Revival and Unity – Occupy Till I Come – Nationwide Spiritual Tour Insights 3 of 3: Ain’t I the light and the salt of the earth? So why is there so much mess in and around my world? What can I do practically to get my fire burning and keep my light on continually so that I can occupy till you come in WORDS, WORKS, and WONDERS? 40 of 40

Revival and Unity – Occupy Till I Come – Nationwide Spiritual Tour Insights 3 of 3: Ain’t I the light and the salt of the

Revival and Unity – Occupy Till I Come – Nationwide Spiritual Tour Insights 2 of 3: Is it ok to take the life of our enemies or cause their downfall if they become a hindrance to our success in anyway? Are those succeeding in these occupation in Your household partnering with you or not?; How do I commune with God?; How do I know and walk in the WAYs of God? 39 of 40

Revival and Unity – Occupy Till I Come – Nationwide Spiritual Tour Insights 2 of 3: Is it ok to take the life of our

Revival and Unity – Occupy Till I Come – Nationwide Spiritual Tour Insights 1 of 3: Where are the Apostles the Prophets the Evangelists the Pastors and the Teachers in your midst? Are they equipping or are they showing off their gifts?

#revival #unity #occupy #time #insight Friday, 29th of October 2021 Otakada Content Count 2,220,426 Blog link: podcast Link :—Revival–Unity—Nationwide-Spiritual-Tour—Where-are-the-Apostles–Prophets–Te-e19opgt YouTube link: Nationwide