30 Indisputable Reasons for Unanswered Prayers – LOVE them to your SETBACK – Amb. Monday O. Ogbe GEM

30 Indisputable Reasons for Unanswered Prayers - LOVE them to your SETBACK - Amb. Monday O. Ogbe GEM

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Friday, 30th of June 2023

30 Indisputable Reasons for Unanswered Prayers - LOVE them to your SETBACK - Amb. Monday O. Ogbe GEM

Youtube link- https://youtu.be/lxZSBG-lQMs

Podcast link – https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/otakada/episodes/10-Indisputable-Hindrances-to-Prayer-You-Should-Avoid-Like-a-Plague—Amb–Monday-O–Ogbe—GEMS-e26ddu0

Blog link – https://www.otakada.org/10-indisputable-hindrances-to-prayer-you-should-avoid-like-a-plague-amb-monday-o-ogbe-gems/

30 Indisputable Reasons for Unanswered Prayers – LOVE them to your SETBACK – Amb. Monday O. Ogbe GEM

Get more details, visit God’s Eagle Ministries (GEM) at our website at https://www.otakada.org or info@otakada.org

Shalom! Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

God’s Eagle Ministries (GEMS)



+13022686313 (Voicemail)

+2348032835348 (Whatsapp)

Partnership – https://www.otakada.org/partnership-giving/

Direct Link – https://tithe.ly/give?c=308311

Tags – Prayer, Prayers, Praying, Prevailing prayer, Prevailing prayers, Need for prayer, Reasons for prayers, Reasons 4 prayers, Needs 4 prayer, Fervent prayer, Fervent, Prayer request, Pray for the world, Pray for africa, Prayer for nations, Prayer for countries, Prayers for healing, Prayer for all, Pray, Prayer for family, Prayer for parent, Prayer for children, Prayer for the day, Prayer for the continents, Pray for presidents, Prayers for leaders, Prayers for deliverance, Prayers for restoration, Prayer for Americas, Prayer for Europe, Prayer for Middle East, Prayer for Asia, Prayer for Oceania, Prayer for Australia, Prayer for New Zealand, Prayer for Papua New Guinea, Prayer for the Islands of the Seas, Prayers for Ministers of the Gospel, Prayers for the Church Prayer for Prime Ministers, Prayers for Revival, Prayers for birthdays, Prayers for anniversaries, Prayers for Business, Prayer for Career, Prayers for Exams, Prayers for Marriages, Prayers for Couples Prayers for Singles, Prayers for Widows, Prayers for Widowers, Prayers for the bereaved, Prayers for repentance, Prayers for Forgiveness, Prayers for Success, Prayers for Mercy, Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe, hindrance to prayer

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