Interview with Ravi Zacharias on Homosexuality
Discipleship For Same-Sex Attractions
Online Discipleship Program for men and women struggling With Unwanted Same-Sex Attractions
A Journey to Sexual and Relational Wholeness
Our culture and some churches, in the past decade, have taken a supporting and affirming position on homosexuality as a legitimate, biological life, positive way of life. However, many men and women who struggle with same-sex desire believe homosexuality as being outside God’s plan and will for their life and desire a way out.
Taking Back Ground is a discipleship program developed by Phil Hobizal, founder of Portland Fellowship. The purpose of the program is to glorify Jesus Christ by proclaiming His desire and incredible power to free people from sexual and relational brokenness. Such freedom begins with repentance from sin and faith in Christ as Savior and Lord. Many who seek healing have been wounded by past hurts and taken captive by the desire to fulfill unmet needs for love and affirmation through same-sex attractions and relationships.
Taking Back Ground helps equip men and women to walk in freedom from these desires as transformation takes place. ‘Freedom’ does not mean you won’t struggle or get tempted, but it does mean that as you walk closer to the Lord and lay down your own life, your own will, your own way of relating, you began to learn God’s good and perfect will and plan for your life. As we live, each day, in His will, we experience all He has for us, even as the enemy attacks and discourages. Freedom in Christ is living a victorious life, an abundant life. God desires this for all his children. If you feel you are not living a victorious life, walk closer to him, through this series, and find the hope, that can only be found only in Christ.
Whether we are mindful of it or not, all of life is a journey. We are all going somewhere. Many of us have felt that we had no power in the outcome of that journey – then Christ came into our lives as Redeemer, as Savior and as our friend.
For those struggling with same-sex attractions, there has been little hope offered for changing the outcome. The “dark ages” of the past condemned us to a life of shame and secrecy. We have now entered into an era of “enlightenment” if you will. In pendulum fashion, society has abandoned a perspective given to us by the Bible of a sexuality confined to a heterosexual covenant, to the embracing of nearly any form of consensual sexuality.
And yet, God has not been silent to the cries of those individuals wanting freedom from homosexual feelings and behavior. Many have experienced the power of Christ to address the deep needs of men and women trapped in same-sex struggles. With each year that passes, more understanding is being given to offer tangible hope for those courageous enough to take the journey away from homosexuality. Taking Back Ground is a discipleship series that becomes a journey for those wanting to know the power of Christ to change an identity. Hundreds of people over the years have participated in this series. Their lives and their courage to walk in a way contrary to the moment in our culture have helped shape the contents of this program.
The name, Taking Back Ground, is a statement of faith. God did not make us homosexual. It is the result of many factors which have culminated into a distorted self-image. By faith we set out to “take back” our true identities in Christ as His sons and daughters. The foundation of who we are – that ground – then becomes a solid place for us to build for our futures – a future that reflects Christ’s intent for our lives.
We invite you to join with others who have gone before you, to experience the life-giving power of the love of Christ. Journey with us as we seek to be His disciples.
TBG is an online discipleship program for men and women struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions.
We are glad that you found Taking Back Ground and are considering going on this journey to seek hope, encouragement, and a transformed life in Christ.
Many people, worldwide, struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions and are seeking a new life in Christ (new behaviors, new thoughts, and a new identity). It’s not an accident that you have landed here and we know God will continue to lead you on this amazing journey.
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Originally posted on April 25, 2018 @ 12:09 am