Part 28 – Where does “Greater Exploits” fit in the context of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the end of days and where are we missing it so badly? + How can You and I be fruitful unto abundant fruitfulness that remains even unto the end? + The Story of my Encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and His burden put upon me for Unity in His body + My Engagement with Late Prophet TB Joshua, the Man of God and My tribute to Him

#Healing #Deliverance #Restoration #freedom #captivity #Storms #fear #faith# testimony #patience #experience #persecution #Nigeria #Collapse #Understanding #unity #Nation #Church #Jesus #Prophecy #church #ethnicity #diversity #prayer #GreaterExploits

Lets Talk About Sex in Relationships – I can have sex with whoever and whatever I want What the hell is WRONG with that?

#Discipleship #Question&Answer #Q&A #Christianity #Homosexuality #Lesbianism #SameSexCouple #SameSexMarriages #DisciplingSamSexCouples #GayRelationships #Immorality #Trap #Entrapment #Sex #Adultery #Fornication #Relationship #Emotions #Entanglement #Quora #BillyGraham #JoyMcMillan #LoisMowday #StayPure

Perfect Discipleship in Perfect Words, Works and Wonders: Eight (8) Tell Tale Signs Leaders are not making disciples and Why + The Story of Three (3) Luxury Car Motor Mechanic Workshop Owner Managers and their Trainee Workers – Eng. Okey, Engr. Emeka and Engr. Femi + Visions for Leadership and the Churches – Lack of Contentment and Entering Gods rest

#Disciples #Discipleship #GoMakeDisciples #DiscipleMakingPrinciples #PerfectDiscipleship #RevivalandUnity #Revival #unity #AfricanChurches #AmericanChurches #EuropeanChurches #AsianChurches #Churchesinthenations #Church #LuxuryCars #MechanicWorkshop #tithe #offering #firstfruits #Sacrificialseeds #OsinachiNwachukwu #Dunamis #PlateauMassacre #contentment #GodsRest