Part 39 & 40 –  Enough is Enough to Captivity of Satan and welcome to Freedom in Christ Jesus – Strive to get into and remain in the TEN TIMES BETTER RANGE; Strive for PERFECTION and not EXCELLENCE in your calling in God and Life Affairs + A Review of the 40 titles covered in this series and a final closure with links

#Healing #Deliverance #Restoration #EnoughisEnough #GreaterExploits #Excellence #Perfection #10timesbetter #TenTimesBetter #Strive #Daniel #Abraham #Noah #Moses #Jesus #Lucifer #Satan #Prayer #Freedom #Lockdown #TheEnd Sunday 8th, August 2021-

Part 33 – Can Spirit Filled Christians be under the influence of Demonic, Evil Entities? C + How People including Christians Get Exposed to the Dark Realm and need of Holy Spirit Baptism + Get the Nine (9) Step Process SCRIPT to Total Self Deliverance + One (1) testimony of deliverance from Exposure to Rock Music for application

#healing #deliverance #restoration #enoughisenough #greaterexploits #DemonicOppression #DerekPrince #truestory #testimony #cult #meditation #memorization #trust #faith #SpiritFilled #Christians #script #DeliveranceScript Sunday 27th, June 2021 Otakada Content Count

Part 32 – Can Spirit Filled Christians be under the influence of Demonic, Evil Entities? B + What is the Nexus between Memorization, Meditation, Trust, Greater Exploits and Demonic Oppression? + Three (3) MAJOR testimonies stories of deliverance amongst spirit filled Christians by Derek Prince

#healing #deliverance #restoration #enoughisenough #greaterexploits #DemonicOppression #DerekPrince #truestory #testimony #cult #meditation #memorization #trust #faith #SpiritFilled #Christians Friday 25th, June 2021 Otakada Content Count 2,220,328 Podcast

Part 30 – Can God be trusted? Let Go and Let God Catch You midstream! – Get Seven Rock Solid Steps to an Enduring Trust in God for Exploits in your life and that of others!

#LetGo #LetGod #trust #TrustGod #healing #deliverance #restoration #enoughisenough #greaterexploits Wednesday 16th, June 2021 Otakada Content Count 2,220,324 Podcast link:—Let-Go-and-Let-God-Catch-You-midstream—Get-Seven-Rock-Solid-Steps-to-an-Enduring-Trust-e130ng4 YouTube link: Blog link:

Part 28 – Where does “Greater Exploits” fit in the context of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the end of days and where are we missing it so badly? + How can You and I be fruitful unto abundant fruitfulness that remains even unto the end? + The Story of my Encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and His burden put upon me for Unity in His body + My Engagement with Late Prophet TB Joshua, the Man of God and My tribute to Him

#Healing #Deliverance #Restoration #freedom #captivity #Storms #fear #faith# testimony #patience #experience #persecution #Nigeria #Collapse #Understanding #unity #Nation #Church #Jesus #Prophecy #church #ethnicity #diversity #prayer #GreaterExploits

Part 25 – My Five (5) EXPERIENCES for Your application of How a prostate cancer patient was healed in 6 months + God’s call to Personal REPENTANCE on five (5) levels + Smith Wigglesworth on Gods call to UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER and Healing of a woman after 12 months of PERSISTENT FAITH

#Healing #Deliverance #Restoration #freedom #captivity #Storms #fear #faith #goiter #ProstateCancer #testimony #patience #experience #tribulation #repentance #repent #salvation #justification #sanctification #health #wholeness Sunday, 23rd of May

Part 23 – The MEAT of the MATTER is the MATTER of the MEAT – MMMM How do YOU and I stake up? 7 Self-Transforming Scriptures to Meditate on + Retaining Overflowing State in the Holy Spirit and Avoiding Excesses! #Meat

#Healing #Delivernace #Restoration #BOLDNESS #FEARLESSNESS #freedom #SmithWigglesworth #HolySpiritBaptism #GiftoftheSPirit #Meat #Flesh #WorksoftheFlesh #Fruit #FruitoftheSpirit Sunday, 16th of May 2021 Otakada content count 2,220,306 Podcast Link:

Part 18 – The Secrets to becoming a man or woman after God’s heart that grants unfettered Access 24/7 to His presence + Worship as warfare by Faith Igwe and Segun Lawal of spirit of David

Saturday, 24th of April 2021 Otakada Content Count 2,220,258 Podcast Link:—The-Secrets-to-becoming-a-man-or-woman-after-Gods-heart-that-grants-unfettered-Access-24-evibju Youtube link: Blog link: Prayer and fasting for Church and Leadership day

Part 10 – WHO AM I? Who are You in Christ Jesus? What must we do about it to truly live in Freedom in Christ Jesus? – Jackie Chan’s story + Lester Sumrall Displays Who He is in three (3) stories – Deliverance of Cornelio The Twelve-year-old disappearing and Reappearing boy and other stories to build up Your faith and mine that it is POSSIBLE You are born this!

Part 10 – WHO AM I? Who are You in Christ Jesus? What must we do about it to truly live in Freedom in Christ

Part 9 – Receive Answers to Common Questions on healing, deliverance, and restoration + Practical Guidelines to Ministering Healing, Deliverance, and Restoration + Synthesis of Schizophrenia as revealed by the Holy Spirit to Ida Mae Hammond and how to deal with the spirit

Part 9 – Receive Answers to Common Questions on healing, deliverance, and restoration + Practical Guidelines to Ministering Healing Deliverance and Restoration + Synthesis of

Part 8 – Where on earth is God’s WILL and SOVEREIGNTY in all of this talk on FREEDOM? Why is that not EVERYONE we pray for is HEALED DELIVERED or RESTORED? Why are some GRADUAL or PARTIAL? What are the Hindrances to HEALING, DELIVERANCE and RESTORATION? And Some Do’s and Don’ts + One (1) Story to Substantiate this title and break the grip of the spirit of fear – Part 8

Part 8 – Where on earth is God’s WILL and SOVEREIGNTY in all of this talk on FREEDOM? Why is that not EVERYONE we pray