6 KINDS of Prayer without Beating about the BUSH on your knees by Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe – GEMS

6 KINDS of Prayer without Beating about the BUSH on your knees by Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe - GEMS

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6 KINDS of Prayer without Beating about the BUSH on your knees by Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe - GEMS

6 KINDS of Prayer without Beating about the BUSH on your knees by Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe – GEMS

Youtube link – https://youtu.be/FyNNchBU3MI

Podcast link – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/wB9p4H4mdBb

Blog Link – https://www.otakada.org/6-kinds-of-prayer-without-beating-about-the-bush-on-your-knees-by-ambassador-monday-o-ogbe-gems/

Jesus was a living, breathing example of a prayer machine from heaven and we can’t afford to do less than He did if we must accomplish anything for the kingdom just as He did!

Get more details, or for prayer request, visit God’s Eagle Ministries (GEM) at our website at https://www.otakada.org or info@otakada.org

Shalom! Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

God’s Eagle Ministries (GEMS)



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