Part 37 – Get Answers to Forty-one (41) Questions whilst Reading Meditating and gaining a heart of understanding before you witness Christ to a Muslim and other religions for that matter for that is your freedom and freedom for others

#healing #deliverance #restoration #enoughisenough #greaterexploits #meditation #Christians #Deliverance #captivity #Freedom #muslim #islam #christians #questionsanswers Tuesday 20th, July 2021 Otakada Content Count 2,220,400 Podcast link:—Get-Answers-to-Forty-One-41-Questions-concerning-Islam-and-Muslims-before-WITNESSING-e14r8pj

Part 25 – My Five (5) EXPERIENCES for Your application of How a prostate cancer patient was healed in 6 months + God’s call to Personal REPENTANCE on five (5) levels + Smith Wigglesworth on Gods call to UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER and Healing of a woman after 12 months of PERSISTENT FAITH

#Healing #Deliverance #Restoration #freedom #captivity #Storms #fear #faith #goiter #ProstateCancer #testimony #patience #experience #tribulation #repentance #repent #salvation #justification #sanctification #health #wholeness Sunday, 23rd of May

Part 8 – Where on earth is God’s WILL and SOVEREIGNTY in all of this talk on FREEDOM? Why is that not EVERYONE we pray for is HEALED DELIVERED or RESTORED? Why are some GRADUAL or PARTIAL? What are the Hindrances to HEALING, DELIVERANCE and RESTORATION? And Some Do’s and Don’ts + One (1) Story to Substantiate this title and break the grip of the spirit of fear – Part 8

Part 8 – Where on earth is God’s WILL and SOVEREIGNTY in all of this talk on FREEDOM? Why is that not EVERYONE we pray

Part 5 & 6 -Enough is Enough to Captivity of Satan and Welcome to the Freedom in Christ Jesus – Seven (7) critical steps to deliverance + How to Identify and Expel Demon Groupings and Vision of The Final Conflict and How to prevail Strategically on Four (4) Frontlines of Engagement – Part 5 & Part 6 #Captivity #freedom #healing #deliverance #Restoration #Peace #Joy #SpiritualWarfare #spirit #soul #Body #Angels #Demons #ContrarySpirit #Groupings #Jesus #satan

Part 5 & 6 -Enough is Enough to Captivity of Satan and Welcome to the Freedom in Christ Jesus – Seven (7) critical steps to

Speech delivered on Papua New Guinea day of National Repentance – 26th of August 2022 – The Need for Triple R – Reconciliation, Restitution and Repentance for the people of Papua New Guinea

#NationalRepentance #repentanceDay #Bub-und-Bettag #Png #PapuaNewGuinea #Repentance #NationalHoliday   Date – Friday, 26th of August 2022 Blog Link: Youtube Link : Podcast Link:–26th-of-August-2022—Triple-R-e1mvp3m