time to prepare the saints for strategic spiritual warfare!
Insightful Message for our troubling times by Rick Joyner!
Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
God’s Eagle Ministries
Where we are seeding the NATIONS with God’s Words and God is transforming lives through His TIMELESS TRUTH – One content at a time, we are ONE in Christ Jesus , Lets stay ONE!
Evangelism, Discipleship, Counseling, Healing, Deliverance, restoration and Prayer without Walls, Borders and Denominations
prophecy, prophecy 2024, rick joyner, transformation, prepare, preparedness, discipleship, discipleship matters, training, deployment , war, warfare, spiritual warfare, spiritual wisdom, intercession, Intercessory prayer, training, Gods voice, hearing God’s voice, World War 3