Part 10 – WHO AM I? Who are You in Christ Jesus? What must we do about it to truly live in Freedom in Christ Jesus? – Jackie Chan’s story + Lester Sumrall Displays Who He is in three (3) stories – Deliverance of Cornelio The Twelve-year-old disappearing and Reappearing boy and other stories to build up Your faith and mine that it is POSSIBLE You are born this!
#Captivity #freedom #healing #deliverance #Restoration #Peace #Joy #SpiritualWarfare #spirit #soul #body #resurrection#ResurrectionLife #Redemption #WhoAmI #JackieChan #LesterSumrall #prison #SelfIncarcerations #Incarceration #Imprisonment #GreaterExploits
Monday, 5th of April 2021
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Prayer and Fasting for the Church and Leadership – Day 20 of 40
Colossians 2:2-3;11-15
Colossians 2:2-3
The Passion Translation
2 I am contending for you that your hearts will be wrapped in the comfort of heaven and woven together into love’s fabric. This will give you access[a] to all the riches of God as you experience the revelation of God’s great mystery—Christ.
3 For our spiritual wealth is in him, like hidden treasure waiting to be discovered—heaven’s wisdom and endless riches of revelation knowledge.
Colossians 2:11-15
The Passion Translation
11 Through our union with him we have experienced circumcision of heart. All of the guilt and power of sin[a] has been cut away and is now extinct because of what Christ, the Anointed One, has accomplished for us.
12 For we’ve been buried with him into his death. Our “baptism into death” also means we were raised with him when we believed in God’s resurrection power, the power that raised him from death’s realm. 13 This “realm of death” describes our former state, for we were held in sin’s grasp.[b] But now, we’ve been resurrected out of that “realm of death” never to return, for we are forever alive and forgiven of all our sins!
14 He canceled out every legal violation we had on our record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us. He erased it all—our sins, our stained[c] soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! Everything we once were in Adam[d] has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation.
15 Then Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power[e] to accuse us. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph. He was not their prisoner; they were his![f]
Prayer: Father, what an accomplishment! – What a mystery! – What a freedom that You creatively accomplished through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Dear Holy Spirit, today, drill these rhema into our consciences and subconscious mind. Cause Your body of believers and leadership inclusive to experience this freedom in the finished work. So that the world may know that truly there is healing, there is deliverance and there is restoration in the spirit, soul and body, that has returned us back to where we were before the fall in the Garden of Eden so that they will come rushing in to experience what Your children are experiencing as a result of this partnership with You in Jesus Christ name, Amen
A Word for the body of Christ received in the cause of this fast – The Lord says,
“whatever the issues you face in your pilgrimage journey that is out of alignment with my word, GET into partnership (Covenant or agreement) with me in that specific area where YOU require my intervention and watch out for my SALVATION in that particular area – I do nothing outside of my partnership with you.”
May those who have ear, hear, receive and ACT UPON what the Spirit of the living God is saying to the Churches for TOTAL FREEDOM in Christ Jesus name, Amen
Title: Enough is Enough to Captivity of Satan and Welcome to Freedom in Christ Jesus – WHO AM I? Who are You in Christ Jesus? What must we do about it to truly live in Freedom in Christ Jesus? – Jackie Chan’s story + Lester Sumrall Displays Who He is in three (3) stories – Deliverance of Cornelio, The Twelve-year-old disappearing and Reappearing boy and other stories to build up Your faith and mine that it is POSSIBLE, You are born this! – Part 10
Dear friends, I wish you all a happy Easter Resurrection Sunday! May You and I live in fullness of the finished work Christ accomplished upon that cross at Calvary in Jesus name, Amen
Today, we bring you part 10 of our series on enough is enough to captivity and welcome to freedom in Christ Jesus.
Our Commitment to self and others at Otakada Cyber Church Ministries:
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by (insight, Rhema – spoken word, depth and understanding of or by) the word of God – Romans 10:17.
We will continue to talk, show and relate until we reach and engage through the contents 100 million souls for Christ worldwide by 2040 – if Jesus tarries in coming. We will not let any stone unturned until God fervent seekers and true believers are brought into the newness and consciousness of All that Jesus accomplished on that old rugged cross where all our past, present and future anomalies were nailed to that cross and rendered it of no power and effect both now and into the future of eternity. Until we all live it and express it in our spirit, souls, bodies and all around us – within and outside our circle of influence in full spiritual and physical healing, deliverance and restoration for His glory and honor in Jesus name, Amen – Mark 16:15-20
We bring you today the title – WHO AM I? Who are You in Christ Jesus? What must we do about it to truly live in Freedom in Christ Jesus? – Jackie Chan’s Story + Lester Sumrall Displays Who He is in three (3) stories – Deliverance of Cornelio, The Twelve-year-old disappearing and Reappearing boy and other stories to build up Your faith and mine that it is POSSIBLE, you are born for this – Part 10
This series is for those who have hunger for ALL of God – All of the Full Counsel of God!
To wage a successful campaign in the spiritual an physical realm as army of the Living God, we must prayerfully cultivate these attributes as prequalify. These are:
A: Availability – Spirit, Soul and Body;
B: Boldness to exercise authority and power;
C: Compassion to sit where people are hurting;
D: Determination to push through until victory;
E: Earnest Love that is not based on the superficial;
F: Fiery Anger with satan and
G: Great Hunger for the FULLNESS of GOD in us and around so we can touch the world for Him
Our guiding scripture today is Colossians 3:1-17 and Revelation 5:12.
But before the scripture, let’s talk about Jackie Chan story in the movie – Who Am I? Because there is a parallel where that we can learn from.
In a 1998 action packed 2-hour movie – Who am I? directed by the actor – Jackie Chan and Benny Chan. Jackie starred the main role in this movie.
Somewhere in the jungles of South Africa, a multinational military unit, Special Force Unit, ambushes a convoy and kidnaps several scientists working on a highly-volatile compound extracted from a recently discovered meteorite. Among the operatives is a Hong Kong national identified as “Jackie Chan”. The CIA assigns Morgan to investigate the incident, unaware that he and newly retired General Sherman orchestrated the abduction for their personal profit. At the same time, the CIA assigns another operative in South Africa for a more covert operation.
Jackie wakes up in a tribal village somewhere in the African veldt, still recovering from injuries sustained in an accident he cannot remember; as a result, when asked for his name by the natives, he responds by asking himself, “Who Am I?”, and is referred to as that by the natives. The tribesmen show him the remains of a crashed helicopter and graves of those who perished aboard. He spends weeks recuperating from his wounds and learning about the tribe’s culture. After spotting rally cars from several miles away, “Who Am I?” bids the village farewell and ventures on a journey back to civilization. He befriends Japanese rally co-driver Yuki after saving her brother from a snake bite and offering to help them finish the race.
When they reach Johannesburg, “Who Am I?” meets Christine Stark, a journalist sent to interview him about his rally adventure. However, Morgan hears of “Who Am I?” and sends a hitman team to kill him. Morgan also pretends to be his ally, telling him to contact him if he is in danger. After escaping from the hitmen, Christine cracks a secret code written on a matchbook found on one of the dead operatives, which leads them to Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. “Who Am I?” and Christine bid Yuki farewell and head for Rotterdam to find more answers to his identity.
In Rotterdam, “Who Am I?” discovers that Christine is actually an undercover CIA agent who tapped his calls. Not knowing whom to trust, he battles Sherman’s hitmen and sneaks into the Willemswerf skyscraper alone, where he discovers the masterminds behind the kidnapping of the scientists. It is revealed that Morgan and General Sherman are about to sell the extraterrestrial compound to a powerful arms dealer named Armano.
While waiting for the online transaction to finish, the three men leave the conference room for a coffee break – giving “Who Am I?” time to sneak in and steal the disc containing the compound information. He also cancels the transaction and sends the money to a children’s charity, which infuriates the arms dealer. Once he discovers Morgan’s betrayal, “Who Am I?” tries to kill Morgan, but is interrupted by Morgan’s hitmen. After escaping from the building from a battle with Morgan’s hitmen, “Who Am I?” regroups with Christine, who calls for the execution of a “Plan B”, to surround the Erasmus Bridge and corner Morgan in cooperation with the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps. Once Christine kicks Morgan and takes him into custody, “Who Am I?” throws the disc off the bridge and tells Christine he will return to Africa.
What is the parallel here? Well, some of us I like Jackie in our Christian work. We have encountered so much misfortune in life – sickness, illnesses that has defied modern medicine and doctors help, death of loved ones, accidents, family failures, business failures, relational failures, demonic entanglement and what have you. Just like Jackie, we have lost our identity. Not just in the physical but more importantly in the spiritual realm as Christians. Like Jackie, we have been given a new name by self and other people – Sometimes multiple names. We have encountered an amnesia as a result of life accidents and forgotten who we are in Christ Jesus.
What is my message from the movie “who am I movie” here?
I am here via this media to encourage you today and with you, break that back of captivity of satan forever from where? Our minds because that is where the battle really is. So that you can soar like the eagle that God created you to be and to do in Jesus name, Amen. You are not the accident of life or an accident. These life’s misfortunes do not and should not define you. Your identity is fully loaded and aligned in Christ Jesus. You are going to find these truth that sets you free as we do a discovery of Colossians 3:1-17 and Revelation 5:12 in this awesome resurrection Sunday in the name of Jesus Christ – Faith will rise up within you are you breakfree from self-incarcerations and you are welcome to freedom in Christ Jesus, Amen?
So, Who am I in Christ Jesus?
Colossians 3:1-17
The Passion Translation
I am One with Christ in Glory – Receive that in Jesus name, Amen
3 Christ’s resurrection is your resurrection too. This is why we are to yearn for all that is above, for that’s where Christ sits enthroned at the place of all power, honor, and authority![a] 2 Yes, feast on all the treasures of the heavenly realm and fill your thoughts with heavenly realities, and not with the distractions of the natural realm.
3 Your crucifixion[b] with Christ has severed the tie to this life, and now your true life is hidden away in God in Christ. 4 And as Christ himself is seen for who he really is, who you really are will also be revealed, for you are now one with him in his glory!
I am a New Creation Life in Christ Jesus – Receive that in Jesus name, Amen
5 Live as one who has died to every form of sexual sin and impurity. Live as one who has died to the desires for forbidden things, including the desire for wealth, which is the essence of idol worship. 6 When you live in these vices you ignite the anger of God against these acts of disobedience.
7–8 That’s how you once behaved, characterized by your evil deeds. But now it’s time to eliminate them from your lives once and for all—anger, fits of rage, all forms of hatred,cursing, filthy speech, 9 and lying. Lay aside your old Adam-self with its masquerade and disguise.
10 For you have acquired new creation life which is continually being renewed into the likeness of the One who created you; giving you the full revelation of God. 11 In this new creation life, your nationality makes no difference, nor your ethnicity, education, nor economic status—they matter nothing. For it is Christ that means everything as he lives in every one of us!
I must Love God and Love Another – Receive that in Jesus name, Amen
12 You are always and dearly loved by God! So robe yourself with virtues of God, since you have been divinely chosen to be holy. Be merciful as you endeavor to understand others, and be compassionate, showing kindness toward all. Be gentle and humble, unoffendable in your patience with others. 13 Tolerate the weaknesses of those in the family of faith, forgiving one another in the same way you have been graciously forgiven by Jesus Christ. If you find fault with someone, release this same gift of forgiveness to them. 14 For love is supreme and must flow through each of these virtues. Love becomes the mark[j] of true maturity.
15 Let your heart be always guided by the peace of the Anointed One, who called you to peace as part of his one body. And always be thankful.
16 Let the word of Christ live in you richly, flooding you with all wisdom. Apply the Scriptures as you teach and instruct one another with the Psalms, and with festive praises, and with prophetic songs given to you spontaneously by the Spirit, so sing to God with all your hearts!
17 Let every activityof your lives and every word that comes from your lips be drenched with the beauty of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. And bring your constant praise to God the Father because of what Christ has done for you!
What are the spiritual blessings that need to gain manifestation right here and now?
Revelation 5:12
The Passion Translation – Everything the Lamb of God has, I have in Christ Jesus, Amen
12 And as I watched, all of them were singing with thunderous voices:
“Worthy is Christ the Lamb who was slaughtered to receive GREAT POWER and MIGHT, WEALTH and WISDOM, and HONOR, GLORY, and PRAISE!”
Receive the seven attribute – spiritual treasures of GREAT POWER and MIGHT, WEALTH and WISDOM, HONOUR, GLORY AND PRAISE in the mighty name of Jesus Christ in this resurrection Sunday in Jesus name, Amen – Manifestation are happening right now as in the spiritual, so also in the physical. Your story has changed. Gain manifestation NOW in Jesus name, Amen
Now, let us read Lester Sumrall’s, three story for your edification in faith to build you up to do same and even more, Amen? This is from his book – Miracle don’t just happen
Miracles and Deliverance
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils. Mark 16:17
Being reared in a full gospel church, I can remember seeing the sick prayed for and healed from my earliest childhood. Yet, for some unknown reason, I cannot remember having seen a demon-possessed person prayed for and delivered in a public meeting.
If a person became mentally uncontrollable he was usually placed in an insane asylum. Somehow the ministers of that day saw no relationship with divine healing, mental illness, and demon possession. Not having heard a sermon on deliverance of the mentally disturbed nor receiving any instruction on what to do for a demon-possessed person I was completely uninitiated for such a task.
Cornelio – The Disappearing Boy
One of the strangest encounters in my travels in more than one hundred countries of the world took place at Knox Memorial Methodist Church in Manila, the oldest Protestant church in the Philippines. I was conducting a three- night salvation and healing revival.
In the prayer line one night stood a Methodist pastor, Rev. Roman Quisol, with a youth about twelve years old and his parents. When I approached them for prayer, the pastor said that the boy, Cornelio Closa, Jr., was a bad boy in that he disappeared. I thought he meant the boy ran away so I suggested to the parents that a good paddling might remedy the matter.
The pastor looked bewildered. “Brother Sumrall, you do not understand,” he said. “This boy disappears into thin air and might disappear right now from my hands.”
Suddenly I felt a cold chill ripple over my whole being. By looking directly into the boy’s eyes I could see that he was demon possessed. I laid my hands upon him and asked God to break the circuit of evil power so that this demon spirit would not be able to re-enter the boy.
I prayed for his salvation and for his distressed Roman Catholic parents. The agony of the prayer exhausted me physically, but I knew that God had answered with deliverance. From that moment Cornelio never disappeared again.
A short time later I was visiting with Pastor Quisol and inquired further about this strange boy. He explained that the child’s father was an old friend who had served with him in the United States Navy. Mr. Closa had told the minister that in the past year his son had mysteriously disappeared and reappeared about one hundred times. He said Cornelio would be sitting in the dining room with the family and simply dissolve into thin air without a window or a door moving. Or he would be sitting in the front room with his brothers and sisters playing and suddenly the children would cry, “Cornelio is gone!” He could not be found in the house or on the street.
The Rev. Reuben Candelaria, then superintendent for the Manila District of the Methodist Church, made an appointment with the Closa family for us to visit them. It was a day of rejoicing. They gave us a fine example of Filipino hospitality and, after refreshments, we settled down to talk to Cornelio about his strange disappearances.
Cornelio told us that about a year before this time he had been walking across a nearby field on his way home from school. He saw a girl about his own size. She wore a white dress and was very pretty with beautiful long flowing hair around her shoulders. As she approached him she smiled and said, “Please go for a walk with me.”
Cornelio naturally consented. Then when the beautiful girl touched him, to his amazement, both of them became invisible. They could walk for many hours, even all night and all day, and not become weary. And when she would embrace him again, he would return to his normal body.
Cornelio would vanish from many places. Sometimes he would disappear from the schoolroom and might reappear in the same spot a few hours later. This so upset the teacher and pupils that the principal had Cornelio dismissed from the school. He would vanish from his home, sometimes in the evenings when the whole family was sitting together behind locked doors.
On one occasion, he was playing with the other children in the living room. It was in the evening and the doors and windows of the house were already
locked. The gate in the front yard was locked too. The children suddenly cried out, “Cornelio is gone!” Everyone looked around the room and in the rest of the house. They unlocked the doors and looked in the yard and down the street, but could not find him.
Two nights later, while the family was sitting in the living room, at about the same hour he had disappeared, he reappeared upstairs. When the parents heard someone upstairs they asked, “Who is that?”
Cornelio answered, “It is I. I am now going to bed.”
The entire family became frantic. Not only were they afraid of what had happened to their little son, but they were afraid to tell the police. They did not want their names in the newspapers nor did they want multitudes of curiosity seekers crowding around their house to see the strange thing that was happening.
I asked Cornelio if he ever felt the body of this little girl. He said, “Yes, she was always cold and never felt warm.”
I questioned him further if she only enticed him in a sweet way or if she was demanding. He looked at me with a kind of frightened look and said she would grab him and become very angry, demanding that he obeyed her every wish.
Then I asked him where they would go. He said they went to the movie theaters and as no one could see them, they would walk right in without paying. They also sometimes went to restaurants and he said they had visited the Philippines International Fair being held in the Luneta. But mostly they loved to travel through the woods and take long walks in the country.
Mr. Closa, a United States Navy man with a record of nineteen years, would verify Cornelio’s story. When he would reappear and tell his family about going to a certain cinema, the father would rush down and see if his story was correct. It was always true.
I asked Cornelio what this little girl thought of his parents and he said she did not like them because they were against his disappearing.
I asked him if anyone else had seen the girl. He said that he was the only one who could see her and that she was standing near him most of the time.
At this point I drew my chair close to Cornelio and said, “When you looked directly at the face of this creature, could you not see that she was not a girl at all?” He looked surprised because I was the first person who had ever questioned this. He answered, “You are right. She is not really a girl at all.”
I continued, “When you looked really close into this creature’s face could you not tell that it wasn’t even young?”
Again he looked surprised and said, “Yes, she was not young at all.”
“Then,” I said, “this was an evil spirit to torment and ruin your life. Finally it would have destroyed your soul in hell.”
Cornelio said, “Yes, many times she asked me to go away and never return but I was afraid to give consent.” Then with a radiant smile he added, “I never thought I could be free and now I am happy to be delivered. I used to see her all the time even before she used to touch me and ask me to go away with her. The night you prayed for me she was standing at the church door begging me to come to her. But I have not seen her since you prayed for me and I am glad that God has set me free.”
It has now been several years since Cornelio was delivered. Today he is a normal young man. Through this experience many of his family came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
I realize that to share an incident as incredible as this is to invite many skeptics to doubt. I would find it difficult to believe myself had I not been there and thoroughly authenticated the facts from several reliable sources.
Rev. H. A. Baker of Formosa, veteran missionary to China and author of several books, became intensely interested in this miracle. He had dealt with demon power for many years in the Orient. When Reverend Baker was traveling from the United States to Formosa, he stopped in the Philippines for a couple of days in order to interview this young man. In company with the Methodist bishop he spent two days thoroughly investigating the veracity of this story.
Mr. Baker wrote: “There is no question in my mind as to the reality of this affair as you have recorded it. To the thinking mind, this is a wonderful revelation of the realities of the invisible world and this healing shows the reality of miracles as in Bible days. Facts are facts, truth established by sufficient evidence. Cornelio Closa, Jr., was able by spirit power to pass into a state of conscious invisibility, move about independent of material matter and again return to normal condition.”
Learning to Cast Out Devils
In Indonesia on the island of Java, when I was twenty-one years of age, I was first confronted with a demon-possessed person. I had recently arrived in the country and this was my first meeting in Java. As the Javanese congregation sang in their native tongue I recognized the melody of some of the songs but could not understand the words being sung.
It was during the very first song that I noticed a girl, eleven or twelve years old, slip off the front bench onto the floor and begin writhing like a serpent. The congregation kept singing and the song leader did not even look toward the girl. It seemed I was the only one concerned about her. Green foam began to come from her mouth, covering her chin and upper lip. Still no one seemed to notice. I presumed that this was something which had happened previously.
There were five or six hundred people crammed into the meeting hall and I could hardly believe that no one seemed to pay any attention to the girl on the floor making snakelike motions. She would look up toward the platform, grin a silly grin, her eyes would dance like demons and that foul green foam would belch from her mouth. She would move back three or four feet, wiggle around and move back up toward the platform again. This continued for about thirty minutes, and the girl was simply ignored by the worshipers as they sang and prayed. Within me a divine urgency was building up to the bursting point. When I was introduced to preach, my interpreter and I walked toward the pulpit. Then, rather than greeting the people as I had planned, a divine unction poured from my heart. Looking at the little creature I cried, “Get up and sit down!” My
interpreter was so startled that he did not respond. The girl was illiterate and knew no English. It must have been the spirit within her who understood me. Instantly she wiped the green froth from her mouth with her arm. She climbed up onto the bench where she sat like a mummy not moving a muscle for forty- five minutes while I preached. At the close of my sermon, and without premeditation, I looked at the girl and commanded the demon spirits, “Come out of her.” Then addressing the girl I said, “Be free in Jesus’ name.”
As I spoke that transfixed look left her. The rigidity of her body relaxed. She smiled. As the girl became normal and looked around, a wave of rejoicing flooded over the congregation. Again my astounded interpreter had not said a word. It was therefore the spirit who understood what I had said.
Later I sought to evaluate this new experience. I knew that it had given deliverance to the meeting because when the girl obeyed me and sat on the bench the entire congregation was brought to a place of readiness to receive the word of God. When I commanded her to be free, it brought a tremendous victory into the meeting. Afterwards scores of souls had thronged to the front to receive Christ as their Savior.
I talked to Rev. Howard Carter about the incident. We were traveling together but he was not in this particular meeting with me. He related other instances where he had seen spirits cast out of possessed people. This became our topic of discussion for the next several weeks. In Indonesia there were more witch doctors than medical doctors. Men and women commonly took their domestic problems as well as their health problems to a witch doctor. Curses of black magic were an everyday fact of life in every village. Almost daily we met new situations of demon power which had been unknown to us in Christian lands.
Another Experience in Java
A few nights after that first experience I was preaching in another village on the island of Java. Again the mission hall was packed to capacity and extra chairs had been put down the aisles. As I entered the front door and began to walk down the crowded aisle I felt a gentle tug at my sleeve. I stopped and looked down into the grinning face of a woman who said, “Sir, you have a little black angel in you, and I have a white angel in me.” My immediate thought was to smile and walk away but something within me revolted. I turned to her quickly and said, “That is a lie. I have a white spirit within me, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and you have the devil within you which is black and dark.” Then, addressing the demon spirit I spoke firmly, “I command you to come out of her!” As I said this, I laid my hands upon the woman’s head. Her eyes glared strangely, her face contorted, and suddenly she was released. Everyone in the building could feel the deliverance of the woman as they saw her countenance change.
Rather than continuing to the front of the church I asked the woman, through my interpreter, “How long have you been bound by the devil?”
She said, “Fifteen years ago I went to a witch doctor and the evil spirit has been in me from that day to this. But I am free of it right now.”
This seemed a strange confrontation with the devil. I was just walking in the door of this church where I had never been before when I met this situation. Yet I felt if I ignored it I would be defeated in my preaching. I knew this spirit would rise up against me again during the sermon and that the only means of victory was to face it and win a spiritual battle. I did not have time to consider whether I was capable of exorcising the demon. I did not have time to think if it was the right thing to do. I did not have opportunity to consult with anyone as to what was wrong with the woman. She did not seem to be out of order in any way. It simply seemed that there was a battle that was inevitable to be fought on that battleground and I knew there could be no victory for the cause of Christ unless I was willing to do battle. The wonderful thing is that it brought tremendous release of spiritual blessings to the whole meeting. When the people saw that the visiting minister was not afraid of the devil it brought great faith and victory to the entire assembly. Many were set free from demon power before the night was over.
Howard Carter and I ministered for three months throughout the island of Java and we had several more encounters with demon spirits. The greatest thing I learned was that it was not me personally in the conflict but it was Christ within me.
Also, it was not the possessed person with whom I battled but the devils within them.
I discovered there was no reason for fear because God never loses a battle. I found that though the possessed might scream and tear themselves they did not seek to harm me or touch me. In most cases the demons wanted to run away and not confront me at all. My authority for exorcism was found in the Word of God. The great commission of our Lord and Savior commanded His disciples, including those in the church today, to cast out devils (Mark 16:1517). This became my Gibraltar of spiritual strength.
From these early experiences in the Orient, which I believe came providentially, I discovered that when I faced a deep problem and the kingdom of God was challenged, God always came through and performed mighty miracles to set the captive free from Satan’s power.
Short Prayer for Self-Deliverance.
“Lord Jesus Christ, I believe You died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You redeemed me by Your blood and I belong to You, and I want to live for You. I confess all my sins-known and unknown- I’m sorry for them all. I renounce them all. I forgive all others as I want You to forgive me. Forgive me now and cleanse me with Your blood. I thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now from all sin. And I come to You now as my deliverer. You know my special needs-the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles; that evil spirit, that unclean spirit—I claim the promise of Your word, “Whosoever that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” I call upon You now. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from you, in the name of Jesus, and I command you to leave me right now in Jesus’ name. Amen!”
Let it come from your heart and see the salvation of the Lord!
Are You Sick or in need of deliverance and restoration?
For those who are sick or unwell in whatever shape or form, or needing deliverance? Or restoration, kindly touch the dot below in faith (Faith is seeing the precise positive outcome of your current situation, knowing that Jesus has done His part more than 2000 years ago to secure your healing and deliverance, restoration as a down payment, trusting that that down payment is available to you to draw from, like a positive balance in your checking account with the bank, no questions asked as we agree with you and pronounce BE HEALED in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen)
By the authority, you have granted unto me and unto them, I exercise that authority now in faith with their anger against the enemy and hunger to get what you have freely given unto them all, I curse every illness, every disease, be it cancer, COVID 19, be it spirit of infirmities, be it demonic possession or oppression, be it the spirit of poverty, setbacks, delayed fulfilment of what God has already determined and released. We come against the anomaly, I bind them, we curse them to their root and we cast them out by authority in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. We call forth a release of healing, deliverance and restoration into their lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for testimonies that are abiding to your glory and honour and adoration. Thank you for souls that are being added to Your kingdom as a result of this message, the miracles that we are already seeing right now and manifesting for your glory in Jesus name, Amen. It is done! Rejoice!
Touch this spot highlighted as a point of contact and confess with your mouth – I AM HEALED, I AM DELIVERED and I AM RESTORED in my Spirit, Soul, Body and all around me in the name of JESUS Christ, Amen!!!
Begin to do what you could not do before and begin to confess until full healing, deliverance restoration becomes a fruit in your life in Jesus name, amen. Stay hungry for all of God, stay angry and take back all that the enemy has held back in Jesus name, amen
Testify to the healing for God’s glory and to the shame of the enemy! Send us an email or whatsapp us if you still need us to agree with you on the issue. And connect at the equipping series starting next week Thursday. Find detail shortly on our website!
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Have a blessed and awesome week in Him as always!
Amb. Monday O. Ogbe
Otakada Cyber Church Ministries Inc
Originally posted on April 4, 2021 @ 12:08 pm